require 'beaker/platform' require 'spec_helper' module Beaker describe Vagrant do let(:options) do make_opts.merge({ 'logger' => double.as_null_object, :hosts_file => 'sample.cfg', :forward_ssh_agent => true, }) end let(:vagrant) {, options) } before :each do @hosts = make_hosts({ mount_folders: { test_temp: { from: './', to: '/temp' }, test_tmp: { from: '../', to: '/tmp' } }, forwarded_ports: { http: { from: 10_080, to: 80 }, ssl: { from: 4443, to: 443 }, tomcat: { from: 8080, to: 8080 } }, platform:'centos-8-x86_64') }) end it 'stores the vagrant file in $WORKINGDIR/.vagrant/beaker_vagrant_files/beaker_sample.cfg' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) expect(path).to be === File.join(Dir.pwd, '.vagrant', 'beaker_vagrant_files', 'beaker_sample.cfg') end it 'can make a Vagrantfile for a set of hosts' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) puts "file is #{path}\n" expect(vagrantfile).to be === <<~EOF Vagrant.configure("2") do |c| c.ssh.insert_key = false c.vm.define 'vm1' do |v| v.vm.hostname = 'vm1' = 'vm2vm1_of_my_box' v.vm.box_url = '' v.vm.box_check_update = 'true' :private_network, ip: "ip.address.for.vm1", :netmask => "" v.vm.synced_folder './', '/temp', create: true v.vm.synced_folder '../', '/tmp', create: true :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 10080 :forwarded_port, guest: 443, host: 4443 :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 v.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', '1024', '--cpus', '1', '--audio', 'none'] end end c.vm.define 'vm2' do |v| v.vm.hostname = 'vm2' = 'vm2vm2_of_my_box' v.vm.box_url = '' v.vm.box_check_update = 'true' :private_network, ip: "ip.address.for.vm2", :netmask => "" v.vm.synced_folder './', '/temp', create: true v.vm.synced_folder '../', '/tmp', create: true :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 10080 :forwarded_port, guest: 443, host: 4443 :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 v.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', '1024', '--cpus', '1', '--audio', 'none'] end end c.vm.define 'vm3' do |v| v.vm.hostname = 'vm3' = 'vm2vm3_of_my_box' v.vm.box_url = '' v.vm.box_check_update = 'true' :private_network, ip: "ip.address.for.vm3", :netmask => "" v.vm.synced_folder './', '/temp', create: true v.vm.synced_folder '../', '/tmp', create: true :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 10080 :forwarded_port, guest: 443, host: 4443 :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 v.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', '1024', '--cpus', '1', '--audio', 'none'] end end end EOF end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with ssh agent forwarding enabled' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts({}, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/(ssh.forward_agent = true)/) end it 'can replace underscores in with hypens' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) host = make_host('name-with_underscore', {}) vagrant.make_vfile([host,], options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/v.vm.hostname = .*name-with-underscore/) end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with synced_folder disabled' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts({ synced_folder: 'disabled' }, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/v.vm.synced_folder .* disabled: true/) end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with network mac specified' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts({ network_mac: 'b6:33:ae:19:48:f9' }, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/ :private_network, ip: "ip.address.for.vm1", :netmask => "", :mac => "b6:33:ae:19:48:f9/) end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with improper keys for synced folders' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts({ mount_folders: { test_invalid1: { host_path: '/invalid1', container_path: '/invalid1' }, test_invalid2: { from: '/invalid2', container_path: '/invalid2' }, test_invalid3: { host_path: '/invalid3', to: '/invalid3' }, test_valid: { from: '/valid', to: '/valid' } } }, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).not_to match(/v.vm.synced_folder '', '', create: true/) expect(vagrantfile).not_to match(%r{v.vm.synced_folder '/invalid2', '', create: true}) expect(vagrantfile).not_to match(%r{v.vm.synced_folder '', '/invalid3', create: true}) expect(vagrantfile).to match(%r{v.vm.synced_folder '/valid', '/valid', create: true}) end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with optional shell provisioner' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) shell_path = '/path/to/shell/script' hosts = make_hosts({ shell_provisioner: { path: shell_path } }, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/v.vm.provision 'shell', :path => '#{shell_path}'/) end it 'can make a Vagrantfile with optional shell provisioner with args' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) shell_path = '/path/to/shell/' shell_args = 'arg1 arg2' hosts = make_hosts({ shell_provisioner: { path: shell_path, args: shell_args } }, 1) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/v.vm.provision 'shell', :path => '#{shell_path}', :args => '#{shell_args}'/) end it 'raises an error if path is not set on shell_provisioner' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts({ shell_provisioner: {} }, 1) expect do vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) raise_error RuntimeError, /No path defined for shell_provisioner or path empty/ end it 'raises an error if path is EMPTY on shell_provisioner' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) empty_shell_path = '' hosts = make_hosts({ shell_provisioner: { path: empty_shell_path } }, 1) expect do vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) raise_error RuntimeError, /No path defined for shell_provisioner or path empty/ end context 'when generating a windows config' do before do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) @hosts[0][:platform] = 'windows' vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) @generated_file =, 'Vagrantfile'))) end it 'has the proper port forwarding for RDP' do expect(@generated_file).to match / :forwarded_port, guest: 3389, host: 3389, id: 'rdp', auto_correct: true/ end it 'has the proper port forwarding for WinRM' do expect(@generated_file).to match / :forwarded_port, guest: 5985, host: 5985, id: 'winrm', auto_correct: true/ end it 'configures the guest type to windows' do expect(@generated_file).to match /v.vm.guest = :windows/ end it 'configures the guest type to use winrm' do expect(@generated_file).to match /v.vm.communicator = 'winrm'/ end it 'sets a non-default memsize' do expect(@generated_file).to match /'--memory', '2048',/ end end context 'when generating a freebsd config' do before do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) @hosts[0][:platform] = 'freebsd' vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) @generated_file =, 'Vagrantfile'))) end it 'has the proper ssh shell' do expect(@generated_file).to match / = 'sh'\n/ end it 'has the proper guest setting' do expect(@generated_file).to match /v.vm.guest = :freebsd\n/ end end it 'uses the memsize defined per vagrant host' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts, { 'vagrant_memsize' => 'hello!' }) generated_file =, 'Vagrantfile'))) match = generated_file.match(/vb.customize \['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', 'hello!', '--cpus', '1', '--audio', 'none'\]/) expect(match).to_not be nil end it 'uses the cpus defined per vagrant host' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts, { 'vagrant_cpus' => 'goodbye!' }) generated_file =, 'Vagrantfile'))) match = generated_file.match(/vb.customize \['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', '1024', '--cpus', 'goodbye!', '--audio', 'none'\]/) expect(match).to_not be nil end context 'port forwarding rules' do it 'supports all Vagrant parameters' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts( { forwarded_ports: { http: { from: 10_080, from_ip: '', to: 80, to_ip: '', protocol: 'udp' } } }, 1 ) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/ :forwarded_port, protocol: 'udp', guest_ip: '', guest: 80, host_ip: '', host: 10080/) end it 'supports supports from_ip' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts( { forwarded_ports: { http: { from: 10_080, from_ip: '', to: 80, } } }, 1 ) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/ :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host_ip: '', host: 10080/) end it 'supports all to_ip' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts( { forwarded_ports: { http: { from: 10_080, to: 80, to_ip: '', } } }, 1 ) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/ :forwarded_port, guest_ip: '', guest: 80, host: 10080/) end it 'supports all protocol' do path = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@vagrant_path) hosts = make_hosts( { forwarded_ports: { http: { from: 10_080, to: 80, protocol: 'udp' } } }, 1 ) vagrant.make_vfile(hosts, options) vagrantfile =, 'Vagrantfile'))) expect(vagrantfile).to match(/ :forwarded_port, protocol: 'udp', guest: 80, host: 10080/) end end it 'can generate a new /etc/hosts file referencing each host' do @hosts.each do |host| expect(vagrant).to receive(:get_domain_name).with(host).and_return('labs.lan') expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_etc_hosts).with(host, "\tlocalhost localhost.localdomain\nip.address.for.vm1\tvm1.labs.lan vm1\nip.address.for.vm2\tvm2.labs.lan vm2\nip.address.for.vm3\tvm3.labs.lan vm3\n").once end vagrant.hack_etc_hosts(@hosts, options) end context "can copy vagrant's key to root .ssh on each host" do it 'can copy to root on unix' do host = @hosts[0] host[:platform] = 'unix' expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('sudo su -c "cp -r .ssh /root/."').once expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('sudo fixfiles restore /root').once expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('sudo selinuxenabled').once vagrant.copy_ssh_to_root(host, options) end it 'can copy to Administrator on windows' do host = @hosts[0] host[:platform] = 'windows' expect(host).to receive(:is_cygwin?).and_return(true) expect(Command).to_not receive(:new).with('sudo fixfiles restore /root') expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('cp -r .ssh /cygdrive/c/Users/Administrator/.').once expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('chown -R Administrator /cygdrive/c/Users/Administrator/.ssh').once # This is checked on all platforms since Linux isn't called out specifically in the code # If this fails, nothing further is activated result =, '') result.exit_code = 1 expect(Command).to receive(:new).with('sudo selinuxenabled') allow(host).to receive(:exec).and_return(result) vagrant.copy_ssh_to_root(host, options) end end describe 'set_ssh_config' do let(:out) do <<-CONFIG Host #{name} HostName User vagrant Port 2222 UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null StrictHostKeyChecking no PasswordAuthentication no IdentityFile /home/root/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key IdentitiesOnly yes CONFIG end let(:host) { @hosts[0] } let(:name) { } let(:override_options) { {} } before :each do # FakeFS is just broken with Tempfile FakeFS.deactivate! Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@options).merge!(override_options) vagrant.instance_variable_set(:@vagrant_path, dir) state = double('state') allow(state).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) allow(Open3).to receive(:capture3).with({ 'RUBYLIB' => '', 'RUBYOPT' => '' }, 'vagrant', 'ssh-config', name).and_return([out, '', state]) vagrant.set_ssh_config(host, 'root') end end it 'sets the user to root' do expect(host['user']).to be === 'root' end it 'sets the ssh user to root' do expect(host['ssh']['user']).to be === 'root' end # This is because forward_ssh_agent is true by default it 'sets IdentitiesOnly to no' do expect(host['ssh'][:keys_only]).to be === false end context 'when :forward_ssh_agent is false' do let(:override_options) do { forward_ssh_agent: false } end it 'should keep IdentitiesOnly to yes' do expect(host['ssh'][:keys_only]).to be === true end end end context 'with options[:provision] = false' do let(:options) { super().merge(provision: false) } context 'when Vagrantfile does not exist' do it 'raises an error' do expect { vagrant.configure }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /no vagrant file was found/ end end it 'calls #set_all_ssh_config' do vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_all_ssh_config) vagrant.configure end end describe '#set_all_ssh_config' do before do allow(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config) end it 'calls #set_ssh_config' do @hosts.each do |host| expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, 'vagrant') expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, host['user']) end vagrant.set_all_ssh_config end it 'calls #copy_ssh_to_root' do @hosts.each do |host| expect(vagrant).to receive(:copy_ssh_to_root).with(host, options) end vagrant.set_all_ssh_config end it 'calls #enable_root_login' do @hosts.each do |host| expect(vagrant).to receive(:enable_root_login).with(host, options) end vagrant.set_all_ssh_config end it 'calls #hack_etc_hosts' do expect(vagrant).to receive(:hack_etc_hosts).with(@hosts, options) vagrant.set_all_ssh_config end end describe 'provisioning and cleanup' do before :each do expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('up').once @hosts.each do |host| host_prev_name = host['user'] expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, 'vagrant').once expect(vagrant).to receive(:copy_ssh_to_root).with(host, options).once expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, host_prev_name).once end expect(vagrant).to receive(:hack_etc_hosts).with(@hosts, options).once end it 'can provision a set of hosts' do options = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@options) expect(vagrant).to receive(:make_vfile).with(@hosts, options).once expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').never vagrant.provision end it 'destroys an existing set of hosts before provisioning' do vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').once vagrant.provision end it 'notifies user of failed provision' do vagrant.provision expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(options['logger']).to receive(:debug).with(/Vagrantfile/) expect { vagrant.provision }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'can cleanup' do expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').once expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).once vagrant.provision vagrant.cleanup end end describe 'provisioning and cleanup on windows' do before :each do expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('up').once @hosts.each do |host| host[:platform] = 'windows' host_prev_name = host['user'] expect(vagrant).not_to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, 'vagrant') expect(vagrant).not_to receive(:copy_ssh_to_root).with(host, options) expect(vagrant).to receive(:set_ssh_config).with(host, host_prev_name).once end expect(vagrant).to receive(:hack_etc_hosts).with(@hosts, options).once end it 'can provision a set of hosts' do options = vagrant.instance_variable_get(:@options) expect(vagrant).to receive(:make_vfile).with(@hosts, options).once expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').never vagrant.provision end it 'destroys an existing set of hosts before provisioning' do vagrant.make_vfile(@hosts) expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').once vagrant.provision end it 'can cleanup' do expect(vagrant).to receive(:vagrant_cmd).with('destroy --force').once expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).once vagrant.provision vagrant.cleanup end end end end