require "datagrid/drivers" require "active_support/core_ext/class/attribute" module Datagrid module Core def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do class_attribute :scope_value class_attribute :datagrid_attributes self.datagrid_attributes = [] end base.send :include, InstanceMethods end # self.included module ClassMethods def datagrid_attribute(name, &block) #:nodoc: unless datagrid_attributes.include?(name) block ||= lambda do |value| value end datagrid_attributes << name define_method name do instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end define_method :"#{name}=" do |value| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", end end end # Defines a scope at class level def scope(&block) if block self.scope_value = block else check_scope_defined! end end def driver #:nodoc: @driver ||= Drivers::AbstractDriver.guess_driver(scope).new end protected def check_scope_defined!(message = nil) message ||= "#{self}.scope is not defined" raise(Datagrid::ConfigurationError, message) unless scope_value end def inherited(child_class) super(child_class) child_class.datagrid_attributes = self.datagrid_attributes.clone end end # ClassMethods module InstanceMethods def initialize(attributes = nil, &block) super() if attributes self.attributes = attributes end if block_given? self.scope(&block) end end # Returns a hash of grid attributes including filter values # and ordering values def attributes result = {} self.datagrid_attributes.each do |name| result[name] = self[name] end result end # Alias for send method def [](attribute) self.send(attribute) end def []=(attribute, value) self.send(:"#{attribute}=", value) end # Returns a scope(e.g ActiveRecord::Relation) with all applied filters def assets driver.to_scope(scope) end def assign_attributes(attributes) attributes.each do |name, value| self[name] = value end self end alias attributes= assign_attributes def as_query attributes = self.attributes.clone attributes.each do |key, value| attributes.delete(key) if value.nil? end attributes end def paginate(*args, &block) # :nodoc: ::Datagrid::Utils.warn_once("#paginate is deprecated. Call it like object.assets.paginate(...).") self.assets.paginate(*args, &block) end # Redefines scope at instance level # # class MyGrid # scope { Article.order('created_at desc') } # end # # grid = # grid.scope do |scope| # scope.where(:author_id => # end # grid.assets # # => SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author_id = ? # # ORDER BY created_at desc # def scope(&block) if block_given? current_scope = scope self.scope_value = proc { Datagrid::Utils.apply_args(current_scope, &block) } self else check_scope_defined! end end # Resets current instance scope to default scope defined in a class def reset_scope scope(&self.class.scope_value) end def driver #:nodoc: self.class.driver end def check_scope_defined!(message = nil) #:nodoc: self.class.send :check_scope_defined!, message end end # InstanceMethods end end