require "fileutils" require_relative "./postprocess_cover" module IsoDoc module WordFunction module Postprocess # add namespaces for Word fragments WORD_NOKOHEAD = <<~HERE.freeze HERE def to_word_xhtml_fragment(xml) doc = ::Nokogiri::XML.parse(WORD_NOKOHEAD), xml, doc.root) end def table_note_cleanup(docxml) super # preempt html2doc putting MsoNormal there docxml.xpath("//p[not(self::*[@class])][ancestor::*[@class = 'Note']]") .each do |p| p["class"] = "Note" end end def postprocess(result, filename, dir) filename = filename.sub(/\.doc$/, "") header = generate_header(filename, dir) result = from_xhtml(cleanup(to_xhtml(textcleanup(result)))) toWord(result, filename, dir, header) @files_to_delete.each { |f| FileUtils.rm_f f } end def toWord(result, filename, dir, header) result = from_xhtml(word_cleanup(to_xhtml(result))) @wordstylesheet = wordstylesheet_update Html2Doc.process( result, filename: filename, imagedir: @localdir, stylesheet: @wordstylesheet&.path, header_file: header&.path, dir: dir, asciimathdelims: [@openmathdelim, @closemathdelim], liststyles: { ul: @ulstyle, ol: @olstyle } ) header&.unlink @wordstylesheet.unlink if @wordstylesheet.is_a?(Tempfile) end def wordstylesheet_update return if @wordstylesheet.nil? f =, "a") @landscapestyle.empty? or f.write(@landscapestyle) if @wordstylesheet_override && @wordstylesheet f.write( @wordstylesheet_override.close elsif @wordstylesheet_override && !@wordstylesheet @wordstylesheet = @wordstylesheet_override end f.close @wordstylesheet end def word_admonition_images(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'Admonition']//img").each do |i| i["width"], i["height"] = Html2Doc.image_resize(i, image_localfile(i), @maxheight, 300) end end def word_cleanup(docxml) word_annex_cleanup(docxml) word_preface(docxml) word_nested_tables(docxml) word_colgroup(docxml) word_table_align(docxml) word_table_separator(docxml) word_admonition_images(docxml) word_list_continuations(docxml) word_example_cleanup(docxml) word_pseudocode_cleanup(docxml) word_image_caption(docxml) word_section_breaks(docxml) authority_cleanup(docxml) word_footnote_format(docxml) docxml end def word_colgroup(docxml) cells2d = {} docxml.xpath("//table[colgroup]").each do |t| w = colgroup_widths(t) t.xpath(".//tr").each_with_index { |_tr, r| cells2d[r] = {} } t.xpath(".//tr").each_with_index do |tr, r| tr.xpath("./td | ./th").each_with_index do |td, _i| x = 0 rs = td&.attr("rowspan")&.to_i || 1 cs = td&.attr("colspan")&.to_i || 1 while cells2d[r][x] x += 1 end (r..(r + rs - 1)).each do |y2| (x..(x + cs - 1)).each do |x2| cells2d[y2][x2] = 1 end end width = (x..(x + cs - 1)).each_with_object({ width: 0 }) do |z, m| m[:width] += w[z] end td["width"] = "#{width[:width]}%" x += cs end end end end # assume percentages def colgroup_widths(table) table.xpath("./colgroup/col").each_with_object([]) do |c, m| m << c["width"].sub(/%$/, "").to_f end end def word_nested_tables(docxml) docxml.xpath("//table").each do |t| t.xpath(".//table").reverse.each do |tt| = tt.remove end end end def style_update(node, css) return unless node node["style"] = node["style"] ? node["style"].sub(/;?$/, ";#{css}") : css end def word_image_caption(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'FigureTitle' or @class = 'SourceTitle']") .each do |t| if t&.previous_element&.name == "img" img = t.previous_element t.previous_element.swap("


") end style_update(t&.previous_element, "page-break-after:avoid;") end end def word_list_continuations(docxml) list_add(docxml.xpath("//ul[not(ancestor::ul) and not(ancestor::ol)]"), 1) list_add(docxml.xpath("//ol[not(ancestor::ul) and not(ancestor::ol)]"), 1) end def list_add(xpath, lvl) xpath.each do |list| (list.xpath(".//li") - list.xpath(".//ol//li | .//ul//li")).each do |l| l.xpath("./p | ./div | ./table").each_with_index do |p, i| next if p.wrap(%{
}) end list_add(l.xpath(".//ul") - l.xpath(".//ul//ul | .//ol//ul"), lvl + 1) list_add(l.xpath(".//ol") - l.xpath(".//ul//ol | .//ol//ol"), lvl + 1) end end end def word_table_align(docxml) docxml.xpath("//td[@align]/p | //th[@align]/p").each do |p| next if p["align"] style_update(p, "text-align: #{p.parent['align']}") end end def word_table_separator(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'TableTitle']").each do |t| next unless t.children.empty? t["style"] = t["style"].sub(/;?$/, ";font-size:0pt;") t.children = " " end end def word_annex_cleanup(docxml); end def word_example_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'example']//p[not(@class)]").each do |p| p["class"] = "example" end end def word_pseudocode_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'pseudocode']//p[not(@class)]").each do |p| p["class"] = "pseudocode" end end # applies for

... def word_remove_pb_before_annex(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[p/br]").each do |d| /^WordSection\d+_\d+$/.match(d["class"]) or next d.elements[0].name == "p" && !d.elements[0].elements.empty? or next d.elements[0].elements[0].name == "br" && d.elements[0].elements[0]["style"] == "mso-special-character:line-break;page-break-before:always" or next d.elements[0].remove end end def word_footnote_format(docxml) # the content is in a[@epub:type = 'footnote']//sup, but in Word, # we need to inject content around the autonumbered footnote reference docxml.xpath("//a[@epub:type = 'footnote']").each do |x| footnote_reference_format(x) end docxml.xpath("//a[@class = 'TableFootnoteRef'] | "\ "//span[@class = 'TableFootnoteRef']").each do |x| table_footnote_reference_format(x) end docxml end end end end