module SproutCore # You can use these methods basically copy the contents of your templates # directory into a target location. module GeneratorHelper def apply_template(m, root_dir) root_dir template_directories.each do |d| File.join(root_dir,d) end template_files.each do |f| f_out = File.join(root_dir,f) if f =~ /\.rhtml$/ m.file f, f_out else m.template f, f_out end end end def template_directories template_files(true) end def template_files(directories=false, cur_dir=nil,cur_base=nil) if cur_dir.nil? cur_dir = File.join(spec.path,'templates') cur_base = '' end ret = [] Dir.foreach(cur_dir) do |x| next if (x == '.' || x == '..' || x == '.svn') base = cur_base + x dir = File.join(cur_dir,x) if ret << (cur_base + x) if directories ret += template_files(directories, dir, base + "/") else ret << (cur_base + x) if !directories end end return ret end def build_client_directories(m, path) parts = File.dirname(path).split('/') cpath = [] parts.each do |p| cpath << p File.join(cpath) end end # Convert the Ruby version of the class name to a JavaScript version. def client_class_name class_name.gsub('::','.') end def client_namespace parts = client_class_name.split('.') parts.pop return parts * '.' end def controller_class_name ret = client_class_name ret += 'Controller' unless ret =~ /Controller$/ ret end def controller_instance_name ret = controller_class_name.split('.') ret[ret.size-1] = ret.last.underscore.camelize(:lower) return ret * "." end def view_class_name ret = client_class_name ret += 'View' unless ret =~ /View$/ ret end # This will convert the file_name provided by Rails to one suitable for # the client. i.e. calendar/event => calendar/sub_dir/event def client_file_path(sub_dir, ext=nil, to_strip = nil, fp = nil) parts = (fp.nil? ? file_path : fp).split('/') # Determine the root dir. Search clients then frameworks. loc = @client_location # check for clients if loc.nil? client_path = File.join(destination_root, "clients") app_name = parts.first loc = "clients" if File.exists?(client_path) && end # check for frameworks if loc.nil? client_path = File.join(destination_root, "frameworks") app_name = parts.first loc = "frameworks" if File.exists?(client_path) && end loc = "clients" if loc.nil? # fallback path = parts.insert(parts.size-1,sub_dir).unshift(loc) * '/' # We want to stop the final part of the name for controllers and views. if to_strip && (path =~ /_#{to_strip}$/) path = path.slice(0,path.size - (to_strip.size + 1)) end [path,ext].compact * '.' end # Returns the base class name, which is the first argument or a default. def base_class_name(default_base_class_name = 'SC.Object') @args.first || default_base_class_name end ################### # Borrowed from Rails NamedBase attr_reader :name, :class_name, :singular_name, :plural_name attr_reader :class_path, :file_path, :class_nesting, :class_nesting_depth alias_method :file_name, :singular_name def assign_names!(name) @name = name base_name, @class_path, @file_path, @class_nesting, @class_nesting_depth = extract_modules(@name) @class_name_without_nesting, @singular_name, @plural_name = inflect_names(base_name) if @class_nesting.empty? @class_name = @class_name_without_nesting else @class_name = "#{@class_nesting}::#{@class_name_without_nesting}" end end # Extract modules from filesystem-style or ruby-style path: # good/fun/stuff # Good::Fun::Stuff # produce the same results. def extract_modules(name) modules = name.include?('/') ? name.split('/') : name.split('::') name = modules.pop path = { |m| m.underscore } file_path = (path + [name.underscore]).join('/') nesting = { |m| m.camelize }.join('::') [name, path, file_path, nesting, modules.size] end def inflect_names(name) camel = name.camelize under = camel.underscore plural = under.pluralize [camel, under, plural] end end end RubiGen::Base.send(:include,SproutCore::GeneratorHelper)