require 'helper' require 'thor/runner' describe Thor::Runner do def when_no_thorfiles_exist old_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir '..' delete = {|e| e.namespace == 'default' } delete.each {|e| Thor::Base.subclasses.delete e } yield Thor::Base.subclasses.concat delete Dir.chdir old_dir end describe "#help" do it "shows information about Thor::Runner itself" do expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["help"]) }).to match(/List the available thor commands/) end it "shows information about a specific Thor::Runner command" do content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["help", "list"]) } expect(content).to match(/List the available thor commands/) expect(content).not_to match(/help \[COMMAND\]/) end it "shows information about a specific Thor class" do content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["help", "my_script"]) } expect(content).to match(/zoo\s+# zoo around/m) end it "shows information about a specific command from a specific Thor class" do content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["help", "my_script:zoo"]) } expect(content).to match(/zoo around/) expect(content).not_to match(/help \[COMMAND\]/) end it "shows information about a specific Thor group class" do content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["help", "my_counter"]) } expect(content).to match(/my_counter N/) end it "raises error if a class/command cannot be found" do content = capture(:stderr){ Thor::Runner.start(["help", "unknown"]) } expect(content.strip).to eq('Could not find command "unknown" in "default" namespace.') end it "raises error if a class/command cannot be found for a setup without thorfiles" do when_no_thorfiles_exist do expect(Thor::Runner).to receive :exit content = capture(:stderr){ Thor::Runner.start(["help", "unknown"]) } expect(content.strip).to eq('Could not find command "unknown".') end end end describe "#start" do it "invokes a command from Thor::Runner" do ARGV.replace ["list"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to match(/my_counter N/) end it "invokes a command from a specific Thor class" do ARGV.replace ["my_script:zoo"] expect(Thor::Runner.start).to be_true end it "invokes the default command from a specific Thor class if none is specified" do ARGV.replace ["my_script"] expect(Thor::Runner.start).to eq("default command") end it "forwards arguments to the invoked command" do ARGV.replace ["my_script:animal", "horse"] expect(Thor::Runner.start).to eq(["horse"]) end it "invokes commands through shortcuts" do ARGV.replace ["my_script", "-T", "horse"] expect(Thor::Runner.start).to eq(["horse"]) end it "invokes a Thor::Group" do ARGV.replace ["my_counter", "1", "2", "--third", "3"] expect(Thor::Runner.start).to eq([1, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil]) end it "raises an error if class/command can't be found" do ARGV.replace ["unknown"] content = capture(:stderr){ Thor::Runner.start } expect(content.strip).to eq('Could not find command "unknown" in "default" namespace.') end it "raises an error if class/command can't be found in a setup without thorfiles" do when_no_thorfiles_exist do ARGV.replace ["unknown"] expect(Thor::Runner).to receive :exit content = capture(:stderr){ Thor::Runner.start } expect(content.strip).to eq('Could not find command "unknown".') end end it "does not swallow NoMethodErrors that occur inside the called method" do ARGV.replace ["my_script:call_unexistent_method"] expect{ Thor::Runner.start }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "does not swallow Thor::Group InvocationError" do ARGV.replace ["whiny_generator"] expect{ Thor::Runner.start }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /thor wrong_arity takes 1 argument, but it should not/) end it "does not swallow Thor InvocationError" do ARGV.replace ["my_script:animal"] content = capture(:stderr) { Thor::Runner.start } expect(content.strip).to eq(%Q'ERROR: "thor animal" was called with no arguments\nUsage: "thor my_script:animal TYPE"') end end describe "commands" do before do @location = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/command.thor" @original_yaml = { "random" => { :location => @location, :filename => "4a33b894ffce85d7b412fc1b36f88fe0", :namespaces => ["amazing"] } } root_file = File.join(Thor::Util.thor_root, "thor.yml") # Stub load and save to avoid thor.yaml from being overwritten allow(YAML).to receive(:load_file).and_return(@original_yaml) allow(File).to receive(:exists?).with(root_file).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:open).with(root_file, "w") end describe "list" do it "gives a list of the available commands" do ARGV.replace ["list"] content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start } expect(content).to match(/amazing:describe NAME\s+# say that someone is amazing/m) end it "gives a list of the available Thor::Group classes" do ARGV.replace ["list"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to match(/my_counter N/) end it "can filter a list of the available commands by --group" do ARGV.replace ["list", "--group", "standard"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to match(/amazing:describe NAME/) ARGV.replace [] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).not_to match(/my_script:animal TYPE/) ARGV.replace ["list", "--group", "script"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to match(/my_script:animal TYPE/) end it "can skip all filters to show all commands using --all" do ARGV.replace ["list", "--all"] content = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start } expect(content).to match(/amazing:describe NAME/) expect(content).to match(/my_script:animal TYPE/) end it "doesn't list superclass commands in the subclass" do ARGV.replace ["list"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).not_to match(/amazing:help/) end it "presents commands in the default namespace with an empty namespace" do ARGV.replace ["list"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to match(/^thor :cow\s+# prints 'moo'/m) end it "runs commands with an empty namespace from the default namespace" do ARGV.replace [":command_conflict"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to eq("command\n") end it "runs groups even when there is a command with the same name" do ARGV.replace ["command_conflict"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to eq("group\n") end it "runs commands with no colon in the default namespace" do ARGV.replace ["cow"] expect(capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start }).to eq("moo\n") end end describe "uninstall" do before do path = File.join(Thor::Util.thor_root, @original_yaml["random"][:filename]) expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(path) end it "uninstalls existing thor modules" do silence(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["uninstall", "random"]) } end end describe "installed" do before do expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return([]) end it "displays the modules installed in a pretty way" do stdout = capture(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["installed"]) } expect(stdout).to match(/random\s*amazing/) expect(stdout).to match(/amazing:describe NAME\s+# say that someone is amazing/m) end end describe "install/update" do before do allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p) allow(FileUtils).to receive(:touch) allow($stdin).to receive(:gets).and_return("Y") path = File.join(Thor::Util.thor_root, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@location + "random")) expect(File).to receive(:open).with(path, "w") end it "updates existing thor files" do path = File.join(Thor::Util.thor_root, @original_yaml["random"][:filename]) if path expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(path) else expect(File).to receive(:delete).with(path) end silence(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start(["update", "random"]) } end it "installs thor files" do ARGV.replace ["install", @location] silence(:stdout) { Thor::Runner.start } end end end end