module RightScale module Api module Gateway include RightScale::Api::Base def initialize(params = {}) @params = parse_params(params) end def parse_params(params = {}) params end def connection @@gateway_connection ||= settings = @@gateway_connection.settings settings[:common_headers]["X_API_VERSION"] = "1.5" settings[:api_href], account = settings[:api_url].split(/\/acct\//) if settings[:api_url].include?("acct") settings[:extension] = ".json" unless @@gateway_connection.cookie # login params = { "email" => settings[:user], "password" => settings[:pass], "account_href" => "/api/accounts/#{account}" } resp ="session", params) raise "ERROR: Login failed. #{resp.message}. Code:#{resp.code}" unless resp.code == "302" || resp.code == "204" @@gateway_connection.cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'] # test session resp = @@gateway_connection.get("session") raise "ERROR: Invalid session. #{resp["message"]}." unless resp.is_a?(Hash) end @@gateway_connection end def hash_of_links ret = {} unless @params['links']# and not (@params['nickname'] or @params['name']) @params = Kernel.const_get(self.class.to_s).find_by(:name) { |n| n == self.nickname }.first.params connection.logger("in hash_of_links: @params = #{@params.inspect}") if ENV['REST_CONNECT_DEBUG'] end @params['links'].each { |link| ret[link['rel']] = link['href'] } if @params['links'] ret end def href return @params['href'] if @params['href'] ret = nil unless @params['links'] raise "Cannot find attribute 'nickname' or 'name' in #{self.inspect}. Aborting." unless self.nickname @params = Kernel.const_get(self.class.to_s).find_by(:name) { |n| n == self.nickname }.first.params connection.logger("in href: @params = #{@params.inspect}") if ENV['REST_CONNECT_DEBUG'] end @params['links'].each { |link| ret = link['href'] if link['rel'] == 'self' } ret end def actions ret = [] unless @params['actions'] raise "Cannot find attribute 'nickname' or 'name' in #{self.inspect}. Aborting." unless self.nickname @params = Kernel.const_get(self.class.to_s).find_by(:name) { |n| n == self.nickname }.first.params connection.logger("in actions: @params = #{@params.inspect}") if ENV['REST_CONNECT_DEBUG'] end @params['actions'].each { |action| ret << action['rel'] } ret end def save update end def method_missing(method_name, *args) puts "DEBUG: method_missing in #{self.class.to_s}: #{method_name}" if ENV['REST_CONNECT_DEBUG'] mn = method_name.to_s assignment = mn.gsub!(/=/,"") mn_dash = mn.gsub(/_/,"-") if self[mn] if assignment self[mn] = args[0] self[mn_dash] = args[0] end return self[mn] elsif self[mn_dash] if assignment self[mn_dash] = args[0] self[mn] = args[0] end return self[mn_dash] elsif self[mn.to_sym] return self[mn.to_sym] elsif assignment self[mn] = args[0] self[mn_dash] = args[0] return self[mn] else return nil #raise "called unknown method #{method_name} with #{args.inspect}" end end def [](name) try_these = [name.to_s, name.to_s.gsub(/_/,'-'), name.to_sym] if try_these.include?(:nickname) try_these += ["name", :name] end try_these.each do |t| if @params[t] return @params[t] elsif hash_of_links[t] return hash_of_links[t] end end return nil end def []=(name,val) try_these = [name.to_s, name.to_s.gsub(/_/,'-'), name.to_sym] if try_these.include?(:nickname) try_these += ["name", :name] end try_these.each do |t| if @params[t] @params[t] = val elsif hash_of_links[t] @params['links'].each { |link| link['href'] = val if link['rel'] == t } end end val end def load(resource) if resource.is_a?(Class) param_string = resource.resource_singular_name class_name = resource elsif resource.is_a?(String) or resource.is_a?(Symbol) param_string = resource begin class_name = Kernel.const_get(resource.singularize.camelize) rescue class_name = Kernel.const_get("Mc#{resource.singularize.camelize}") end end if self[param_string].nil? return class_name.load_all(self[param_string.pluralize]) elsif param_string.pluralize == param_string return class_name.load_all(self[param_string]) else return class_name.load(self[param_string]) end end end module GatewayExtend include RightScale::Api::BaseExtend def connection @@gateway_connection ||= settings = @@gateway_connection.settings settings[:common_headers]["X_API_VERSION"] = "1.5" settings[:api_href], account = settings[:api_url].split(/\/acct\//) if settings[:api_url].include?("acct") settings[:extension] = ".json" unless @@gateway_connection.cookie # login params = { "email" => settings[:user], "password" => settings[:pass], "account_href" => "/api/accounts/#{account}" } resp ="session", params) raise "ERROR: Login failed. #{resp.message}. Code:#{resp.code}" unless resp.code == "302" || resp.code == "204" @@gateway_connection.cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'] # test session resp = @@gateway_connection.get("session") raise "ERROR: Invalid session. #{resp["message"]}." unless resp.is_a?(Hash) end @@gateway_connection end def find_by(attrib, *args, &block) attrib = :name if attrib == :nickname self.find_all(*args).select do |s| yield(s[attrib.to_s]) end end def find_all(*args) # self.find_with_filter(*args, {}) a = url = "#{parse_args(*args)}#{self.resource_plural_name}" connection.get(url).each do |object| a << end return a end def find_with_filter(*args) filter_params = [] filter = {} filter = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) filter.each { |key,val| filter_params << "#{key}==#{val}" } a = url = "#{parse_args(*args)}#{self.resource_plural_name}" connection.get(url, :filter => filter_params).each do |object| a << end return a end def load(url) return end def load_all(url) a = connection.get(url).each do |object| a << end return a end def parse_args() nil end def create(opts) location =, self.resource_singular_name.to_sym => opts) newrecord ='links' => [ {'rel' => 'self', 'href' => location } ]) newrecord.reload newrecord end end end end