![jazzy](images/logo.jpg) ![analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-50247013-2/jazzy/README?pixel) [![Build Status](https://circleci.com/gh/realm/jazzy.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/realm/jazzy) *jazzy is a command-line utility that generates documentation for Swift or Objective-C* ## About Both Swift and Objective-C projects are supported. *Objective-C support was recently added, so please report any issues you find.* Instead of parsing your source files, `jazzy` hooks into [Clang][clang] and [SourceKit][sourcekit] to use the [AST][ast] representation of your code and its comments for more accurate results. The output matches the look and feel of Apple’s official reference documentation, post WWDC 2014. ![Screenshot](images/screenshot.jpg) This project adheres to the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](https://realm.io/conduct). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [info@realm.io](mailto:info@realm.io). ## Requirements * A version of [Xcode][xcode] capable of building the project you wish to document. It must be installed in a location indexed by Spotlight for the `--swift-version` configuration option to succeed. ## Installation ```shell [sudo] gem install jazzy ``` ## Usage Run `jazzy` from your command line. Run `jazzy -h` for a list of additional options. If your Swift module is the first thing to build, and it builds fine when running `xcodebuild` without any arguments from the root of your project, then just running `jazzy` (without any arguments) from the root of your project should succeed too! You can set options for your project’s documentation in a configuration file, `.jazzy.yaml` by default. For a detailed explanation and an exhaustive list of all available options, run `jazzy --help config`. ### Supported keywords Swift documentation is written in markdown and supports a number of special keywords. For a complete list and examples, see Erica Sadun's post on [*Swift header documentation in Xcode 7*](http://ericasadun.com/2015/06/14/swift-header-documentation-in-xcode-7/), her [book on Swift Documentation Markup](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/swift-documentation-markup/id1049010423), and the [Xcode Markup Formatting Reference](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_markup_formatting_ref/). For Objective-C documentation the same keywords are supported, but note that the format is slightly different. In Swift you would write `- returns:`, but in Objective-C you write `@return`. See Apple's [*HeaderDoc User Guide*](https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/HeaderDoc/tags/tags.html) for more details. **Note: `jazzy` currently does not support _all_ Objective-C keywords listed in this document, only @param, @return, @warning, @see, and @note.** Jazzy can also generate cross-references within your documentation. A symbol name in backticks generates a link, for example: * \`MyClass\` - a link to documentation for `MyClass`. * \`MyClass.method(param1:)\` - a link to documentation for that method. * \`MyClass.method(...)\` - shortcut syntax for the same thing. * \`method(...)\` - shortcut syntax to link to `method` from the documentation of another method or property in the same class. * \`[MyClass method1]\` - a link to an Objective-C method. * \`-[MyClass method2:param1]\` - a link to another Objective-C method. ### Swift Swift documentation is generated by default. ##### Example This is how Realm Swift docs are generated: ```shell jazzy \ --clean \ --author Realm \ --author_url https://realm.io \ --github_url https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa \ --github-file-prefix https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/tree/v0.96.2 \ --module-version 0.96.2 \ --xcodebuild-arguments -scheme,RealmSwift \ --module RealmSwift \ --root-url https://realm.io/docs/swift/0.96.2/api/ \ --output docs/swift_output \ --theme docs/themes ``` ### Objective-C To generate documentation for Objective-C headers, you must pass the following parameters to jazzy: * `--objc` * `--umbrella-header ...` * `--framework-root ...` * `--sdk [iphone|watch|appletv][os|simulator]|macosx` (optional, default value of `macosx`) ##### Example This is how Realm Objective-C docs are generated: ```shell jazzy \ --objc \ --clean \ --author Realm \ --author_url https://realm.io \ --github_url https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa \ --github-file-prefix https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/tree/v2.2.0 \ --module-version 2.2.0 \ --xcodebuild-arguments --objc,Realm/Realm.h,--,-x,objective-c,-isysroot,$(xcrun --show-sdk-path),-I,$(pwd) \ --module Realm \ --root-url https://realm.io/docs/objc/2.2.0/api/ \ --output docs/objc_output \ --head "$(cat docs/custom_head.html)" ``` This is how the AFNetworking docs are generated: ```shell jazzy \ --objc \ --author AFNetworking \ --author_url http://afnetworking.com \ --github_url https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking \ --github-file-prefix https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/tree/2.6.2 \ --module-version 2.6.2 \ --umbrella-header AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h \ --framework-root . \ --module AFNetworking ``` ### Themes Two themes are provided with jazzy: `apple` (default) and `fullwidth`. Here's an example built with `apple`: Here's an example built with `fullwidth`: You can specify which theme to use by passing in the `--theme` option. You can also provide your own custom theme by passing in the path to your theme directory. ### Guides | Description | Command | | --- | --- | | Command line option | `--documentation={file pattern}` | | Example | `--documentation=Docs/*.md` | | jazzy.yaml example | `documentation: Docs/*.md` | Using the `--documentation` option, extra markdown files can be integrated into the generated docs and sidebar navigation. Any files found matching the file pattern will be parsed and included as a document with the type 'Guide' when generated. If the files are not included using the `custom_categories` config option, they will be grouped under 'Other Guides' in the sidebar navigation. There are a few limitations: - File names must be unique from source files. - Readme should be specified separately using the `readme_path` option. ### Section description abstracts | Description | Command | | --- | --- | | Command line option | `--abstract={file pattern}` | | Example | `--abstract=Docs/Sections/*.md` | | jazzy.yaml example | `abstract: Docs/Sections/*.md` | Using the `--abstract` options, extra markdown can be included after the heading of section overview pages. Think of it as a template include. The list of files matching the pattern is compared against the list of sections generated and if a match is found, it's contents will be included in that section before listing source output. Unlike the `--documentation` option, these files are not included in navigation and if a file does not match a section title, it is not included at all. This is very helpful when using `custom_categories` for grouping types and including relevant documentation in those sections. For an example of a project using both `--documentation` and `--abstract` see: [http://reswift.github.io/ReSwift/](http://reswift.github.io/ReSwift/) ### Controlling what is documented In Swift mode, Jazzy by default documents only `public` and `open` declarations. To include declarations with a lower access level, set the `--min-acl` flag to `internal`, `fileprivate`, or `private`. In Objective-C mode, Jazzy documents all declarations found in the `--umbrella-header` header file and any other header files included by it. You can then prevent some of these declarations from being documented using `--exclude` or `:nodoc:`. The `--exclude` flag lists source files to omit from the documentation. Entries in the list can be absolute pathnames beginning with `/` or relative pathnames. Relative pathnames are interpreted relative to the directory from where you run `jazzy` or, if the exclude flag is set in the config file, relative to the directory containing the config file. Entries in the list can match multiple files using `*` to match any number of characters including `/`. For example: * `jazzy --exclude=/Users/fred/project/Sources/Secret.swift` -- exclude a specific file * `jazzy --exclude=/*/Internal*` -- exclude all files with names that begin with *Internal* and any files under any directory with a name beginning *Internal*. * `jazzy --exclude=Impl1/*,Impl2/*` -- exclude all files under the directories *Impl1* and *Impl2* found in the current directory. Declarations with a documentation comment containing `:nodoc:` are excluded from the documentation. ## Troubleshooting #### Swift **Only extensions are listed in the documentation?** Check the `--min-acl` setting -- see [above](#controlling-what-is-documented). ## Development Please review jazzy's [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/realm/jazzy/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) when submitting pull requests. jazzy is composed of two parts: 1. The parser, [SourceKitten][SourceKitten] (written in Swift) 2. The site generator (written in ruby) To build and run jazzy from source: 1. Install [bundler][bundler]. 2. Run `bundle install` from the root of this repo. 3. Run jazzy from source by running `bin/jazzy`. Instructions to build SourceKitten from source can be found at [SourceKitten's GitHub repository][SourceKitten]. ## Design Goals - Generate source code docs matching Apple's official reference documentation - Support for standard Objective-C and Swift documentation comment syntax - Leverage modern HTML templating ([Mustache][mustache]) - Leverage the power and accuracy of the [Clang AST][ast] and [SourceKit][sourcekit] - Support for Dash docsets - Support Swift and Objective-C (*mixed projects are a work in progress*) ## License This project is released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/realm/jazzy/blob/master/LICENSE). ## About Jazzy is maintained and funded by Realm Inc. The names and logos for Realm are trademarks of Realm Inc. We :heart: open source software! See [our other open source projects](https://github.com/realm), read [our blog](https://realm.io/news) or say hi on twitter ([@realm](https://twitter.com/realm)). [clang]: http://clang.llvm.org "Clang" [sourcekit]: http://www.jpsim.com/uncovering-sourcekit "Uncovering SourceKit" [ast]: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/IntroductionToTheClangAST.html "Introduction To The Clang AST" [xcode]: https://developer.apple.com/xcode "Xcode" [SourceKitten]: https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten "SourceKitten" [bundler]: http://rubygems.org/gems/bundler [mustache]: http://mustache.github.io "Mustache"