version: 2.1 env-vars: &env-vars RAILS_ENV: test NODE_ENV: test BUNDLE_PATH: vendor/bundle orbs: ruby: circleci/ruby@0.1.2 browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.1.3 executors: main-executor: parameters: ruby-version: description: "Ruby version" default: "2.7" type: string docker: - image: circleci/ruby:<<parameters.ruby-version>>-node environment: *env-vars commands: setup: description: checkout code and install dependencies steps: - checkout - run: name: Install bundle dependencies command: | gem install bundler:2.2.15 bundle install jobs: lint: executor: main-executor steps: - setup - run: name: Install reviewdog command: | curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b ./bin - run: name: Get files to lint command: | mkdir tmp git diff origin/master --name-only --diff-filter=d > tmp/files_to_lint - run: name: Run rubocop shell: /bin/bash command: | cat tmp/files_to_lint | grep -E '.+\.(rb)$' | xargs bundle exec rubocop --force-exclusion \ | ./bin/reviewdog -reporter=github-pr-review -f=rubocop test: parameters: ruby-version: description: "Ruby version" default: "2.7" type: string executor: name: main-executor ruby-version: <<parameters.ruby-version>> steps: - setup - run: name: Run Tests command: | RSPEC_JUNIT_ARGS="-r rspec_junit_formatter -f RspecJunitFormatter -o test_results/rspec.xml" RSPEC_FORMAT_ARGS="-f progress --no-color -p 10" bundle exec rspec ./spec $RSPEC_FORMAT_ARGS $RSPEC_JUNIT_ARGS - store_test_results: path: test_results deploy: executor: main-executor steps: - setup - run: name: Setup rubygems command: bash .circleci/ - run: name: Publish to rubygems command: | GEM_FILE_NAME="gemaker-$(git describe --tags).gem" gem build gemaker.gemspec -o $GEM_FILE_NAME gem push $GEM_FILE_NAME workflows: version: 2 main: jobs: - lint: context: org-global - test: matrix: parameters: ruby-version: ["2.5", "2.6", "2.7"] - deploy: context: org-global filters: tags: only: /.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/