### Nest Inclusions An included markdown file can itself include more files. #### File To Be Included ```includee.md```: ```markdown Text for inclusion, and a nested inclusion. @[:markdown](nested_includee.md) ``` #### File For Nested Inclusion ```nested_includee.md```: ```markdown Text for nested inclusion. ``` #### Includer File ```includer.md```: ```markdown File to do nested inclusion. @[:markdown](includee.md) ``` #### CLI You can use the command-line interface to perform the inclusion. ##### Command ```sh markdown_helper include --pristine includer.md included.md ``` (Option ```--pristine``` suppresses comment insertion.) #### API You can use the API to perform the inclusion. ##### Ruby Code ```include.rb```: ```ruby require 'markdown_helper' # Option :pristine suppresses comment insertion. markdown_helper = MarkdownHelper.new(:pristine => true) markdown_helper.include('includer.md', 'included.md') ``` ##### Command ```sh ruby include.rb ``` #### File with Inclusion Here's the finished file with the inclusion and nested inclusion: ```included.md```: ```markdown File to do nested inclusion. Text for inclusion, and a nested inclusion. Text for nested inclusion. ```