# Your Webfaction username and password username = "myusername" password = "mypassword" # The email address which will be used to register with Let's Encrypt. letsencrypt_account_email = "me@example.com" # The ACME endpoint. Use the staging server until you get everything working. # Then switch to the production endpoint. You may want to run with the --force # command after switching to reissue all certificates. endpoint = "https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/" # Staging #endpoint = "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/" # Production # The URL to the WebFaction API. You should not change this under normal # circumstances. #api_url = "https://api.webfaction.com/" # The hostname of the server you are on. Should be autodetected and not need to # be changed. #servername = "web123" [[certificate]] # The list of domains for which the cert should be issued. The first will be # the common name. domains = [ "test.example.com", "test1.example.com", ] # Right now, only http01 is available. This is the default. #method = "http01" # The path to the root of your website. Can be an array as in the second example. public = "~/webapps/myapp/public_html" # public = [ # "~/webapps/myapp/public_html", # "~/webapps/myapp/public_html1", # ] # The name of your cert in the WebFaction admin interface. Will default to # the cert common name with the dots replaced by underscores. (Optional) # NOTE: If you change this and do not also rename it in the webfaction admin, # a new certificate will be issued. #name = "mycertname1" # The size of the private key. 4096 is the default. You can use 2048. #key_size = 4096 # A second certificate. All the same keys as above. You should create a # new [[certificate]] entry for every certificate you want issued. This is a # simplistic example. #[[certificate]] #domains = [ # "test2.example.com", # "test3.example.com", #] #public = "~/webapps/myapp/public_html" #name = "mycertname1"