# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `sixword` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem sixword`.
# Sixword, a binary encoder using the 6-word scheme from S/key standardized by
# RFC 2289, RFC 1760, and RFC 1751.
# All of the public methods are static methods on the Sixword module, for
# example {Sixword.encode} and {Sixword.decode}.
# The sixword command line interface and corresponding {Sixword::CLI}
# class is also very convenient for more complex use. It supports a variety of
# different styles for translating binary data and hexadecimal fingerprints.
# These hexadecimal methods are implemented in the {Sixword::Hex} module.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#1
module Sixword
class << self
# Decode a six-word encoded string or string array.
# @example
# >> Sixword.decode("ACRE ADEN INN SLID MAD PAP")
# => "Hi world"
# @example
# >> Sixword.decode("acre aden inn slid mad pap")
# => "Hi world"
# @example
# Sixword.decode(%w{ACRE ADEN INN SLID MAD PAP})
# => "Hi world"
# @example
# Sixword.decode([])
# => ""
# @example
# Sixword.decode("COAT ACHE A A A ACT6", padding_ok: true)
# => "hi"
# @option options
# @param string_or_words [String, Array] Either a String containing
# whitespace separated words or an Array of String words
# @param options [Hash]
# @raise InputError if the input is malformed or invalid in various ways
# @return [String] A binary string of bytes
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#238
def decode(string_or_words, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Encode a string of bytes in six-word encoding. If you want to use the
# custom padding scheme for inputs that are not a multiple of 8 in length,
# use Sixword.pad_encode instead.
# @example
# >> Sixword.encode('Hi world')
# => ["ACRE", "ADEN", "INN", "SLID", "MAD", "PAP"]
# @param byte_string [String] Length must be a multiple of 8
# @raise Sixword::InputError
# @return [Array] an array of string words
# @see Sixword.encode_iter
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#48
def encode(byte_string); end
# Encode a string of bytes in six-word encoding (full API). This is the
# relatively low level method that supports all the major options. See the
# various other top-level methods for convenience helpers.
# @option options
# @option options
# @param byte_string [String] A byte string to encode
# @param options [Hash]
# @raise Sixword::InputError on incorrectly padded inputs
# @raise ArgumentError on bad argument types
# @return [Enumerator, nil] If no block is given, return an Enumerator
# @yield [String] A String word (or String of space separated words, if
# :words_per_slice is given)
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#159
def encode_iter(byte_string, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Encode a string of bytes in six-word encoding. If you want to use the
# custom padding scheme for inputs that are not a multiple of 8 in length,
# use Sixword.pad_encode instead.
# @example
# >> Sixword.encode('Hi world')
# => ["ACRE", "ADEN", "INN", "SLID", "MAD", "PAP"]
# @param byte_string [String] Length must be a multiple of 8
# @raise Sixword::InputError
# @return [Array] an array of string words
# @see Sixword.encode_iter
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#48
def encode_to_a(byte_string); end
# Like {Sixword.encode}, but return a single string.
# @example
# Sixword.encode_to_s('Hi world' * 2)
# @param byte_string [String] Length must be a multiple of 8
# @raise Sixword::InputError
# @return [String] a string of words separated by spaces
# @see Sixword.encode
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#106
def encode_to_s(byte_string); end
# Like {Sixword.encode}, but return six words at a time (a complete block).
# @example
# Sixword.encode_to_sentences('Hi world' * 2)
# @param byte_string [String] Length must be a multiple of 8
# @raise Sixword::InputError
# @return [Array] an array of 6-word string sentences
# @see Sixword.encode
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#89
def encode_to_sentences(byte_string); end
# Like {Sixword.decode}, but allow input to contain custom padding scheme.
# @example
# Sixword.decode("COAT ACHE A A A ACT6", padding_ok: true)
# => "hi"
# @param string_or_words [String, Array] Either a String containing
# whitespace separated words or an Array of String words
# @raise InputError if the input is malformed or invalid in various ways
# @return [String] A binary string of bytes
# @see Sixword.decode
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#276
def pad_decode(string_or_words); end
# Encode a string of bytes in six-word encoding, using the custom padding
# scheme established by this library. The output will be identical to
# {Sixword.encode} for strings that are a multiple of 8 in length.
# @example
# >> Sixword.encode('Hi wor')
# => ["ACRE", "ADEN", "INN", "SLID", "MAD", "PAP"]
# @param byte_string [String] A string of any length
# @return [Array] an array of string words
# @see Sixword.encode_iter
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#65
def pad_encode(byte_string); end
# Encode a string of bytes in six-word encoding, using the custom padding
# scheme established by this library. The output will be identical to
# {Sixword.encode} for strings that are a multiple of 8 in length.
# @example
# >> Sixword.encode('Hi wor')
# => ["ACRE", "ADEN", "INN", "SLID", "MAD", "PAP"]
# @param byte_string [String] A string of any length
# @return [Array] an array of string words
# @see Sixword.encode_iter
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#65
def pad_encode_to_a(byte_string); end
# Like {Sixword.encode_to_s}, but allow variable length input.
# @example
# >> Sixword.pad_encode_to_s('Hi worl' * 2)
# @param byte_string [String] A string of any length
# @return [String] a string of words separated by spaces
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#132
def pad_encode_to_s(byte_string); end
# Like {Sixword.encode_to_sentences}, but allow variable length input.
# @example
# >> Sixword.pad_encode_to_sentences('Hi worl' * 2)
# @param byte_string [String] A string of any length
# @return [Array] an array of 6-word string sentences
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#119
def pad_encode_to_sentences(byte_string); end
# The Sixword::CLI class implements all of the complex processing needed for
# the sixword Command Line Interface.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#5
class Sixword::CLI
# Create a Sixword CLI to operate on filename with options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param filename [String] Input file name (or '-' for stdin)
# @param options [Hash]
# @return [CLI] a new instance of CLI
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#33
def initialize(filename, options); end
# Return true if we are in encoding mode, false otherwise (decoding).
# @return [Boolean]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#61
def encoding?; end
# @return [String] Input filename
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#11
def filename; end
# Return the value of the :hex_style option.
# @return [String, nil]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#67
def hex_style; end
# @return [:encode, :decode]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#20
def mode; end
# @return [Hash] Options hash
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#14
def options; end
# Return the value of the :pad option.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#55
def pad?; end
# Format data as hex in various styles.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#72
def print_hex(data, chunk_index, cols = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Run the encoding/decoding operation, printing the result to stdout.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#96
def run!; end
# @return [File, IO] Stream opened from #filename
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#17
def stream; end
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#213
def accumulate_hex_input; end
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#119
def do_decode!; end
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#129
def do_encode!; end
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#155
def process_encode_input; end
# Yield data 6 words at a time until EOF
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#187
def read_input_by_6_words; end
# Exception for certain input validation errors
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/cli.rb#8
class Sixword::CLI::CLIError < ::StandardError; end
# Various hexadecimal string encoding and decoding functions
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#3
module Sixword::Hex
class << self
# Decode a hexadecimal string to a byte string.
# @param hex_string [String]
# @param strip_chars [Boolean] Whether to accept and strip whitespace and
# other delimiters (see {HexStrip})
# @raise ArgumentError on invalid hex input
# @return [String]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#94
def decode(hex_string, strip_chars = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Encode a byte string as hexadecimal.
# @param bytes [String]
# @return [String] hexadecimal string
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#34
def encode(bytes); end
# Encode a byte string in hex with colons: lowercase in slices of 2
# separated by colons.
# @example
# >> encode_colons("9T]B\xF0\x039\xFF")
# => "39:54:5d:42:f0:03:39:ff"
# @param bytes [String]
# @return [String]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#81
def encode_colons(bytes); end
# Encode a byte string as a GPG style fingerprint: uppercase in slices of 4
# separated by spaces.
# @example
# >> encode_fingerprint("9T]B\xF0\x039\xFF")
# => "3954 5D42 F003 39FF"
# @param bytes [String]
# @return [String]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#66
def encode_fingerprint(bytes); end
# Encode a byte string as hexadecimal, returning it in slices joined by a
# delimiter. This is useful for generating colon or space separated strings
# like those commonly used in fingerprints.
# @example
# >> encode_slice("9T]B\xF0\x039\xFF", 2, ':')
# => "39:54:5d:42:f0:03:39:ff"
# @param bytes [String]
# @param slice [Integer]
# @param delimiter [String]
# @return [String]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#52
def encode_slice(bytes, slice, delimiter); end
# Return whether single character string is one of the fill characters that
# are OK to strip from a hexadecimal string.
# @param char [String] String of length == 1
# @return [Boolean]
# @see [HexStrip]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#22
def strip_char?(char); end
# Return whether string is entirely hexadecimal.
# @param string [String]
# @return [Boolean]
# @see [HexValid]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#12
def valid_hex?(string); end
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#5
Sixword::Hex::HexStrip = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/hex.rb#4
Sixword::Hex::HexValid = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Parent class for inputs that could plausibly occur at runtime.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#22
class Sixword::InputError < ::ArgumentError; end
# Raised when the parity check fails
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#25
class Sixword::InvalidParity < ::Sixword::InputError; end
# Raised in decoding when a word of invalid format is encountered
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#31
class Sixword::InvalidWord < ::Sixword::InputError; end
# The Lib module contains various internal utility functions. They are not
# really part of the public API and will probably not be useful to external
# callers.
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#6
module Sixword::Lib
class << self
# Given an array of bytes, pack them into a single Integer.
# @example
# >> byte_array_to_int([1, 2])
# => 258
# @param byte_array [Array]
# @return [Integer]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#218
def byte_array_to_int(byte_array); end
# Decode an array of 6 words into a 64-bit integer (representing 8 bytes).
# length of the byte array that it represents (will always be 8 unless
# padding_ok)
# @example
# >> Sixword::Lib.decode_6_words(%w{COAT ACHE A A A ACT6}, true)
# => [26729, 2]
# >> Sixword::Lib.decode_6_words(%w{ACRE ADEN INN SLID MAD PAP}, false)
# => [5217737340628397156, 8]
# @param word_array [Array] A 6 element array of String words
# @param padding_ok [Boolean]
# @return [Array(Integer, Integer)] a 64-bit integer (the data) and the
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#63
def decode_6_words(word_array, padding_ok); end
# Decode an array of 6 words into a String of bytes.
# @example
# >> Lib.decode_6_words_to_bstring(%w{COAT ACHE A A A ACT6}, true)
# => "hi"
# >> Lib.decode_6_words_to_bstring(%w{ACRE ADEN INN SLID MAD PAP}, false)
# => "Hi world"
# @param word_array [Array] A 6 element array of String words
# @param padding_ok [Boolean]
# @return [String]
# @see Sixword.decode_6_words
# @see Sixword.int_to_byte_array
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#143
def decode_6_words_to_bstring(word_array, padding_ok); end
# Encode an array of 8 bytes as an array of 6 words.
# @example
# >> Sixword::Lib.encode_64_bits([0] * 8)
# => ["A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"]
# @example
# >> Sixword::Lib.encode_64_bits([0xff] * 8)
# => ["YOKE", "YOKE", "YOKE", "YOKE", "YOKE", "YEAR"]
# @param byte_array [Array] An array of length 8 containing
# integers in 0..255
# @return [Array] An array of length 6 containing String words from
# {Sixword::WORDS}
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#24
def encode_64_bits(byte_array); end
# Extract the numeric padding from a word.
# @example
# >> Sixword::Lib.extract_padding("WORD3")
# => ["WORD", 3]
# @param word [String]
# @return [Array(String, Integer)] The String word, the Integer padding
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#118
def extract_padding(word); end
# Given an Integer, unpack it into an array of bytes.
# @example
# >> int_to_byte_array(258)
# => [1, 2]
# @example
# >> int_to_byte_array(258, 3)
# => [0, 1, 2]
# @param int [Integer]
# @param length [Integer] Left zero padded size of byte array to return. If
# not provided, no leading zeroes will be added.
# @return [Array]
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#243
def int_to_byte_array(int, length = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Compute two-bit parity on a byte array by summing each pair of bits.
# TODO: figure out which is faster
# @param byte_array [Array]
# @return [Fixnum] An integer 0..3
# @see parity_int
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#173
def parity_array(byte_array); end
# Compute two-bit parity on a 64-bit integer representing an 8-byte array
# by summing each pair of bits.
# TODO: figure out which is faster
# @param int [Integer] A 64-bit integer representing 8 bytes
# @return [Fixnum] An integer 0..3
# @see parity_array
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#197
def parity_int(int); end
# Given a word, return the 11 bits it represents as an integer (i.e. its
# index in the WORDS list).
# @param word [String]
# @return [Fixnum] An integer 0..2047
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/lib.rb#154
def word_to_bits(word); end
# Raised in decoding when an unrecognized word is encountered
# source://sixword//lib/sixword.rb#28
class Sixword::UnknownWord < ::Sixword::InputError; end
# version string
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/version.rb#3
Sixword::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Dictionary from RFC 2289 Appendix D
# http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2289#appendix-D
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/words.rb#5
Sixword::WORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# A mapping from Word => Integer index in the word list
# source://sixword//lib/sixword/words.rb#264
Sixword::WORDS_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)