require 'support/file' module YMDP module Validator class Base # extend YMDP::Config extend YMDP::FileSupport end class HTML < Base def self.validate(path) html_display_path = display_path(path) doctype = CONFIG["doctype"] || "HTML 4.0 Transitional" resp = post_file_to_w3c_validator(path, doctype) html = resp.read_body if html.include? "[Valid]" $stdout.puts " #{html_display_path} validating . . . OK" else log_path = "#{TMP_PATH}/#{File.basename(path)}_errors.html" $stdout.puts " #{html_display_path} is not valid HTML, writing to #{display_path(log_path)}" $stdout.puts $stdout.puts " To view errors:" $stdout.puts " open #{display_path(log_path)}" $stdout.puts,'w') { |f| f.puts html } $stdout.puts " Viewing errors..." g("HTML validation errors found") system "open #{log_path}" raise "Invalid HTML" end end end class JavaScript < Base def self.validate(filename) validate_javascript(filename) end def self.use_jslint_settings? !jslint_settings.blank? end def self.jslint_settings <<-JSLINT /*jslint bitwise: true, browser: true, evil: true, eqeqeq: true, immed: true, newcap: true, onevar: false, plusplus: true, regexp: true, undef: true, sub: true */ /*global YAHOO, openmail, OpenMailIntl, _gat, unescape, $, $$, $A, $H, $R, $w, $div, Event, Effect, Behavior, Try, PeriodicalExecuter, Element, identify, Sortable, window, I18n, Identity, Logger, OIB, Tags, ABTesting, Flash, Debug */ JSLINT end def self.jslint_settings_count jslint_settings.to_s.split("\n").size end def self.pre_process(content) content end def self.validate_javascript(path) display = display_path(path) $stdout.print " #{display} validating . . . " output = "" do |f| output = end output = pre_process(output) js_fragment_path = File.expand_path("#{TMP_PATH}/#{File.basename(path)}_fragment") fragment_display_path = display_path(js_fragment_path) unless File.exists?(js_fragment_path),'w') do |f| f.puts jslint_settings if use_jslint_settings? f.puts output end results = `java ./script/jslint.js #{js_fragment_path}` if results =~ /jslint: No problems found/ $stdout.puts "OK" else $stdout.puts "errors found!" results.split("\n").each do |result| if result =~ /line (\d+) character (\d+): (.*)/ line_number = $1.to_i error = "Error at #{fragment_display_path} line #{line_number-jslint_settings_count} character #{$2}: #{$3}" error += get_line_from_file(js_fragment_path, line_number) $stdout.puts error end end message = "Javascript Errors embedded in #{display}" g(message) raise message end end end end class JSON < JavaScript def pre_process(output) output end def self.jslint_settings end end end end