require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'helper')) #require 'rubygems' #require 'rmem' # # Run some tests to measure the memory usage of curb, these tests require fork and ps # class TestCurbMemory < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_easy_memory easy_avg, easy_std = measure_object_memory(Curl::Easy) printf "Easy average: %.2f kilobytes +/- %.2f kilobytes\n", easy_avg.to_f, easy_std.to_f multi_avg, multi_std = measure_object_memory(Curl::Multi) printf "Multi average: %.2f kilobytes +/- %.2f kilobytes\n", multi_avg.to_f, multi_std.to_f # now that we have the average size of an easy handle lets see how much a multi request consumes with 10 requests end def c_avg(report) sum = 0 report.each {|r| sum += r.last } (sum.to_f / report.size) end def c_std(report,avg) var = 0 report.each {|r| var += (r.last-avg)*(r.last-avg) } Math.sqrt(var / (report.size-1)) end def measure_object_memory(klass) report = [] 200.times do res = mem_check do obj = end report << res end avg = c_avg(report) std = c_std(report,avg) [avg,std] end def mem_check # see: for inspiration of ps command line rd, wr = IO.pipe memory_usage = `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i # in kilobytes fork do before = `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i # in kilobytes rd.close yield after = `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i # in kilobytes wr.write((after - before)) wr.flush wr.close end wr.close total = rd.close Process.wait # return the delta and the total [memory_usage, total] end end