module VagrantPlugins module ReverseProxy module Action class WriteNginxConfig def initialize(app, env, action) @app = app @action = action end def call(env) # Does this make much sense? What if we disable it later # for one specific machine? Then, the config should still # be removed. return unless env[:machine].config.reverse_proxy.enabled? # Determine temp file and target file nginx_config_file = env[:machine].config.reverse_proxy.nginx_config_file || '/etc/nginx/vagrant-proxy-config' # Get the directory of the config file nginx_config_dir = File.dirname(nginx_config_file) unless env[:ui].error("Could not update nginx configuration: directory '#{nginx_config_dir}' does not exist. Continuing without proxy...") return end tmp_file = env[:machine].env.tmp_path.join('nginx.vagrant-proxies') env[:ui].info('Updating nginx configuration. Administrator privileges will be required...') sm = start_marker(env[:machine]) em = end_marker(env[:machine]) # This code is so stupid: We write a tmp file with the # current config, filtered to exclude this machine. Later, # we put this machine's config back in. It might have # changed, and might not have been present originally., 'w') do |new| begin, 'r') do |old| # First, remove old entries for this machine. while ln = old.gets() do if sm == ln.chomp # Skip lines until we find EOF or end marker until !ln || em == ln.chomp do ln = old.gets() end else # Keep lines for other machines. new.puts(ln) end end end rescue Errno::ENOENT # Ignore errors about the source file not existing; # we'll create it soon enough. end if @action == :add # Removal is already (always) done above # Write the config for this machine if env[:machine].config.reverse_proxy.enabled? new.write(sm+"\n"+server_block(env[:machine])+em+"\n") end end end # Finally, copy tmp config to actual config and reload nginx Kernel.system('sudo', 'cp', tmp_file.to_s, nginx_config_file) Kernel.system('sudo', 'service', 'nginx', 'reload') end def server_block(machine) if machine.config.reverse_proxy.vhosts vhosts = machine.config.reverse_proxy.vhosts else host = machine.config.vm.hostname || vhosts = {host => host} end ip = get_ip_address(machine) vhosts.collect do |path, vhost| # Rewrites are matches literally by nginx, which means # http://host:80/... will NOT match http://host/...! port_suffix = vhost[:port] == 80 ? '' : ":#{vhost[:port]}" <