# Redde [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/redde/redde.png)](http://travis-ci.org/redde/redde) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/redde/redde.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/redde/redde) Admin generator for redde projects ## Installation * Add this line to your application's Gemfile and run `bundle` command: ``` gem 'redde' ``` * For the first time installation run ``` rails g redde:layout ``` This command will generate basic structure for your admin interface. * Mound engine in your routes.rb ``` devise_for :managers, controllers: { registrations: 'managers/registrations' } if defined?(Devise) mount Redde::Engine, at: '/redde' ``` It will disable Manager model registration with `devise` and mount engine. * Include layout concern in your ApplicationController ``` class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Redde::Layouts # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception. # For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead. protect_from_forgery with: :exception end ``` * Install and run migrations ``` rake redde:install:migrations rake db:migrate ``` * Include assets in your `admin.js` and `admin.css` `admin.js` ``` //= require redde ``` `admin.css` ``` *= require redde ``` ### Scaffold To generate admin views and controller for a model, enter: ``` rails g redde:scaffold ModelNames ``` It will generate empty controller with all needed stuff. If you want to customize it - feel free to override views and controller actions. If you have `position` field of integer type in your model, generator will add special column as a hook for sort. You should add POST `sort` action to you routes: ``` resources :article_categories do post 'sort', on: :collection end ``` If you have `visible` field of boolean type in your model, generator will add small eye column for toggling visiblity ### Notice To customize notice, override method `default_notice` in controller ### Tree sort If your model have `ancestry` and `position` fields, it will be rendered as tree automatically. ### UrlGenerator `Redde::UrlGenerator` - is a small lib to convert title and id to combine url, used in `to_param` method. Usage example: generator = Redde::UrlGenerator.new(1, 'тестовый заголовок $%##@$@#$') generator.url => '1-testovyy-zagolovok' ### Sluggable `Sluggable` is used to include into model with permanent slugs (similar to permalink). Your ActiveRecord model should have `slug` field and title field. You can set title field by setting `TITLE_FIELD` to symbol of method. This method will be used to generate `slug`. If `TITLE_FIELD` constant is not set, `:title` symbol will be used insted. Usage example: Book should have title and slug fields. class Book < ActiveRecord::Base TITLE_SYMBOL = :name include Redde::Sluggable validates :name, presence: true end b = Book.new(name: 'Тестовая книга') b.save b.slug => 'testovaya-kniga' b.to_param => '1-testovaya-kniga' ## Photos You can attach photos to any ActiveRecord model by including ``` include Redde::WithPhoto ``` ## Localization By default, views in admin interface use I18n for field names and titles. Example: ``` ru: activerecord: models: article: acc: статью many: Статьи one: Статья other: Статьи article_category: acc: категорию many: Категории one: Категория other: Категории attributes: article: title: Заголовок slug: URL body: Текст article_category: title: Заголовок position: Позиция visible: Отображать на сайте ``` ## Index view customization By default, gem will render view with all fields. You can customize this in two ways: ### Array You can `INDEX_COLUMNS` array to your model to customize index fields and ther sort order by defining constant inside model ``` INDEX_COLUMNS = %w(title created_at) ``` ### Hash If you need to add, for example, link to nested model, you can define hash inside model: ``` class Calculator < ActiveRecord::Base INDEX_COLUMNS = { name: '', hop: "link_to \"Live (#{2 * 2})\", root_url" } FORM_COLUMNS = %w(name) end ```