module Katello module Util module Support def self.deep_copy(object) Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(object)) end def self.time a = yield - a end def self.scrub(params, &block_to_match) params.each_key do |key| if params[key].is_a?(Hash) scrub(params[key], &block_to_match) elsif, params[key]) params[key] = "[FILTERED]" end end params end # Helper method to just convert # a collection of objects to their # string representation (mostly to be used internally) def self.stringify(col) col.collect { |c| c.to_s } end # Given a rules hash in the format # {: { => ...}} # the method will match the params attributes to provided # rule and return a diff. # Here are some of the examples # rule -> {:units => [[:name, :version, :min_version, :max_version]]} # will match -> {:units => [{:name = > "boo", :version => "2.0"}, # {:name = > "Foo", :min_version => "2.0"}]} # rule -> {:units => [[:id]], :date_range => [:start, :end], # :errata_type => {}, :severity => {}} # will match -> {:units => [{:id => 100}], # :date_range => {:start => "05/14/2011"}} # Note of caution this merely shows differences in the structure # of params vs rules. It doesnt validate anything. # Look at SerializedParamsValidator method for its uses. def self.diff_hash_params(rule, params) params = params.with_indifferent_access if rule.is_a?(Array) return stringify(params.keys) - stringify(rule) end rule = rule.with_indifferent_access diff_data = rule.keys.collect do |k| if params[k] if params[k].is_a?(Array) && rule[k].first.is_a?(Array) diffs = params[k].collect { |pk| diff_hash_params(rule[k].first, pk) }.flatten diffs elsif params[k].is_a?(Hash) keys = stringify(params[k].keys) - stringify(rule[k]) if keys.empty? nil else {k => keys} end end end end diff_data = diff_data.compact.flatten return diff_data unless diff_data.blank? stringify(params.keys) - stringify(rule.keys) end def self.with_db_connection(logger = Rails.logger) yield rescue PG::ConnectionBad, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished => e logger.error(e.message) logger.error("Lost database connection. Attempting reconnect.") active_record_retry_connect(logger) retry end def self.active_record_retry_connect(logger) sleep 3 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! rescue logger.error("Trying to reconnect to the database.") retry end # Used for retrying active record transactions when race conditions could cause # RecordNotUnique exceptions def self.active_record_retry(retries = 3) yield rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, PG::UniqueViolation, ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e retries -= 1 if retries == 0 raise e else retry end end # We need this so that we can return # empty search results on an invalid query # Basically this is a empty array with a total # method. def self.array_with_total(a = []) def size end a end end end end