module RedmineExtensions module ApplicationHelper include RenderingHelper # -------= Hack methods =------ def plugin_settings_path(plugin, *attrs) if plugin.is_a?(Redmine::Plugin) && (plugin.settings[:only_easy] || plugin.settings[:easy_settings]) edit_easy_setting_path(plugin, *attrs) else super end end # -------= Rendering and presenting methods =------- def present(model, options = {}, &block) if model.is_a?(RedmineExtensions::BasePresenter) presenter = model.update_options(options.merge(view_context: self)) else presenter = RedmineExtensions::BasePresenter.present(model, self, options) end if block yield presenter else presenter end end # --- COMMON RENDERING ---- # hide elements for issues and users def detect_hide_elements(uniq_id, user = nil, default = true) return if uniq_id.blank? 'style="display:none"'.html_safe if !toggle_button_expanded?(uniq_id, user, default) end def url_to_entity(entity, options = {}) m = "url_to_#{}".to_sym if respond_to?(m) send(m, entity, options) else nil end end def query_for_entity(entity_class) entity_class_name = query_class = "Easy#{entity_class_name}Query".constantize rescue nil return query_class if query_class && query_class < EasyQuery query_class ||= "#{entity_class_name}Query".constantize rescue nil end def render_entity_assignments(entity, target_entity, options = {}, &block) options ||= {} collection_name = options.delete(:collection_name) || query_class = query_for_entity(target_entity) return '' if !query_class || !entity.respond_to?(collection_name) project = options.delete(:project) query = => 'c_query') query.project = project query.set_entity_scope(entity, collection_name) query.column_names = options[:query_column_names] unless options[:query_column_names].blank? entities = query.entities entities_count = entities.size options[:entities_count] = entities_count options[:module_name] ||= "entity_#{}_#{}_#{collection_name}" options[:heading] ||= l("label_#{}_plural", :default => 'Heading') if options[:context_menus_path].nil? options[:context_menus_path] = [ "context_menu_#{collection_name}_path".to_sym, "context_menus_#{collection_name}_path".to_sym, "#{collection_name}_context_menu_path".to_sym ].detect do |m| m if respond_to?(m) end end query.output = options[:display_style] || (entities_count > 3 ? 'list' : 'tiles') render(:partial => 'easy_entity_assignments/assignments_container', :locals => { :entity => entity, :query => query, :project => project, :entities => entities, :entities_count => entities_count, :options => options }) end def entity_css_icon(entity_or_entity_class) return '' if entity_or_entity_class.nil? if entity_or_entity_class.is_a?(Class) && entity_or_entity_class.respond_to?(:css_icon) entity_or_entity_class.css_icon elsif entity_or_entity_class.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) if entity_or_entity_class.respond_to?(:css_icon) entity_or_entity_class.css_icon elsif entity_or_entity_class.class.respond_to?(:css_icon) entity_or_entity_class.class.css_icon else "icon icon-#{}" end else "icon icon-#{}" end end def late_javascript_tag(content_or_options_with_block = nil, html_options = {}, &block) content = if block html_options = content_or_options_with_block if content_or_options_with_block.is_a?(Hash) capture(&block) else content_or_options_with_block end html_options.reverse_merge!({ type: 'application/javascript' }) priority = html_options.delete(:priority) || 0 content = " EasyGem.schedule.late(function(){#{content} }, #{priority});" content_tag(:script, javascript_cdata_section(content), html_options) end def require_javascript_tag(content_or_options_with_block = nil, html_options = {}, &block) content = if block_given? html_options = content_or_options_with_block if content_or_options_with_block.is_a?(Hash) capture(&block) else content_or_options_with_block end html_options.reverse_merge!(type: 'application/javascript') html_options[:data] ||= { container: '' } html_options[:data][:container].slice!("#module_inside_") content = "EasyGem.schedule.require(function(){#{content}}, function(){ return EASY.asyncModules.states['#{html_options[:data][:container]}']});" javascript_tag content.html_safe, html_options end def easy_avatar_url(user = nil) return avatar_url(user) if respond_to?(:avatar_url) user ||= User.current if Setting.gravatar_enabled? options = { ssl: (request&.ssl?), default: Setting.gravatar_default } email = if user.respond_to?(:mail) user.mail elsif user.to_s =~ %r{<(.+?)>} $1 end email ? gravatar_url(email, options) : '' elsif user.easy_avatar_url.present? user.easy_avatar_url elsif user.respond_to?(:easy_avatar) && (av = user.easy_avatar).present? && (img_url = av.image.url(:small)) get_easy_absolute_uri_for(img_url).to_s end end # ==== Options # * class: Hash or String - This option can be used to add custom CSS classes. It can be *String* or *Hash*. # class: {heading: 'heading-additional-css', container: 'container-additional-css'} # * heading_tag: name of HTML element of module heading - By default its its *h3* # ** Aliases for this options are: wrapping_heading_element, header_tag # * toggle: false - This disable toggle function (collapsible and remember) # ** Aliases for this options are: collapsible, no_expander # * remember: false - This disable remember function of toggle container # ** Aliases for this options are: ajax_call # def render_module_easy_box(id, heading, options = {}, &block) # with fallback to old options[:toggle] = true unless options.key?(:toggle) options[:remember] = options.delete(:ajax_call) if options.key?(:ajax_call) options[:collapsible] = !options.delete(:no_expander) if options.key?(:no_expander) renderer =, id, heading, options) renderer.content = capture { yield renderer } renderer.render end EasyBoxRenderer =, :id, :heading, :options) do attr_writer :container_class, :heading_class, :content_class attr_writer :heading_links, :footer, :icon attr_accessor :content def container_class s = (@container_class.presence || css_classes[:container]).to_s s += ' collapsible' if collapsible? s += ' collapsed' if collapsed? s end def saving_state_enabled? collapsible? && (options[:remember].nil? || !!options[:remember]) end def heading_tag (options[:wrapping_heading_element] || (options[:header_tag] || options[:heading_tag])).presence || 'h3' end def heading_class (@heading_class || css_classes[:heading]).to_s end def icon @icon ||= options[:icon] && " icon #{options[:icon]}" end def heading_links if block_given? @heading_links = view.capture { yield } else @heading_links.to_s.html_safe end end def collapsible? return @collapsible unless @collapsible.nil? @collapsible ||= !!options[:toggle] && (options[:collapsible].nil? || !!options[:collapsible]) end def collapsed? !!options[:default] || !!options[:collapsed] || !!options[:default_button_state] end def footer if block_given? @footer = view.capture { yield } else @footer.to_s.html_safe end end def render view.render({ partial: 'common/collapsible_module_layout', locals: { renderer: self, content: content } }) end private def css_classes return @css_classes if @css_classes if (css_class = options.delete(:class)).is_a?(Hash) @css_classes = css_class else @css_classes = { container: css_class, heading: css_class, content: css_class } end end end # Returns a multiselect autocomplete input tag tailored for selecting 1..N values from defined source by +jsonpath_or_array+. # Preselected will be values in +selected_values+ parameter, or if those are empty, and +select_first_value+ option is set, # it will select first value from source. See warning from this parameter! # Additional options on the input tag can be passed as a hash with +options+. # These options will be passed to the handling javascript. # Available format for +selected_values+: # * Array of values. It will search for the values in available_values for values names assigned. # * Array of objects in format: {id: , value: