require 'pathname' require 'java' module Saxon # A sensible namespace to put Saxon Java classes into module S9API end module Loader LOAD_SEMAPHORE = # Error raised if Saxon::Loader.load! is called but the path handed # in does not exist or is not a directory class NoJarsError < StandardError def initialize(path) @path = path end def to_s "The path ('#{@path}') you supplied for the Saxon .jar files doesn't exist, sorry" end end # Error raised if Saxon::Loader.load! is called but the path handed # in does not contain the Saxon .jars class MissingJarError < StandardError def initialize(path) @path = path end def to_s "One of saxon9he.jar, saxon9pe.jar, or saxon9ee.jar must be present in the path ('#{@path}') you supplied, sorry" end end # @param saxon_home [String, Pathname] the path to the dir containing # Saxon's .jars. Defaults to the vendored Saxon HE # @return [true, false] Returns true if Saxon had not been loaded and # is now, and false if Saxon was already loaded def self.load!(saxon_home = nil) return false if instance_variable_defined?(:@saxon_loaded) && @saxon_loaded LOAD_SEMAPHORE.synchronize do if Saxon::S9API.const_defined?(:Processor) false else if jars_not_on_classpath? if saxon_home.nil? require 'saxon_jars' else saxon_home = raise NoJarsError, saxon_home unless jars = [main_jar(saxon_home)].compact raise MissingJarError if jars.empty? jars += extra_jars(saxon_home) add_jars_to_classpath!(saxon_home, jars) end end @saxon_loaded = true true end end end private def self.main_jar(path) ['saxon9he.jar', 'saxon9pe.jar', 'saxon9ee.jar'].map { |jar| path.join(jar) }.find { |jar| jar.file? } end def self.extra_jars(path) optional = ['saxon9-unpack.jar', 'saxon9-sql.jar'].map { |jar| path.join(jar) }.select { |jar| jar.file? } icu = path.children.find { |jar| jar.extname == '.jar' && !jar.basename.to_s.match(/^saxon-icu|^icu4j/).nil? } ([icu] + optional).compact end def self.jars_not_on_classpath? begin Java::net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor false rescue true end end def self.add_jars_to_classpath!(saxon_home, jars) jars.each do |jar| $CLASSPATH << jar.to_s end end end end