RUBY_1_8 = defined?(RUBY_VERSION) && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' JRUBY = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) require 'pathname' require 'logger' require 'yaml' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'ansi' require 'turn' require 'elasticsearch' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/startup_shutdown' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/profiling' unless JRUBY # Skip features skip_features = 'stash_in_path,requires_replica' SKIP_FEATURES = ENV.fetch('TEST_SKIP_FEATURES', skip_features) # Turn configuration ENV['ansi'] = 'false' if ENV['CI'] Turn.config.format = :pretty # Launch test cluster # if ENV['SERVER'] and not Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.running? Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.start(nodes: 1, es_params: "-D es.repositories.url.allowed_urls=http://snapshot.test*") end # Register `at_exit` handler for server shutdown. # MUST be called before requiring `test/unit`. # at_exit { Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.stop if ENV['SERVER'] and Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.running? } class String # Reset the `ansi` method on CI def ansi(*args) self end end if ENV['CI'] module CapturedLogger def self.included base base.class_eval do %w[ info error warn fatal debug ].each do |m| alias_method "#{m}_without_capture", m define_method m do |*args| @logdev.__send__ :puts, *(args.join("\n") + "\n") self.__send__ "#{m}_without_capture", *args end end end end end Logger.__send__ :include, CapturedLogger if ENV['CI'] logger =$stderr) logger.progname = 'elasticsearch' logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| color = case severity when /INFO/ then :green when /ERROR|WARN|FATAL/ then :red when /DEBUG/ then :cyan else :white end "#{severity[0]} ".ansi(color, :faint) + msg.ansi(:white, :faint) + "\n" end tracer =$stdout) tracer.progname = 'elasticsearch.tracer' tracer.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{msg}\n" } # Set up the client for the test # # To set up your own client, just set the `$client` variable in a file, and then require it: # # ruby -I lib:test -r ./tmp/my_special_client.rb test/integration/yaml_test_runner.rb # url = ENV.fetch('TEST_CLUSTER_URL', "http://localhost:#{ENV['TEST_CLUSTER_PORT'] || 9250}") $client ||= url: url $client.transport.logger = logger unless ENV['QUIET'] || ENV['CI'] $client.transport.tracer = tracer if ENV['CI'] # Store Elasticsearch version # es_version_info = $['version'] $es_version = es_version_info['number'] puts '-'*80, "Elasticsearch #{$es_version.ansi(:bold)} [#{es_version_info['build_hash'].to_s[0...7]}]".center(80), '-'*80 require 'test_helper' require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda/context' # Monkeypatch shoulda to remove "should" from test name # module Shoulda module Context class Context def create_test_from_should_hash(should) test_name = ["test:", full_name, "|", "#{should[:name]}"].flatten.join(' ').to_sym if test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] then raise DuplicateTestError, "'#{test_name}' is defined more than once." end test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] = true context = self test_unit_class.send(:define_method, test_name) do @shoulda_context = context begin context.run_parent_setup_blocks(self) should[:before].bind(self).call if should[:before] context.run_current_setup_blocks(self) should[:block].bind(self).call ensure context.run_all_teardown_blocks(self) end end end end end end module Elasticsearch module YamlTestSuite $last_response = '' $results = {} $stash = {} module Utils def titleize(word) word.to_s.gsub(/[^\w]+/, ' ').gsub(/\b('?[a-z])/) { $1.capitalize }.tr('_', ' ') end def symbolize_keys(object) if object.is_a? Hash object.reduce({}) { |memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = symbolize_keys(v); memo } else object end end extend self end module Runner def perform_api_call(test, api, arguments=nil) namespace = api.split('.') replacer = lambda do |value| case value when Array { |v| } when Hash Hash[ { |v| } ] else fetch_or_return value end end timefixer = lambda do |value| if value.is_a?(Time) value.iso8601 else value end end arguments = Hash[ do |key, value| replacement = replacement = [key, replacement] end ] $stderr.puts "ARGUMENTS: #{arguments.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] $last_response = namespace.reduce($client) do |memo, current| unless current == namespace.last memo = memo.send(current) else arguments ? memo = memo.send(current, arguments) : memo = memo.send(current) end memo end $results[test.hash] = $last_response end def evaluate(test, property, response=nil) response ||= $results[test.hash] property.gsub(/\\\./, '_____').split('.').reduce(response) do |memo, attr| if memo if attr attr = attr.gsub(/_____/, '.') attr = $stash[attr] if attr.start_with? '$' end memo = memo.is_a?(Hash) ? memo[attr] : memo[attr.to_i] end memo end end def in_context(name, &block) klass = Object::const_set "%sTest" % name.split(/\s/).map { |d| d.capitalize }.join('').gsub(/[^\w]+/, ''), klass klass.context name, &block end def fetch_or_return(var) if var.is_a?(String) && var =~ /^\$(.+)/ $stash[var] else var end end def set(var, val) $stash["$#{var}"] = val end def skip?(actions) skip = { |a| a['skip'] }.first $stderr.puts "SKIP: #{skip.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] # Skip version if skip && skip['skip']['version'] return skip['skip']['reason'] ? skip['skip']['reason'] : true if skip['skip']['version'] == 'all' min, max = skip['skip']['version'].split('-').map(&:strip) min_normalized = sprintf "%03d-%03d-%03d", *min.split('.') .map(&:to_i) .fill(0, min.split('.').length, 3-min.split('.').length) max_normalized = sprintf "%03d-%03d-%03d", *max.split('.') .map(&:to_i) .map(&:to_i) .fill(0, max.split('.').length, 3-max.split('.').length) es_normalized = sprintf "%03d-%03d-%03d", *$es_version.split('.').map(&:to_i) if ( min.empty? || min_normalized <= es_normalized ) && ( max.empty? || max_normalized >= es_normalized ) return skip['skip']['reason'] ? skip['skip']['reason'] : true end # Skip features elsif skip && skip['skip']['features'] if (skip['skip']['features'].split(',') & SKIP_FEATURES.split(',') ).size > 0 return skip['skip']['features'] end end return false end extend self end class YamlTestCase < ::Test::Unit::TestCase; end end end include Elasticsearch::YamlTestSuite PATH = Pathname(ENV['TEST_REST_API_SPEC'] || \ File.expand_path('../../../../tmp/elasticsearch/rest-api-spec/test', __FILE__)) suites = Dir.glob(PATH.join('*')).map { |d| Pathname(d) } suites = { |s| s.to_s =~['FILTER']) } if ENV['FILTER'] suites.each do |suite| name = Elasticsearch::YamlTestSuite::Utils.titleize(suite.basename) Elasticsearch::YamlTestSuite::Runner.in_context name do # --- Register context setup ------------------------------------------- # setup do $client.indices.delete index: '_all' $client.indices.delete_template name: '*' $results = {} $stash = {} end # --- Register context teardown ---------------------------------------- # teardown do $client.indices.delete index: '_all' end files = Dir[suite.join('*.{yml,yaml}')] files.each do |file| tests = YAML.load_documents # Extract setup actions setup_actions = { |t| t['setup'] }.first['setup'] rescue [] # Skip all the tests when `skip` is part of the `setup` part if features = Runner.skip?(setup_actions) $stdout.puts "#{'SKIP'.ansi(:yellow)} [#{name}] #{file.gsub(PATH.to_s, '').ansi(:bold)} (Feature not implemented: #{features})" next end # Remove setup actions from tests tests = tests.reject { |t| t['setup'] } # Add setup actions to each individual test tests.each { |t| t[t.keys.first] << { 'setup' => setup_actions } } tests.each do |test| context '' do test_name = test.keys.first.to_s + (ENV['QUIET'] ? '' : " | #{file.gsub(PATH.to_s, '').ansi(:bold)}") actions = test.values.first if reason = Runner.skip?(actions) $stdout.puts "#{'SKIP'.ansi(:yellow)} [#{name}] #{test_name} (Reason: #{reason})" next end # --- Register test setup ------------------------------------------- setup do { |a| a['setup'] }.first['setup'].each do |action| if action['do'] api, arguments = action['do'].to_a.first arguments = Utils.symbolize_keys(arguments) Runner.perform_api_call((test.to_s + '___setup'), api, arguments) end if action['set'] stash = action['set'] property, variable = stash.to_a.first result = Runner.evaluate(test, property, $last_response) $stderr.puts "STASH: '$#{variable}' => #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] Runner.set variable, result end end end # --- Register test method ------------------------------------------ should test_name do if ENV['CI'] ref = ENV['TEST_BUILD_REF'].to_s.gsub(/origin\//, '') || 'master' $stderr.puts "{ref}/rest-api-spec/test/" \ + file.gsub(PATH.to_s, ''), "" $stderr.puts YAML.dump(test) end actions.each do |action| $stderr.puts "ACTION: #{action.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] case # --- Perform action ------------------------------------------ # when action['do'] catch_exception = action['do'].delete('catch') if action['do'] api, arguments = action['do'].to_a.first arguments = Utils.symbolize_keys(arguments) begin $results[test.hash] = Runner.perform_api_call(test, api, arguments) rescue Exception => e begin $results[test.hash] = MultiJson.load(e.message.match(/{.+}/, 1).to_s) rescue MultiJson::ParseError $stderr.puts "RESPONSE: Cannot parse JSON from error message: '#{e.message}'" if ENV['DEBUG'] end if catch_exception $stderr.puts "CATCH: '#{catch_exception}': #{e.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] case e when 'missing' assert_match /\[404\]/, e.message when 'conflict' assert_match /\[409\]/, e.message when 'request' assert_match /\[500\]/, e.message when 'param' raise ArgumentError, "NOT IMPLEMENTED" when /\/.+\// assert_match'/', '')), e.message end else raise e end end # --- Evaluate predicates ------------------------------------- # when property = action['is_true'] result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) $stderr.puts "CHECK: Expected '#{property}' to be true, is: #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] assert(result, "Property '#{property}' should be true, is: #{result.inspect}") when property = action['is_false'] result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) $stderr.puts "CHECK: Expected '#{property}' to be nil, false, 0 or empty string, is: #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] assert_block "Property '#{property}' should be nil, false, 0 or empty string, but is: #{result.inspect}" do result.nil? || result == false || result == 0 || result == '' end when a = action['match'] property, value = a.to_a.first if value.is_a?(String) && value =~ %r{\s*^/\s*.*\s*/$\s*}mx # Begins and ends with / pattern =[1..-2], Regexp::EXTENDED|Regexp::MULTILINE) else value = Runner.fetch_or_return(value) end if property == '$body' result = $results[test.hash] else result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) end if pattern $stderr.puts "CHECK: Expected '#{property}' to match #{pattern}, is: #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] assert_match(pattern, result) else value = value.reduce({}) { |memo, (k,v)| memo[k] = Runner.fetch_or_return(v); memo } if value.is_a? Hash $stderr.puts "CHECK: Expected '#{property}' to be '#{value}', is: #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] assert_equal(value, result) end when a = action['length'] property, value = a.to_a.first result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) length = result.size $stderr.puts "CHECK: Expected '#{property}' to be #{value}, is: #{length.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] assert_equal(value, length) when a = action['lt'] || action['gt'] next property, value = a.to_a.first operator = action['lt'] ? '<' : '>' result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) message = "Expected '#{property}' to be #{operator} #{value}, is: #{result.inspect}" $stderr.puts "CHECK: #{message}" if ENV['DEBUG'] # operator == 'less than' ? assert(value.to_f < result.to_f, message) : assert(value.to_f > result.to_f, message) assert_operator result, operator.to_sym, value.to_i when stash = action['set'] property, variable = stash.to_a.first result = Runner.evaluate(test, property) $stderr.puts "STASH: '$#{variable}' => #{result.inspect}" if ENV['DEBUG'] Runner.set variable, result end end end end end end end end