=== I don't want to use :id as a primary key, but I don't see set_primary_key anywhere. What do I do?
If you're working with a table that doesn't have a :id column, you can declare your properties as you usually do, and declare one of them as a natural key.
property :name, :string, :key => true
You should now be able to do Class['name_string'] as well. Remember: this column should be unique, so treat it that way. This is the equivalent to using set_primary_key in ActiveRecord.
=== How do I make a model paranoid?
property :deleted_at, :datetime
If you've got deleted_at, your model is paranoid auto-magically. All of your calls to ##all(), ##first(), and ##count() will be scoped with where deleted_at is null. Plus, you won't see deleted objects in your associations.
=== Does DataMapper support Has Many Through?
Write me!
=== What about Self-Referential Has And Belongs to Many?
Sure does. Here's an example implementation:
class Task < DataMapper::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :tasks,
:join_table => "task_relationships",
:left_foreign_key => "parent_id",
:right_foreign_key => "child_id"
You'll notice that instead of foreign_key and association_foreign_key, DataMapper uses the "database-y" terms left_foreign_key, and right_foreign_key.
=== Does DataMapper do Single Table Inheritance?
Oh yes, and particularly well too.
class Person < Datamapper::Base
property :type, :class
## other shared properties here
class Salesperson < Person; end
You can claim a column to have the type :class and DataMapper will automatically drop the class name of the inherited classes into that column of the database.
=== What about Class Table Inheritance?
Class Table Inheritance is on the drawing board and everyone's drooling over it. So no, not yet, but soon.
=== How do I run my own commands?
You're probably asking for find_by_sql, and DataMapper has that in it's ActiveRecordImpersonation, but if you want to go straight-up DataMapper, you'll want to use database.query
database.query("select * from users where clue > 0")
This does not return any Users (har har), but rather Struct's that will quack like Users. They'll be read-only as well.
database.query shouldn't be used if you aren't expecting a result set back. If you want to just execute something against the database, use database.execute instead.
=== Can I batch-process a ton of records at once?
User.each(:performance_rating => "low") do |u|
u.employment_status = "fired"
With ActiveRecord, doing a User.find(:all).each{} would execute the find, instantiate an object for EVERY result, THEN apply your transformations to each object in turn. Doesn't sound too horrible unless you have a TON of records; you WILL grind your system to a screeching and bloody halt.
Datamapper's #each works in sets of 500 so the amount of objects instantiated at a time won't make your computer think it's a victim in a Saw movie. Once it's done executing your block on the first set of 500, it moves on to the next.
What's more is #each is secretly a finder too. You can pass it an options hash and it'll only iterate on 500-item sets matching your query. Don't send it :offset though, because that's how it pages. You can overload the page size by sending it :limit
=== Can I get an SQL log of what queries DataMapper is issuing?
Yup, when you issue Database.setup, tack on the log_stream and log_level:
:adapter => 'mysql',
:host => 'localhost',
:username => 'root',
:password => 'R00tPaswooooord',
:database => 'myspiffyblog_development',
:log_stream => 'log/sql.log',
:log_level => 0
By supplying the log_stream you're telling DataMapper what file you want to see your sql logs in. log_level is the Logger[http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/logger/rdoc/] level of output you want to see there. 0, in this case, says that you want to see all DEBUG level messages (and higher) sent to the logger. For more information on how to work with Logger[http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/logger/rdoc/], hit up http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/logger/rdoc/.
Incidentally, if you'd like to send a message into the Datamapper logger, do:
database.adapter.logger.info "your message here"