module Neo4j::ActiveNode module HasN extend ActiveSupport::Concern class NonPersistedNodeError < StandardError; end # Return this object from associations # It uses a QueryProxy to get results # But also caches results and can have results cached on it class AssociationProxy def initialize(query_proxy, cached_result = nil) @query_proxy = query_proxy cache_result(cached_result) # Represents the thing which can be enumerated # default to @query_proxy, but will be set to # @cached_result if that is set @enumerable = @query_proxy end # States: # Default def inspect if @cached_result @cached_result.inspect else "#<AssociationProxy @query_proxy=#{@query_proxy.inspect}>" end end extend Forwardable %w(include? empty? count find first last ==).each do |delegated_method| def_delegator :@enumerable, delegated_method end include Enumerable def each(&block) result.each(&block) end def result return @cached_result if @cached_result cache_query_proxy_result @cached_result end def cache_result(result) @cached_result = result @enumerable = (@cached_result || @query_proxy) end def cache_query_proxy_result @query_proxy.to_a.tap do |result| cache_result(result) end end def clear_cache_result cache_result(nil) end def cached? !!@cached_result end QUERY_PROXY_METHODS = [:<<, :delete] CACHED_RESULT_METHODS = [] def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) target = target_for_missing_method(method_name) super if target.nil? cache_query_proxy_result if !cached? && !target.is_a?(Neo4j::ActiveNode::Query::QueryProxy) clear_cache_result if target.is_a?(Neo4j::ActiveNode::Query::QueryProxy) target.public_send(method_name, *args, &block) end def serializable_hash(options = {}) { |record| record.serializable_hash(options) } end private def target_for_missing_method(method_name) case method_name when *QUERY_PROXY_METHODS @query_proxy when *CACHED_RESULT_METHODS @cached_result else if @cached_result && @cached_result.respond_to?(method_name) @cached_result elsif @query_proxy.respond_to?(method_name) @query_proxy end end end end # Returns the current AssociationProxy cache for the association cache. It is in the format # { :association_name => AssociationProxy} # This is so that we # * don't need to re-build the QueryProxy objects # * also because the QueryProxy object caches it's results # * so we don't need to query again # * so that we can cache results from association calls or eager loading def association_proxy_cache @association_proxy_cache ||= {} end def association_proxy_cache_fetch(key) association_proxy_cache.fetch(key) do value = yield association_proxy_cache[key] = value end end def association_query_proxy(name, options = {}) self.class.send(:association_query_proxy, name, {start_object: self}.merge!(options)) end def association_proxy(name, options = {}) name = name.to_sym hash = [name, options.values_at(:node, :rel, :labels, :rel_length)].hash association_proxy_cache_fetch(hash) do if result_cache = self.instance_variable_get('@source_query_proxy_result_cache') result_by_previous_id = previous_proxy_results_by_previous_id(result_cache, name) result_cache.inject(nil) do |proxy_to_return, object| proxy = fresh_association_proxy(name, options.merge(start_object: object), result_by_previous_id[object.neo_id]) object.association_proxy_cache[hash] = proxy (self == object ? proxy : proxy_to_return) end else fresh_association_proxy(name, options) end end end private def fresh_association_proxy(name, options = {}, cached_result = nil), options), cached_result) end def previous_proxy_results_by_previous_id(result_cache, association_name) query_proxy = query_proxy = self.class.send(:association_query_proxy, association_name, previous_query_proxy: query_proxy, node: :next, optional: true) Hash[*query_proxy.pluck('ID(previous)', 'collect(next)').flatten(1)] end module ClassMethods # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName # :nocov: def has_association?(name) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'has_association? is deprecated and may be removed from future releases, use association? instead.', caller association?(name) end # :nocov: # rubocop:enable Style/PredicateName def association?(name) !!associations[name.to_sym] end def associations @associations ||= {} end def associations_keys @associations_keys ||= associations.keys end # make sure the inherited classes inherit the <tt>_decl_rels</tt> hash def inherited(klass) klass.instance_variable_set(:@associations, associations.clone) @associations_keys = klass.associations_keys.clone super end # For defining an "has many" association on a model. This defines a set of methods on # your model instances. For instance, if you define the association on a Person model: # # # .. code-block:: ruby # # has_many :out, :vehicles, type: :has_vehicle # # This would define the following methods: # # **#vehicles** # Returns a QueryProxy object. This is an Enumerable object and thus can be iterated # over. It also has the ability to accept class-level methods from the Vehicle model # (including calls to association methods) # # **#vehicles=** # Takes an array of Vehicle objects and replaces all current ``:HAS_VEHICLE`` relationships # with new relationships refering to the specified objects # # **.vehicles** # Returns a QueryProxy object. This would represent all ``Vehicle`` objects associated with # either all ``Person`` nodes (if ``Person.vehicles`` is called), or all ``Vehicle`` objects # associated with the ``Person`` nodes thus far represented in the QueryProxy chain. # For example: # # .. code-block:: ruby # # company.people.where(age: 40).vehicles # # Arguments: # **direction:** # **Available values:** ``:in``, ``:out``, or ``:both``. # # Refers to the relative to the model on which the association is being defined. # # Example: # # .. code-block:: ruby # # Person.has_many :out, :posts, type: :wrote # # means that a `WROTE` relationship goes from a `Person` node to a `Post` node # # **name:** # The name of the association. The affects the methods which are created (see above). # The name is also used to form default assumptions about the model which is being referred to # # Example: # # .. code-block:: ruby # # Person.has_many :out, :posts, type: :wrote # # will assume a `model_class` option of ``'Post'`` unless otherwise specified # # **options:** A ``Hash`` of options. Allowed keys are: # *type*: The Neo4j relationship type. This option is required unless either the # `origin` or `rel_class` options are specified # # *origin*: The name of the association from another model which the `type` and `model_class` # can be gathered. # # Example: # # .. code-block:: ruby # # # `model_class` of `Post` is assumed here # Person.has_many :out, :posts, origin: :author # # Post.has_one :in, :author, type: :has_author, model_class: 'Person' # # *model_class*: The model class to which the association is referring. Can be either a # model object ``include`` ing ``ActiveNode`` or a Symbol/String (or an ``Array`` of same). # **A Symbol or String is recommended** to avoid load-time issues # # *rel_class*: The ``ActiveRel`` class to use for this association. Can be either a # model object ``include`` ing ``ActiveRel`` or a Symbol/String (or an ``Array`` of same). # **A Symbol or String is recommended** to avoid load-time issues # # *dependent*: Enables deletion cascading. # **Available values:** ``:delete``, ``:delete_orphans``, ``:destroy``, ``:destroy_orphans`` # (note that the ``:destroy_orphans`` option is known to be "very metal". Caution advised) # def has_many(direction, name, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName name = name.to_sym build_association(:has_many, direction, name, options) define_has_many_methods(name) end # For defining an "has one" association on a model. This defines a set of methods on # your model instances. For instance, if you define the association on a Person model: # # has_one :out, :vehicle, type: :has_vehicle # # This would define the methods: ``#vehicle``, ``#vehicle=``, and ``.vehicle``. # # See :ref:`#has_many <Neo4j/ActiveNode/HasN/ClassMethods#has_many>` for anything # not specified here # def has_one(direction, name, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName name = name.to_sym build_association(:has_one, direction, name, options) define_has_one_methods(name) end private def define_has_many_methods(name) define_method(name) do |node = nil, rel = nil, options = {}| # return [].freeze unless self._persisted_obj if node.is_a?(Hash) options = node node = nil end association_proxy(name, {node: node, rel: rel, source_object: self, labels: options[:labels]}.merge!(options)) end define_has_many_setter(name) define_has_many_id_methods(name) define_class_method(name) do |node = nil, rel = nil, options = {}| association_proxy(name, {node: node, rel: rel, labels: options[:labels]}.merge!(options)) end end def define_has_many_setter(name) define_method("#{name}=") do |other_nodes| association_proxy_cache.clear { association_proxy(name).replace_with(other_nodes) } end end def define_has_many_id_methods(name) define_method_unless_defined("#{name.to_s.singularize}_ids") do association_proxy(name).pluck(:uuid) end define_method_unless_defined("#{name.to_s.singularize}_ids=") do |ids| association_proxy(name).replace_with(ids) end define_method_unless_defined("#{name.to_s.singularize}_neo_ids") do association_proxy(name).pluck(:neo_id) end end def define_method_unless_defined(method_name, &block) define_method(method_name, block) unless respond_to?(method_name) end def define_has_one_methods(name) define_has_one_getter(name) define_has_one_setter(name) define_has_one_id_methods(name) define_class_method(name) do |node = nil, rel = nil, options = {}| association_proxy(name, {node: node, rel: rel, labels: options[:labels]}.merge!(options)) end end def define_has_one_id_methods(name) define_method("#{name}_id") do association_proxy(name).pluck(:uuid).first end define_method_unless_defined("#{name}_id=") do |id| association_proxy(name).replace_with(id) end define_method("#{name}_neo_id") do association_proxy(name).pluck(:neo_id).first end end def define_has_one_getter(name) define_method(name) do |node = nil, rel = nil, options = {}| return nil unless self._persisted_obj if node.is_a?(Hash) options = node node = nil end # Return all results if a variable-length relationship length was given results = association_proxy(name, {node: node, rel: rel}.merge!(options)) if options[:rel_length] && !options[:rel_length].is_a?(Fixnum) results else results.result.first end end end def define_has_one_setter(name) define_method("#{name}=") do |other_node| if persisted? if other_node.respond_to?(:persisted?) && !other_node.persisted? association_proxy_cache.clear # TODO: Should probably just clear for this association... { association_proxy(name).replace_with(other_node) } # handle_non_persisted_node(other_node) else association_proxy(name).defer_create(other_node, {}, :'=') end end end def define_class_method(*args, &block) klass = class << self; self; end klass.instance_eval do define_method(*args, &block) end end def association_query_proxy(name, options = {}) previous_query_proxy = options[:previous_query_proxy] || current_scope query_proxy = previous_query_proxy || default_association_query_proxy, associations[name], {session: neo4j_session, query_proxy: query_proxy, context: "#{query_proxy.context ||}##{name}", optional: query_proxy.optional?, association_labels: options[:labels], source_object: query_proxy.source_object}.merge!(options)).tap do |query_proxy_result| target_classes = association_target_classes(name) return query_proxy_result.as_models(target_classes) if target_classes end end def association_proxy(name, options = {}) query_proxy = association_query_proxy(name, options) end def association_target_class(name) target_classes_or_nil = associations[name].target_classes_or_nil return if !target_classes_or_nil.is_a?(Array) || target_classes_or_nil.size != 1 target_classes_or_nil[0] end def association_target_classes(name) target_classes_or_nil = associations[name].target_classes_or_nil return if !target_classes_or_nil.is_a?(Array) || target_classes_or_nil.size <= 1 target_classes_or_nil end def default_association_query_proxy"::#{}".constantize, nil, session: neo4j_session, query_proxy: nil, context: "#{}") end def build_association(macro, direction, name, options), direction, name, options).tap do |association| @associations ||= {} @associations[name] = association create_reflection(macro, name, association, self) end associations_keys << name # Re-raise any exception with added class name and association name to # make sure error message is helpful rescue StandardError => e raise e.class, "#{e.message} (#{self.class}##{name})" end end end end