# encoding: utf-8 task :build => :update do Rake::Task['clean'].execute puts "[*] Building librex.gemspec" system "gem build librex.gemspec &> /dev/null" end task :release => :build do puts "[*] Pushing librex to rubygems.org" system "gem push librex-*.gem &> /dev/null" Rake::Task['clean'].execute end task :clean do system "rm *.gem &> /dev/null" end task :update do puts "[*] Removing old rex code" system "git rm lib/rex.rb &> /dev/null" system "git rm lib/rex.rb.ts.rb &> /dev/null" system "git rm -rf lib/ &> /dev/null" system "rm -rf lib/ &> /dev/null" #So there is a cvs file in the msf stuff that breaks things system "mkdir lib &> /dev/null" puts "[*] Checking out Metasploit trunk" results = `svn co https://www.metasploit.com/svn/framework3/trunk/ /tmp/msftmp` rev = results.match(/^Checked out revision (.*)\.$/) puts "[*] Checkout Revision: #{rev[1]}" puts "[*] Copying new files" system "mv /tmp/msftmp/lib/rex.rb lib/ &> /dev/null" system "mv /tmp/msftmp/lib/rex.rb.ts.rb lib/ &> /dev/null" system "mv /tmp/msftmp/lib/rex/ lib/ &> /dev/null" system "find . -iname '.svn' -exec rm -rf {} \\; &> /dev/null" system "git add lib/ &> /dev/null" puts "[*] Cleaning up tmp files" system "rm -rf /tmp/msftmp" version = "" print "[*] Updating librex.gemspec with new Version and Revision Number v" File.open("librex.gemspec.1", "w+") do |output| File.open("librex.gemspec", "r") do |input| while (line = input.gets) if line =~ /^VERSION = (.*)$/ version = $1.chop.gsub("\"",'').split(".") version[2] = version[2].to_i + 1 version = version.join(".") print "#{version}\n" line = "VERSION = \"#{version}\"\n" elsif line =~ /^REVISION = (.*)$/ line = "REVISION = \"#{rev[1]}\"\n" else line = line end output.write line end end end system "mv librex.gemspec.1 librex.gemspec" puts "[*] Updating README.markdown with new Revision Number" File.open("README.markdown.1", "w+") do |output| File.open("README.markdown", "r") do |input| while (line = input.gets) if line =~ /^SVN Revision: (.*)$/ line = "SVN Revision: #{rev[1]}\n" else line = line end output.write line end end end system "mv README.markdown.1 README.markdown &> /dev/null" system "git commit -a -m \"Updated for Revision #{rev[1]}\" &> /dev/null" puts "[*] Commiting and Pushing Updates for Revision #{rev[1]}" system "git push &> /dev/null" #Twitter tweet for the update, I am that lazy yes. puts "[*] Updated librex to v#{version} based on SVN Revision: #{rev[1]} of the #metasploit rex library. Available in rubygems." end