module RecordSelect module Helpers # Print this from your layout to include everything necessary for RecordSelect to work. # Well, not everything. You need Prototype too. def record_select_includes includes = '' includes << stylesheet_link_tag('record_select/record_select') includes << javascript_include_tag('record_select/record_select') includes end # Adds a link on the page that toggles a RecordSelect widget from the given controller. # # *Options* # +onselect+:: JavaScript code to handle selections client-side. This code has access to two variables: id, label. If the code returns false, the dialog will *not* close automatically. # +params+:: Extra URL parameters. If any parameter is a column name, the parameter will be used as a search term to filter the result set. def link_to_record_select(name, controller, options = {}) options[:params] ||= {} options[:params].merge!(:controller => controller, :action => :browse) options[:onselect] = "function(id, label) {#{options[:onselect]}}" if options[:onselect] options[:html] ||= {} options[:html][:id] ||= "rs_#{rand(9999)}" assert_controller_responds(options[:params][:controller]) html = link_to_function(name, '', options[:html]) html << javascript_tag("new RecordSelect.Dialog(#{options[:html][:id].to_json}, #{url_for(options[:params].merge(:escape => false)).to_json}, {onselect: #{options[:onselect] || ''}})") return html end # Adds a RecordSelect-based form field. The field submits the record's id using a hidden input. # # *Arguments* # +name+:: the input name that will be used to submit the selected record's id. # +current+:: the currently selected object. provide a new record if there're none currently selected and you have not passed the optional :controller argument. # # *Options* # +controller+:: The controller configured to provide the result set. Optional if you have standard resource controllers (e.g. UsersController for the User model), in which case the controller will be inferred from the class of +current+ (the second argument) # +params+:: A hash of extra URL parameters # +id+:: The id to use for the input. Defaults based on the input's name. # +onchange+:: A JavaScript function that will be called whenever something new is selected. It should accept the new id as the first argument, and the new label as the second argument. For example, you could set onchange to be "function(id, label) {alert(id);}", or you could create a JavaScript function somewhere else and set onchange to be "my_function" (without the parantheses!). def record_select_field(name, current, options = {}) options[:controller] ||= current.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore options[:params] ||= {} options[:id] ||= name.gsub(/[\[\]]/, '_') options[:js_params] ||= "null" options[:ass_value] = true if options[:ass_value].nil? controller = assert_controller_responds(options[:controller]) id = label = '' if options[:ass_value] if current and not current.new_record? id = label = label_for_field(current, controller) end else id = current.object_id label = current end url = url_for({:action => :browse, :controller => options[:controller], :escape => false, :format => :js}.merge(options[:params])) html = text_field_tag(name, nil, :autocomplete => 'off', :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class], :onfocus => "this.focused=true", :onblur => "this.focused=false", :placeholder => options[:placeholder]) html << javascript_tag("jQuery(#{("#"+options[:id]).to_json}).recordSelectSingle(#{url.to_json}, { id: #{id.to_json}, label: #{label.to_json}, ass_value: #{options[:ass_value]}, openEvents: #{options[:open_events].try(:to_json) || 'null'}, onchange: #{options[:onchange] || ''.to_json}, js_params: #{options[:js_params]} });") return html end # Assists with the creation of an observer for the :onchange option of the record_select_field method. # Currently only supports building an Ajax.Request based on the id of the selected record. # # options[:url] should be a hash with all the necessary options *except* :id. that parameter # will be provided based on the selected record. # # Question: if selecting users, what's more likely? # /users/5/categories # /categories?user_id=5 def record_select_observer(options = {}) fn = "function(id, value) {" fn << "var url = #{url_for(options[:url].merge(:id => ":id:")).to_json}.replace(/:id:/, id);" fn << "jQuery.get(url);" fn << "}" end # Adds a RecordSelect-based form field for multiple selections. The values submit using a list of hidden inputs. # # *Arguments* # +name+:: the input name that will be used to submit the selected records' ids. empty brackets will be appended to the name. # +current+:: pass a collection of existing associated records # # *Options* # +controller+:: The controller configured to provide the result set. # +params+:: A hash of extra URL parameters # +id+:: The id to use for the input. Defaults based on the input's name. def record_multi_select_field(name, current, options = {}) options[:controller] ||= current.first.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore options[:params] ||= {} options[:id] ||= name.gsub(/[\[\]]/, '_') controller = assert_controller_responds(options[:controller]) current = current.inject([]) { |memo, record| memo.push({:id =>, :label => label_for_field(record, controller)}) } url = url_for({:action => :browse, :controller => options[:controller], :escape => false}.merge(options[:params])) html = text_field_tag("#{name}[]", nil, :autocomplete => 'off', :id => options[:id], :class => options[:class], :onfocus => "this.focused=true", :onblur => "this.focused=false") html << content_tag('ul', '', :class => 'record-select-list'); html << javascript_tag("new RecordSelect.Multiple(#{options[:id].to_json}, #{url.to_json}, {current: #{current.to_json}});") return html end # A helper to render RecordSelect partials def render_record_select(file, options = {}) #:nodoc: options[:file] = controller.send(:record_select_path_of, file) options[:use_full_path] = false render options end # Provides view access to the RecordSelect configuration def record_select_config #:nodoc: controller.send :record_select_config end # The id of the RecordSelect widget for the given controller. def record_select_id(controller = nil) #:nodoc: controller ||= params[:controller] "record-select-#{controller.gsub('/', '_')}" end def record_select_search_id(controller = nil) #:nodoc: "#{record_select_id(controller)}-search" end private # uses renderer (defaults to record_select_config.label) to determine how the given record renders. def render_record_from_config(record, renderer = record_select_config.label) case renderer when Symbol, String # return full-html from the named partial render :partial => renderer.to_s, :locals => {:record => record} when Proc # return an html-cleaned descriptive string h end end # uses the result of render_record_from_config to snag an appropriate record label # to display in a field. # # if given a controller, searches for a partial in its views path def label_for_field(record, controller = self.controller) renderer = controller.record_select_config.label case renderer when Symbol, String # find the <label> element and grab its innerHTML description = render_record_from_config(record, File.join(controller.controller_path, renderer.to_s)) description.match(/<label[^>]*>(.*)<\/label>/)[1] when Proc # just return the string render_record_from_config(record, renderer) end end def assert_controller_responds(controller_name) controller_name = "#{controller_name.camelize}Controller" controller = controller_name.constantize unless controller.uses_record_select? raise "#{controller_name} has not been configured to use RecordSelect." end controller end end end