// See the Tailwind default theme values here: // https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss/blob/master/stubs/defaultConfig.stub.js const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors') const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme') module.exports = { content: [ './app/views/**/*.html.erb', './app/helpers/**/*.rb', './app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.css', './app/javascript/**/*.js', './node_modules/flowbite/**/*.js' ], plugins: [ require('flowbite/plugin') ], theme: { // Extend (add to) the default theme in the `extend` key extend: { // Create your own at: https://javisperez.github.io/tailwindcolorshades colors: { primary: colors.red, secondary: colors.emerald, tertiary: colors.blue, success: colors.green, danger: colors.rose, gray: colors.neutral }, fontFamily: { sans: ['Inter', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans], }, }, // Opt-in to TailwindCSS future changes future: {}, }, }