Feature: Ability to Handle Events or Time-Based Situations Scenario: Waiting for a general condition When performing a successful action on the object test page Then the test should wait for a success page Scenario: Waiting for an object to be invisible When on the events test page Then the conditional button can be clicked When the conditional button is hidden Then the test will wait until the conditional button is invisible And after that time the conditional button should not be visible Scenario: Waiting for an object to be visible When the conditional button on the events test page is invisible And the conditional button is revealed Then the test will wait until the conditional button is visible before clicking it Scenario: Dealing with alert message boxes When the alert message box appears Then the alert message should be "Alert Message Received" Scenario: Dealing with confirmation message boxes When the confirmation message box appears Then the confirmation message should be "Confirmation Message Received" Scenario: Dealing with prompt message boxes When the prompt message box appears Then the prompt message should be "Favorite Sith Lord" And the prompt default value should be "Darth Bane"