# unpack resource information # Reader - ADIwg JSON to internal data structure # History: # Stan Smith 2018-06-24 refactored error and warning messaging # Stan Smith 2018-02-19 refactored error and warning messaging # Stan Smith 2017-05-16 deprecated topic category # ... topic category is now handled as keyword list # Stan Smith 2016-11-01 original script require 'adiwg/mdtranslator/internal/internal_metadata_obj' require_relative 'module_resourceType' require_relative 'module_citation' require_relative 'module_timePeriod' require_relative 'module_responsibleParty' require_relative 'module_spatialReference' require_relative 'module_spatialRepresentation' require_relative 'module_spatialResolution' require_relative 'module_duration' require_relative 'module_extent' require_relative 'module_coverageDescription' require_relative 'module_taxonomy' require_relative 'module_graphic' require_relative 'module_format' require_relative 'module_keyword' require_relative 'module_resourceUsage' require_relative 'module_constraint' require_relative 'module_locale' require_relative 'module_maintenance' module ADIWG module Mdtranslator module Readers module MdJson module ResourceInfo def self.unpack(hResInfo, responseObj) @MessagePath = ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::MdJson::MdJson # return nil object if input is empty if hResInfo.empty? @MessagePath.issueError(680, responseObj) return nil end # instance classes needed in script intMetadataClass = InternalMetadata.new intResInfo = intMetadataClass.newResourceInfo outContext = 'resource information' # resource information - resource type [] (required) {resourceType} if hResInfo.has_key?('resourceType') hResInfo['resourceType'].each do |item| unless item.empty? hReturn = ResourceType.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:resourceTypes] << hReturn end end end end if intResInfo[:resourceTypes].empty? @MessagePath.issueError(681, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - citation {citation} (required) if hResInfo.has_key?('citation') hObject = hResInfo['citation'] unless hObject.empty? hReturn = Citation.unpack(hObject, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:citation] = hReturn end end end if intResInfo[:citation].empty? @MessagePath.issueError(682, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - abstract (required) if hResInfo.has_key?('abstract') intResInfo[:abstract] = hResInfo['abstract'] end if intResInfo[:abstract].nil? || intResInfo[:abstract] == '' @MessagePath.issueError(683, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - short abstract if hResInfo.has_key?('shortAbstract') unless hResInfo['shortAbstract'] == '' intResInfo[:shortAbstract] = hResInfo['shortAbstract'] end end # resource information - purpose if hResInfo.has_key?('purpose') unless hResInfo['purpose'] == '' intResInfo[:purpose] = hResInfo['purpose'] end end # resource information - resource time period {timePeriod} if hResInfo.has_key?('timePeriod') hObject = hResInfo['timePeriod'] unless hObject.empty? hObject[:description] = 'resource time period' if hObject[:description].nil? hReturn = TimePeriod.unpack(hObject, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:timePeriod] = hReturn end end end # resource information - credits [] if hResInfo.has_key?('credit') hResInfo['credit'].each do |item| unless item == '' intResInfo[:credits] << item end end end # resource information - status [] (required) if hResInfo.has_key?('status') hResInfo['status'].each do |item| unless item == '' intResInfo[:status] << item end end end if intResInfo[:status].empty? @MessagePath.issueError(684, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - topic category (deprecated) if hResInfo.has_key?('topicCategory') unless hResInfo['topicCategory'].empty? # move topicCategories to keywordObject hKeyword = {} hKeyword['keyword'] = [] hKeyword['keywordType'] = 'isoTopicCategory' hResInfo['topicCategory'].each do |keyword| hKeywordObj = {} hKeywordObj['keyword'] = keyword hKeyword['keyword'] << hKeywordObj end hReturn = Keyword.unpack(hKeyword, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:keywords] << hReturn end @MessagePath.issueNotice(685, responseObj, outContext) end end # resource information - point of contact [] {responsibleParty} (required) if hResInfo.has_key?('pointOfContact') aItems = hResInfo['pointOfContact'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = ResponsibleParty.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:pointOfContacts] << hReturn end end end if intResInfo[:pointOfContacts].empty? @MessagePath.issueError(686, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - spatial reference system [] {spatialReference} if hResInfo.has_key?('spatialReferenceSystem') aItems = hResInfo['spatialReferenceSystem'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = SpatialReferenceSystem.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:spatialReferenceSystems] << hReturn end end end # resource information - spatial representation type [] if hResInfo.has_key?('spatialRepresentationType') hResInfo['spatialRepresentationType'].each do |item| unless item == '' intResInfo[:spatialRepresentationTypes] << item end end end # resource information - spatial representation [] {spatialRepresentation} if hResInfo.has_key?('spatialRepresentation') aItems = hResInfo['spatialRepresentation'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = SpatialRepresentation.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:spatialRepresentations] << hReturn end end end # resource information - spatial resolution [] {spatialResolution} if hResInfo.has_key?('spatialResolution') aItems = hResInfo['spatialResolution'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = SpatialResolution.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:spatialResolutions] << hReturn end end end # resource information - temporal resolution [] {duration} if hResInfo.has_key?('temporalResolution') aItems = hResInfo['temporalResolution'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Duration.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:temporalResolutions] << hReturn end end end # resource information - extent [] {extent} if hResInfo.has_key?('extent') aItems = hResInfo['extent'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Extent.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:extents] << hReturn end end end # resource information - content information [] {contentInformation} if hResInfo.has_key?('coverageDescription') aItems = hResInfo['coverageDescription'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = CoverageDescription.unpack(item, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:coverageDescriptions] << hReturn end end end # resource information - taxonomy [] {taxonomy} # support deprecated taxonomy{} if hResInfo.has_key?('taxonomy') aTaxonomy = hResInfo['taxonomy'] if aTaxonomy.is_a?(Array) aTaxonomy.each do |hTaxonomy| hReturn = Taxonomy.unpack(hTaxonomy, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:taxonomy] << hReturn end end else hReturn = Taxonomy.unpack(aTaxonomy, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:taxonomy] << hReturn end @MessagePath.issueNotice(687, responseObj, outContext) end end # resource information - graphic overview [] {graphicOverview} if hResInfo.has_key?('graphicOverview') aItems = hResInfo['graphicOverview'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Graphic.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:graphicOverviews] << hReturn end end end # resource information - resource format [] {format} if hResInfo.has_key?('resourceFormat') aItems = hResInfo['resourceFormat'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Format.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:resourceFormats] << hReturn end end end # resource information - keyword [] {keyword} if hResInfo.has_key?('keyword') aItems = hResInfo['keyword'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Keyword.unpack(item, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:keywords] << hReturn end end end # resource information - resource usage [] {resourceUsage} if hResInfo.has_key?('resourceUsage') aItems = hResInfo['resourceUsage'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = ResourceUsage.unpack(item, responseObj) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:resourceUsages] << hReturn end end end # resource information - constraint [] {constraint} if hResInfo.has_key?('constraint') aCons = hResInfo['constraint'] aCons.each do |hItem| hReturn = Constraint.unpack(hItem, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:constraints] << hReturn end end end # resource information - default resource locale {locale} (required) if hResInfo.has_key?('defaultResourceLocale') hObject = hResInfo['defaultResourceLocale'] unless hObject.empty? hReturn = Locale.unpack(hObject, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:defaultResourceLocale] = hReturn end end end if intResInfo[:defaultResourceLocale].empty? @MessagePath.issueError(688, responseObj, outContext) end # resource information - other resource locale [] {locale} if hResInfo.has_key?('otherResourceLocale') aItems = hResInfo['otherResourceLocale'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Locale.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:otherResourceLocales] << hReturn end end end # resource information - resource maintenance [] {maintenance} if hResInfo.has_key?('resourceMaintenance') aItems = hResInfo['resourceMaintenance'] aItems.each do |item| hReturn = Maintenance.unpack(item, responseObj, outContext) unless hReturn.nil? intResInfo[:resourceMaintenance] << hReturn end end end # resource information - environment description if hResInfo.has_key?('environmentDescription') unless hResInfo['environmentDescription'] == '' intResInfo[:environmentDescription] = hResInfo['environmentDescription'] end end # resource information - supplemental information if hResInfo.has_key?('supplementalInfo') unless hResInfo['supplementalInfo'] == '' intResInfo[:supplementalInfo] = hResInfo['supplementalInfo'] end end return intResInfo end end end end end end