require 'jdbc_adapter/missing_functionality_helper' module ::JdbcSpec module ActiveRecordExtensions def derby_connection(config) config[:url] ||= "jdbc:derby:#{config[:database]};create=true" config[:driver] ||= "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver" embedded_driver(config) end end module Derby def self.column_selector [/derby/i, lambda {|cfg,col| col.extend(::JdbcSpec::Derby::Column)}] end def self.adapter_selector [/derby/i, lambda {|cfg,adapt| adapt.extend(::JdbcSpec::Derby)}] end def self.monkey_rails unless @already_monkeyd # Needed because Rails is broken wrt to quoting of # some values. Most databases are nice about it, # but not Derby. The real issue is that you can't # compare a CHAR value to a NUMBER column. ::ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods.module_eval do private def select_limited_ids_list(options, join_dependency) connection.select_all( construct_finder_sql_for_association_limiting(options, join_dependency), "#{name} Load IDs For Limited Eager Loading" ).collect { |row| connection.quote(row[primary_key], columns_hash[primary_key]) }.join(", ") end end @already_monkeyd = true end end def self.extended(*args) monkey_rails end def self.included(*args) monkey_rails end module Column def value_to_binary(value) value.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/).collect {|v| v.to_i(16)}.pack("C*") end def cast_to_date_or_time(value) return value if value.is_a? Date return nil if value.blank? guess_date_or_time((value.is_a? Time) ? value : cast_to_time(value)) end def cast_to_time(value) return value if value.is_a? Time time_array = ParseDate.parsedate value time_array[0] ||= 2000; time_array[1] ||= 1; time_array[2] ||= 1; Time.send(ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone, *time_array) rescue nil end def guess_date_or_time(value) (value.hour == 0 and value.min == 0 and value.sec == 0) ?, value.month, : value end def simplified_type(field_type) return :boolean if field_type =~ /smallint/i return :float if field_type =~ /real/i super end end include JdbcSpec::MissingFunctionalityHelper def modify_types(tp) tp[:primary_key] = "int generated by default as identity NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY" tp[:integer][:limit] = nil tp[:string][:limit] = 256 tp[:boolean] = {:name => "smallint"} tp end # Override default -- fix case where ActiveRecord passes :default => nil, :null => true def add_column_options!(sql, options) options.delete(:default) if options.has_key?(:default) && options[:default].nil? options.delete(:null) if options.has_key?(:null) && (options[:null].nil? || options[:null] == true) super end def classes_for_table_name(table) ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).select {|klass| klass.table_name == table} end # Set the sequence to the max value of the table's column. def reset_sequence!(table, column, sequence = nil) mpk = select_value("SELECT MAX(#{quote_column_name column}) FROM #{table}") execute("ALTER TABLE #{table} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name column} RESTART WITH #{mpk.to_i + 1}") end def reset_pk_sequence!(table, pk = nil, sequence = nil) klasses = classes_for_table_name(table) klass = klasses.nil? ? nil : klasses.first pk = klass.primary_key unless klass.nil? if pk && klass.columns_hash[pk].type == :integer reset_sequence!(klass.table_name, pk) end end def primary_key(table_name) #:nodoc: primary_keys(table_name).first end def remove_index(table_name, options) #:nodoc: execute "DROP INDEX #{index_name(table_name, options)}" end def rename_table(name, new_name) execute "RENAME TABLE #{name} TO #{new_name}" end COLUMN_INFO_STMT = "SELECT C.COLUMNNAME, C.REFERENCEID, C.COLUMNNUMBER FROM SYS.SYSCOLUMNS C, SYS.SYSTABLES T WHERE T.TABLEID = '%s' AND T.TABLEID = C.REFERENCEID ORDER BY C.COLUMNNUMBER" COLUMN_TYPE_STMT = "SELECT COLUMNDATATYPE, COLUMNDEFAULT FROM SYS.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE REFERENCEID = '%s' AND COLUMNNAME = '%s'" AUTO_INC_STMT = "SELECT AUTOINCREMENTSTART, AUTOINCREMENTINC, COLUMNNAME, REFERENCEID, COLUMNDEFAULT FROM SYS.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE REFERENCEID = '%s' AND COLUMNNAME = '%s'" AUTO_INC_STMT2 = "SELECT AUTOINCREMENTSTART, AUTOINCREMENTINC, COLUMNNAME, REFERENCEID, COLUMNDEFAULT FROM SYS.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE REFERENCEID = (SELECT T.TABLEID FROM SYS.SYSTABLES T WHERE T.TABLENAME = '%s') AND COLUMNNAME = '%s'" def add_quotes(name) return name unless name %Q{"#{name}"} end def strip_quotes(str) return str unless str return str unless /^(["']).*\1$/ =~ str str[1..-2] end def expand_double_quotes(name) return name unless name && name['"'] name.gsub(/"/,'""') end def reinstate_auto_increment(name, refid, coldef) stmt = AUTO_INC_STMT % [refid, strip_quotes(name)] data = execute(stmt).first if data start = data['autoincrementstart'] if start coldef << " GENERATED " << (data['columndefault'].nil? ? "ALWAYS" : "BY DEFAULT ") coldef << "AS IDENTITY (START WITH " coldef << start coldef << ", INCREMENT BY " coldef << data['autoincrementinc'] coldef << ")" return true end end false end def reinstate_auto_increment(name, refid, coldef) stmt = AUTO_INC_STMT % [refid, strip_quotes(name)] data = execute(stmt).first if data start = data['autoincrementstart'] if start coldef << " GENERATED " << (data['columndefault'].nil? ? "ALWAYS" : "BY DEFAULT ") coldef << "AS IDENTITY (START WITH " coldef << start coldef << ", INCREMENT BY " coldef << data['autoincrementinc'] coldef << ")" return true end end false end def auto_increment_stmt(tname, cname) stmt = AUTO_INC_STMT2 % [tname, strip_quotes(cname)] data = execute(stmt).first if data start = data['autoincrementstart'] if start coldef = "" coldef << " GENERATED " << (data['columndefault'].nil? ? "ALWAYS" : "BY DEFAULT ") coldef << "AS IDENTITY (START WITH " coldef << start coldef << ", INCREMENT BY " coldef << data['autoincrementinc'] coldef << ")" return coldef end end "" end def add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) if option_not_null = options[:null] == false option_not_null = options.delete(:null) end add_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} ADD #{quote_column_name(column_name)} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}" add_column_options!(add_column_sql, options) execute(add_column_sql) if option_not_null alter_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} ALTER #{quote_column_name(column_name)} NOT NULL" end end # I don't think this method is ever called ??? (stepheneb) def create_column(name, refid, colno) stmt = COLUMN_TYPE_STMT % [refid, strip_quotes(name)] coldef = "" data = execute(stmt).first if data coldef << add_quotes(expand_double_quotes(strip_quotes(name))) coldef << " " coldef << data['columndatatype'] if !reinstate_auto_increment(name, refid, coldef) && data['columndefault'] coldef << " DEFAULT " << data['columndefault'] end end coldef end SIZEABLE = %w(VARCHAR CLOB BLOB) def structure_dump #:nodoc: definition="" rs = @connection.connection.meta_data.getTables(nil,nil,nil,["TABLE"].to_java(:string)) while tname = rs.getString(3) definition << "CREATE TABLE #{tname} (\n" rs2 = @connection.connection.meta_data.getColumns(nil,nil,tname,nil) first_col = true while col_name = add_quotes(rs2.getString(4)); default = "" d1 = rs2.getString(13) if d1 =~ /^GENERATED_/ default = auto_increment_stmt(tname, col_name) elsif d1 default = " DEFAULT #{d1}" end type = rs2.getString(6) col_size = rs2.getString(7) nulling = (rs2.getString(18) == 'NO' ? " NOT NULL" : "") create_col_string = add_quotes(expand_double_quotes(strip_quotes(col_name))) + " " + type + (SIZEABLE.include?(type) ? "(#{col_size})" : "") + nulling + default if !first_col create_col_string = ",\n #{create_col_string}" else create_col_string = " #{create_col_string}" end definition << create_col_string first_col = false end definition << ");\n\n" end definition end # Support for removing columns added via derby bug issue: # # # This feature has not made it into a formal release and is not in Java 6. # If the normal strategy fails we fall back on a strategy by creating a new # table without the new column and there after moving the data to the new # def remove_column(table_name, column_name) begin execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_name} RESTRICT" rescue alter_table(table_name) do |definition| definition.columns.delete(definition[column_name]) end end end # Notes about changing in Derby: # # # We support changing columns using the strategy outlined in: # # # This feature has not made it into a formal release and is not in Java 6. We will # need to conditionally support this somehow (supposed to arrive for def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) # null/not nulling is easy, handle that separately if options.include?(:null) # This seems to only work with 10.2 of Derby if options.delete(:null) == false execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} NOT NULL" else execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} NULL" end end # anything left to do? unless options.empty? begin execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} SET DATA TYPE #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit])}" rescue transaction do temp_new_column_name = "#{column_name}_newtype" # 1) ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN c1_newtype NEWTYPE; add_column table_name, temp_new_column_name, type, options # 2) UPDATE t SET c1_newtype = c1; execute "UPDATE #{table_name} SET #{temp_new_column_name} = CAST(#{column_name} AS #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit])})" # 3) ALTER TABLE t DROP COLUMN c1; remove_column table_name, column_name # 4) ALTER TABLE t RENAME COLUMN c1_newtype to c1; rename_column table_name, temp_new_column_name, column_name end end end end # Support for renaming columns: # # # This feature is expect to arrive in version # # def rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) #:nodoc: begin execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER RENAME COLUMN #{column_name} TO #{new_column_name}" rescue alter_table(table_name, :rename => {column_name => new_column_name}) end end def primary_keys(table_name) @connection.primary_keys table_name.to_s.upcase end def recreate_database(db_name) tables.each do |t| drop_table t end end # For DDL it appears you can quote "" column names, but in queries (like insert it errors out?) def quote_column_name(name) #:nodoc: name = name.to_s if /^references$/i =~ name %Q{"#{name.upcase}"} elsif /[A-Z]/ =~ name && /[a-z]/ =~ name %Q{"#{name}"} elsif name =~ /\s/ %Q{"#{name.upcase}"} elsif name =~ /^[_\d]/ %Q{"#{name.upcase}"} else name end end def quoted_true '1' end def quoted_false '0' end end end