require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream do DC_ELEMENTS = [:contributor, :coverage, :creator, :date, :description, :identifier, :language, :publisher, :relation, :rights, :source] before(:all) do # Load Sample OralHistory Model require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "samples","oral_history_sample_model" ) @dc_terms = [] end before(:each) do @sample_xml = " sound medium rights English tmp kw1 kw2 creator creator contributor coverage identifier relation source title extent audio/x-wav sh1 sh2 sp1 sp2 jwa alt desc datestr " @test_ds = ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream.from_xml(@sample_xml ) end it "from_xml should parse everything correctly" do @test_ds.ng_xml.should be_equivalent_to @sample_xml end it "should create the right number of fields" do ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream::DCTERMS.size.should == 62 end it "should have unmodifiable constants" do proc {ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream::DCTERMS<<:foo}.should raise_error((TypeError if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.0") || RuntimeError, /can't modify frozen array/i) end it "should default dc elements to :multiple=>true" do @test_ds.fields.values.each do |s| s.has_key?(:multiple).should == true end end after(:each) do end describe '#new' do it 'should provide #new' do ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream.should respond_to(:new) end describe "model methods" do DC_ELEMENTS.each do |el| it "should respond to getters and setters for #{el} element" do pending if el == :type value = "Hey #{el}" @test_ds.send("#{el.to_s}=", value) @test_ds.send(el).first.should == value #Looking at first because creator has 2 nodes end end end end describe '.to_xml' do it 'should output the fields hash as Qualified Dublin Core XML' do #@test_ds.should_receive(:new?).and_return(true).twice sample_xml = "title1publisher1creator1creator2" @test_ds =, 'qdc' ) @test_ds.field :publisher @test_ds.field :creator @test_ds.field :title @test_ds.publisher= ["publisher1"] @test_ds.creator= ["creator1", "creator2"] @test_ds.title= ["title1"] @test_ds.to_xml.should be_equivalent_to(' publisher1 creator1 creator2 title1 ') end end describe "#to_solr" do it "should have title" do @test_ds =, 'qdc' ) @test_ds.title = "War and Peace" solr = @test_ds.to_solr solr["title_t"].should == ["War and Peace"] end end describe 'custom fields' do it 'should grab the term' do sample_xml = "custom" test_ds = ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream.from_xml(sample_xml ) test_ds.field :cust test_ds.cust.should == ['custom'] end end end