# python version 1.0						DO NOT EDIT
# This python file has been generated by smidump version 0.5.0:
#   smidump -f python GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB

FILENAME = "./libsmi-0.5.0/mibs/ietf/GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"

MIB = {
    "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",

    "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB" : {
        "nodetype" : "module",
        "language" : "SMIv2",
        "organization" :    
            """IETF Common Control and Measurement Plane (CCAMP) Working
        "contact" : 
            """       Thomas D. Nadeau
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Email: tnadeau@cisco.com
Adrian Farrel
Old Dog Consulting
Email: adrian@olddog.co.uk

Comments about this document should be emailed directly
to the CCAMP working group mailing list at
        "description" :
            """Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).  This version of
this MIB module is part of RFC 4802; see the RFC itself for
full legal notices.

This MIB module contains managed object definitions
for GMPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) as defined in:
1. Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
   Signaling Functional Description, Berger, L. (Editor),
   RFC 3471, January 2003.
2. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, Berger,
   L. (Editor), RFC 3473, January 2003.""",
        "revisions" : (
                "date" : "2007-02-27 00:00",
                "description" :
                    """Initial version issued as part of RFC 4802.""",
        "identity node" : "gmplsTeStdMIB",

    "imports" : (
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "MODULE-IDENTITY"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "OBJECT-TYPE"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "NOTIFICATION-TYPE"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter64"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "zeroDotZero"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "MODULE-COMPLIANCE"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "OBJECT-GROUP"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "NOTIFICATION-GROUP"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TimeStamp"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
        {"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
        {"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
        {"module" : "SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "name" : "SnmpAdminString"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelInstance"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelIngressLSRId"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelEgressLSRId"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelHopListIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelHopPathOptionIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelHopIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelARHopListIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelARHopIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelCHopListIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelCHopIndex"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelEntry"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelAdminStatus"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelOperStatus"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelGroup"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsTunnelScalarGroup"},
        {"module" : "IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC"},
        {"module" : "IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC"},
        {"module" : "IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsGeneralizedPidTC"},
        {"module" : "IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsAdminStatusInformationTC"},
        {"module" : "MPLS-TC-STD-MIB", "name" : "mplsStdMIB"},

    "nodes" : {
        "gmplsTeStdMIB" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTeNotifications" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTeScalars" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTunnelsConfigured" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of GMPLS tunnels configured on this device.  A GMPLS

tunnel is considered configured if an entry for the tunnel
exists in the gmplsTunnelTable and the associated
mplsTunnelRowStatus is active(1).""",
        }, # scalar
        "gmplsTunnelsActive" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of GMPLS tunnels active on this device.  A GMPLS
tunnel is considered active if there is an entry in the
gmplsTunnelTable and the associated mplsTunnelOperStatus for the
tunnel is up(1).""",
        }, # scalar
        "gmplsTeObjects" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTunnelTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """The gmplsTunnelTable sparsely extends the mplsTunnelTable of
MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  It allows GMPLS tunnels to be created between
an LSR and a remote endpoint, and existing tunnels to be
reconfigured or removed.

Note that only point-to-point tunnel segments are supported,
although multipoint-to-point and point-to-multipoint
connections are supported by an LSR acting as a cross-connect.
Each tunnel can thus have one out-segment originating at this
LSR and/or one in-segment terminating at this LSR.

The row status of an entry in this table is controlled by the
mplsTunnelRowStatus in the corresponding entry in the
mplsTunnelTable.  When the corresponding mplsTunnelRowStatus has
value active(1), a row in this table may not be created or

The exception to this rule is the
gmplsTunnelAdminStatusInformation object, which can be modified
while the tunnel is active.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "create" : "true",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table in association with the corresponding
entry in the mplsTunnelTable represents a GMPLS tunnel.

An entry can be created by a network administrator via SNMP SET
commands, or in response to signaling protocol events.""",
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelUnnumIf" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "false",
            "description" :
                """Denotes whether or not this tunnel corresponds to an unnumbered
interface represented by an entry in the interfaces group table
(the ifTable) with ifType set to mpls(166).

This object is only used if mplsTunnelIsIf is set to 'true'.

If both this object and the mplsTunnelIsIf object are set to
'true', the originating LSR adds an LSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE_ID
object to the outgoing Path message.

This object contains information that is only used by the
terminating LSR.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Signalling Unnumbered Links in RSVP-TE, RFC 3477.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelAttributes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "labelRecordingDesired" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "()",
            "description" :
                """This bitmask indicates optional parameters for this tunnel.
These bits should be taken in addition to those defined in
mplsTunnelSessionAttributes in order to determine the full set
of options to be signaled (for example SESSION_ATTRIBUTES flags
in RSVP-TE).  The following describes these bitfields:

  This flag is set to indicate that label information should be
  included when doing a route record.  This bit is not valid
  unless the recordRoute bit is set.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, RFC 3209,
sections 4.4.3, 4.7.1, and 4.7.2.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "tunnelLspNotGmpls",
            "description" :
                """This object indicates the encoding of the LSP being requested.

A value of 'tunnelLspNotGmpls' indicates that GMPLS signaling is
not in use.  Some objects in this MIB module may be of use for
MPLS signaling extensions that do not use GMPLS signaling.  By
setting this object to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls', an application may

indicate that only those objects meaningful in MPLS should be

The values to use are defined in the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC found in the IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSwitchingType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the type of switching that should be performed on
a particular link.  This field is needed for links that
advertise more than one type of switching capability.

The values to use are defined in the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC found in the IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB module.

This object is only meaningful if gmplsTunnelLSPEncodingType
is not set to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelLinkProtection" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "extraTraffic" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "unprotected" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "shared" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "dedicatedOneToOne" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "dedicatedOnePlusOne" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "enhanced" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "()",
            "description" :
                """This bitmask indicates the level of link protection required.  A
value of zero (no bits set) indicates that any protection may be
used.  The following describes these bitfields:

  This flag is set to indicate that the LSP should use links
  that are protecting other (primary) traffic.  Such LSPs may be
  preempted when the links carrying the (primary) traffic being
  protected fail.

  This flag is set to indicate that the LSP should not use any
  link layer protection.

  This flag is set to indicate that a shared link layer
  protection scheme, such as 1:N protection, should be used to
  support the LSP.

  This flag is set to indicate that a dedicated link layer
  protection scheme, i.e., 1:1 protection, should be used to
  support the LSP.

  This flag is set to indicate that a dedicated link layer
  protection scheme, i.e., 1+1 protection, should be used to
  support the LSP.

  This flag is set to indicate that a protection scheme that is
  more reliable than Dedicated 1+1 should be used, e.g., 4 fiber

This object is only meaningful if gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding is
not set to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling
Functional Description, RFC 3471, section 7.1.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelGPid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsGeneralizedPidTC"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """This object indicates the payload carried by the LSP.  It is only
required when GMPLS will be used for this LSP.

The values to use are defined in the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
IANAGmplsGeneralizedPidTC found in the IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB module.

This object is only meaningful if gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not
set to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSecondary" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "false",
            "description" :
                """Indicates that the requested LSP is a secondary LSP.

This object is only meaningful if gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not
set to 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling
Functional Description, RFC 3471, section 7.1.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelDirection" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "forward" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "bidirectional" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "forward",
            "description" :
                """Whether this tunnel carries forward data only (is
unidirectional) or is bidirectional.

Values of this object other than 'forward' are meaningful
only if gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding is not set to
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelPathComp" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "dynamicFull" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "explicit" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "dynamicPartial" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "dynamicFull",
            "description" :
                """This value instructs the source node on how to perform path
computation on the explicit route specified by the associated
entries in the gmplsTunnelHopTable.

  The user specifies at least the source and
  destination of the path and expects that the Constrained

  Shortest Path First (CSPF) will calculate the remainder
  of the path.

  The user specifies the entire path for the tunnel to
  take.  This path may contain strict or loose hops.
  Evaluation of the explicit route will be performed
  hop by hop through the network.

  The user specifies at least the source and
  destination of the path and expects that the CSPF
  will calculate the remainder of the path.  The path
  computed by CSPF is allowed to be only partially
  computed allowing the remainder of the path to be
  filled in across the network.

When an entry is present in the gmplsTunnelTable for a
tunnel, gmplsTunnelPathComp MUST be used and any
corresponding mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp object in the
mplsTunnelHopTable MUST be ignored and SHOULD not be set.

mplsTunnelHopTable and mplsTunnelHopEntryPathComp are part of

This object should be ignored if the value of
gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding is 'tunnelLspNotGmpls'.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """This object is used to aid in interpretation of
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0x00000000",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the address of the upstream recipient for Notify
messages relating to this tunnel and issued by this LSR.  This
information is typically received from an upstream LSR in a Path

This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using RSVP.

It is also not valid at the head end of a tunnel since there are
no upstream LSRs to which to send a Notify message.

This object is interpreted in the context of the value of
gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipientType. If this object is set to
0, the value of gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipientType MUST be
set to unknown(0).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 4.2. """,
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipientType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """This object is used to aid in interpretation of
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipient" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0x00000000",
            "description" :
                """Indicates to an upstream LSR the address to which it should send
downstream Notify messages relating to this tunnel.

This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using RSVP.

It is also not valid at the head end of the tunnel since no Resv
messages are sent from that LSR for this tunnel.

If set to 0, no Notify Request object will be included in the
outgoing Resv messages.

This object is interpreted in the context of the value of
gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipientType. If this object is set to

0, the value of gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipientType MUST be
set to unknown(0).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 4.2. """,
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """This object is used to aid in interpretation of
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0x00000000",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the address of the downstream recipient for Notify
messages relating to this tunnel and issued by this LSR.  This
information is typically received from an upstream LSR in a Resv
message.  This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using

It is also not valid at the tail end of a tunnel since there are
no downstream LSRs to which to send a Notify message.

This object is interpreted in the context of the value of
gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipientType. If this object is set
to 0, the value of gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipientType MUST
be set to unknown(0).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 4.2.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipientType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "unknown",
            "description" :
                """This object is used to aid in interpretation of
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipient" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0x00000000",
            "description" :
                """Indicates to a downstream LSR the address to which it should
send upstream Notify messages relating to this tunnel.

This object is only valid when signaling a tunnel using RSVP.

It is also not valid at the tail end of the tunnel since no Path
messages are sent from that LSR for this tunnel.

If set to 0, no Notify Request object will be included in the
outgoing Path messages.

This object is interpreted in the context of the value of
gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipientType.  If this object is set to
0, the value of gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipientType MUST be
set to unknown(0).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 4.2. """,
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB", "name" : "IANAGmplsAdminStatusInformationTC"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "()",
            "description" :
                """Determines the setting of the Admin Status flags in the
Admin Status object or TLV, as described in RFC 3471.  Setting
this field to a non-zero value will result in the inclusion of
the Admin Status object on signaling messages.

The values to use are defined in the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
IANAGmplsAdminStatusInformationTC found in the

This value of this object can be modified when the
corresponding mplsTunnelRowStatus and mplsTunnelAdminStatus
is active(1).  By doing so, a new signaling message will be

triggered including the requested Admin Status object or
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling
Functional Description, RFC 3471, section 8.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0.0",
            "description" :
                """Some tunnels will run over transports that can usefully support
technology-specific additional parameters (for example,
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) resource usage).  Such
parameters can be supplied in an external table and referenced
from here.

A value of zeroDotzero in this attribute indicates that there
is no such additional information.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelHopTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """The gmplsTunnelHopTable sparsely extends the mplsTunnelHopTable
of MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  It is used to indicate the Explicit Labels
to be used in an explicit path for a GMPLS tunnel defined in the
mplsTunnelTable and gmplsTunnelTable, when it is established
using signaling.  It does not insert new hops, but does define
new values for hops defined in the mplsTunnelHopTable.

Each row in this table is indexed by the same indexes as in the
mplsTunnelHopTable.  It is acceptable for some rows in the
mplsTunnelHopTable to have corresponding entries in this table
and some to have no corresponding entry in this table.

The storage type for this entry is given by the value
of mplsTunnelHopStorageType in the corresponding entry in the

The row status of an entry in this table is controlled by
mplsTunnelHopRowStatus in the corresponding entry in the
mplsTunnelHopTable.  That is, it is not permitted to create a row

in this table, or to modify an existing row, when the
corresponding mplsTunnelHopRowStatus has the value active(1).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.
2. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelHopEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "create" : "true",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table represents additions to a tunnel hop
defined in mplsTunnelHopEntry.  At an ingress to a tunnel, an
entry in this table is created by a network administrator for an
ERLSP to be set up by a signaling protocol.  At transit and
egress nodes, an entry in this table may be used to represent the
explicit path instructions received using the signaling
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "forwardPresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "reversePresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "default" : "()",
            "description" :
                """This bitmask indicates the presence of labels indicated by the
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabel or
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr, and
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabel or

gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr objects.

For the Present bits, a set bit indicates that a label is
present for this hop in the route.  This allows zero to be a
valid label value.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """If gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a Forward
Label is present and gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr
contains the value zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this
hop is represented by the value of this object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0.0",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label to use on this hop
in the forward direction.

If the gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in
this object encoded as a 32-bit integer.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0.0",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label to use on this hop
in the reverse direction.

If the gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """The gmplsTunnelARHopTable sparsely extends the
mplsTunnelARHopTable of MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  It is used to
indicate the labels currently in use for a GMPLS tunnel
defined in the mplsTunnelTable and gmplsTunnelTable, as
reported by the signaling protocol.  It does not insert
new hops, but does define new values for hops defined in
the mplsTunnelARHopTable.

Each row in this table is indexed by the same indexes as in the
mplsTunnelARHopTable.  It is acceptable for some rows in the
mplsTunnelARHopTable to have corresponding entries in this table
and some to have no corresponding entry in this table.

Note that since the information necessary to build entries
within this table is not provided by some signaling protocols
and might not be returned in all cases of other signaling
protocols, implementation of this table and the
mplsTunnelARHopTable is optional.  Furthermore, since the
information in this table is actually provided by the
signaling protocol after the path has been set up, the entries
in this table are provided only for observation, and hence,
all variables in this table are accessible exclusively as
            "reference" :
                """1. Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, RFC 3209.

2. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473.
3. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
   Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelARHopEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table represents additions to a tunnel hop
visible in mplsTunnelARHopEntry.  An entry is created by the
signaling protocol for a signaled ERLSP set up by the signaling

At any node on the LSP (ingress, transit, or egress), this table
and the mplsTunnelARHopTable (if the tables are supported and if
the signaling protocol is recording actual route information)
contain the actual route of the whole tunnel.  If the signaling
protocol is not recording the actual route, this table MAY
report the information from the gmplsTunnelHopTable or the

Note that the recording of actual labels is distinct from the
recording of the actual route in some signaling protocols.  This
feature is enabled using the gmplsTunnelAttributes object.""",
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "forwardPresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "reversePresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "forwardGlobal" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "reverseGlobal" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This bitmask indicates the presence and status of labels
indicated by the gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabel or
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr, and
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabel or
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr objects.

For the Present bits, a set bit indicates that a label is
present for this hop in the route.

For the Global bits, a set bit indicates that the label comes
from the Global Label Space; a clear bit indicates that this is
a Per-Interface label.  A Global bit only has meaning if the
corresponding Present bit is set.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present and
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label in use on this hop is found in this
object encoded as a 32-bit integer.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label in use on this hop
in the forward direction.

If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label in use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label in use on this hop is found in this
object encoded as a 32-bit integer.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label in use on this hop
in the reverse direction.

If the gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label in use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelARHopProtection" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "localAvailable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "localInUse" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Availability and usage of protection on the reported link.

  This flag is set to indicate that the link downstream of this
  node is protected via a local repair mechanism.

  This flag is set to indicate that a local repair mechanism is
  in use to maintain this tunnel (usually in the face of an
  outage of the link it was previously routed over).""",
            "reference" :
                """1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, RFC 3209,
section 4.4.1.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelCHopTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """The gmplsTunnelCHopTable sparsely extends the
mplsTunnelCHopTable of MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  It is used to indicate
additional information about the hops of a GMPLS tunnel defined
in the mplsTunnelTable and gmplsTunnelTable, as computed by a
constraint-based routing protocol, based on the
mplsTunnelHopTable and the gmplsTunnelHopTable.

Each row in this table is indexed by the same indexes as in the
mplsTunnelCHopTable.  It is acceptable for some rows in the
mplsTunnelCHopTable to have corresponding entries in this table
and some to have no corresponding entry in this table.

Please note that since the information necessary to build
entries within this table may not be supported by some LSRs,
implementation of this table is optional.

Furthermore, since the information in this table is actually
provided by a path computation component after the path has been
computed, the entries in this table are provided only for
observation, and hence, all objects in this table are accessible
exclusively as read-only.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.
2. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelCHopEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table represents additions to a computed tunnel
hop visible in mplsTunnelCHopEntry.  An entry is created by a
path computation component based on the hops specified in the
corresponding mplsTunnelHopTable and gmplsTunnelHopTable.

At a transit LSR, this table (if the table is supported) MAY
contain the path computed by a path computation engine on (or on

behalf of) the transit LSR.""",
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Bits",
                    "forwardPresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "reversePresent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This bitmask indicates the presence of labels indicated by the
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabel or
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr and
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabel or
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr objects.

A set bit indicates that a label is present for this hop in the
route, thus allowing zero to be a valid label value.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present and
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in this
object encoded as a 32-bit integer.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label to use on this hop
in the forward direction.

If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Forward Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in this
object encoded as a 32-bit integer.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowPointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present, this object contains a pointer to a
row in another MIB table (such as the gmplsLabelTable of
GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB) that contains the label to use on this hop
in the reverse direction.

If the gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses object indicates that a
Reverse Label is present and this object contains the value
zeroDotZero, then the label to use on this hop is found in the
gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabel object.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """This table augments the gmplsTunnelTable to provide
per-tunnel packet performance information for the reverse
direction of a bidirectional tunnel.  It can be seen as
supplementing the mplsTunnelPerfTable, which augments the

For links that do not transport packets, these packet counters
cannot be maintained.  For such links, attempts to read the
objects in this table will return noSuchInstance.

A tunnel can be known to be bidirectional by inspecting the
gmplsTunnelDirection object.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
                { "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB" : {
                    "indexkind" : "augments",
                    "relatedNode" : "gmplsTunnelEntry",
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table is created by the LSR for every
bidirectional GMPLS tunnel where packets are visible to the
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfPackets" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Number of packets forwarded on the tunnel in the reverse
direction if it is bidirectional.

This object represents the 32-bit value of the least
significant part of the 64-bit value if both
gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCPackets and this object are returned.

For links that do not transport packets, this packet counter
cannot be maintained.  For such links, this value will return
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCPackets" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter64"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """High-capacity counter for number of packets forwarded on the
tunnel in the reverse direction if it is bidirectional.

For links that do not transport packets, this packet counter
cannot be maintained.  For such links, this value will return
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfErrors" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Number of errored packets received on the tunnel in the reverse
direction if it is bidirectional.  For links that do not
transport packets, this packet counter cannot be maintained.  For
such links, this value will return noSuchInstance.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Number of bytes forwarded on the tunnel in the reverse direction
if it is bidirectional.

This object represents the 32-bit value of the least
significant part of the 64-bit value if both
gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCBytes and this object are returned.

For links that do not transport packets, this packet counter
cannot be maintained.  For such links, this value will return
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter64"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """High-capacity counter for number of bytes forwarded on the
tunnel in the reverse direction if it is bidirectional.

For links that do not transport packets, this packet counter
cannot be maintained.  For such links, this value will return
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """This table augments the mplsTunnelTable.

This table provides per-tunnel information about errors.  Errors
may be detected locally or reported through the signaling
protocol.  Error reporting is not exclusive to GMPLS, and this
table may be applied in MPLS systems.

Entries in this table are not persistent over system resets
or re-initializations of the management system.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # table
        "gmplsTunnelErrorEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
                { "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB" : {
                    "indexkind" : "augments",
                    "relatedNode" : "mplsTunnelEntry",
            "description" :
                """An entry in this table is created by the LSR for every tunnel
where error information is visible to the LSR.

Note that systems that read the objects in this table one at
a time and do not perform atomic operations to read entire
instantiated table rows at once, should, for each conceptual
column with valid data, read gmplsTunnelErrorLastTime
prior to the other objects in the row and again subsequent to
reading the last object of the row.  They should verify that
the value of gmplsTunnelErrorLastTime did not change and
thereby ensure that all data read belongs to the same error
        }, # row
        "gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "noError" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "0"
                    "unknown" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "protocol" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "pathComputation" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "localConfiguration" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "localResources" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
                    "localOther" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "6"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The nature of the last error.  Provides interpretation context
for gmplsTunnelErrorProtocolCode and

A value of noError(0) shows that there is no error associated
with this tunnel and means that the other objects in this table
entry (conceptual row) have no meaning.

A value of unknown(1) shows that there is an error but that no
additional information about the cause is known.  The error may
have been received in a signaled message or generated locally.

A value of protocol(2) or pathComputation(3) indicates the
cause of an error and identifies an error that has been received
through signaling or will itself be signaled.

A value of localConfiguration(4), localResources(5) or
localOther(6) identifies an error that has been detected
by the local node but that will not be reported through
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorLastTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TimeStamp"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The time at which the last error occurred.  This is presented as
the value of SysUpTime when the error occurred or was reported
to this node.

If gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value noError(0), then
this object is not valid and should be ignored.

Note that entries in this table are not persistent over system
resets or re-initializations of the management system.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorReporterType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The address type of the error reported.

This object is used to aid in interpretation of
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorReporter" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The address of the node reporting the last error, or the address
of the resource (such as an interface) associated with the

If gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value noError(0), then
this object is not valid and should be ignored.

If gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType has the value unknown(1),
localConfiguration(4), localResources(5), or localOther(6),
this object MAY contain a zero value.

This object should be interpreted in the context of the value of
the object gmplsTunnelErrorReporterType.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses, RFC 4001,
section 4, Usage Hints.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorCode" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The primary error code associated with the last error.

The interpretation of this error code depends on the value of
gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType.  If the value of
gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError(0), the value of this
object should be 0 and should be ignored.  If the value of
gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is protocol(2), the error should
be interpreted in the context of the signaling protocol
identified by the mplsTunnelSignallingProto object.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Resource ReserVation Protocol -- Version 1 Functional
Specification, RFC 2205, section B.
2. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, RFC 3209,
section 7.3.
3. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 13.1.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorSubcode" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Unsigned32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The secondary error code associated with the last error and the
protocol used to signal this tunnel.  This value is interpreted
in the context of the value of gmplsTunnelErrorCode.
If the value of gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError(0), the
value of this object should be 0 and should be ignored.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Resource ReserVation Protocol -- Version 1 Functional
Specification, RFC 2205, section B.
2. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, RFC 3209,
section 7.3.
3. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 13.1. """,
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorTLVs" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "65535"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "65535"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The sequence of interface identifier TLVs reported with the
error by the protocol code.  The interpretation of the TLVs and
the encoding within the protocol are described in the
references.  A value of zero in the first octet indicates that no
TLVs are present.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Generalized MPLS Signaling - RSVP-TE Extensions, RFC 3473,
section 8.2.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTunnelErrorHelpString" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "name" : "SnmpAdminString"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A textual string containing information about the last error,
recovery actions, and support advice.  If there is no help string,
this object contains a zero length string.
If the value of gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType is noError(0),
this object should contain a zero length string, but may contain
a help string indicating that there is no error.""",
        }, # column
        "gmplsTeConformance" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTeGroups" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "gmplsTeCompliances" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
    }, # nodes

    "notifications" : {
        "gmplsTunnelDown" : {
            "nodetype" : "notification",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "objects" : {
                "mplsTunnelAdminStatus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "mplsTunnelOperStatus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporterType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporter" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorCode" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorSubcode" : {
                    "nodetype" : "object",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            "description" :
                """This notification is generated when an mplsTunnelOperStatus
object for a tunnel in the gmplsTunnelTable is about to enter
the down state from some other state (but not from the
notPresent state).  This other state is indicated by the
included value of mplsTunnelOperStatus.

The objects in this notification provide additional error
information that indicates the reason why the tunnel has

transitioned to down(2).

Note that an implementation MUST only issue one of
mplsTunnelDown and gmplsTunnelDown for any single event on a
single tunnel.  If the tunnel has an entry in the
gmplsTunnelTable, an implementation SHOULD use gmplsTunnelDown
for all tunnel-down events and SHOULD NOT use mplsTunnelDown.

This notification is subject to the control of
mplsTunnelNotificationEnable.  When that object is set
to false(2), then the notification must not be issued.

Further, this notification is also subject to
mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate.  That object indicates the
maximum number of notifications issued per second.  If events
occur more rapidly, the implementation may simply fail to emit
some notifications during that period, or may queue them until
an appropriate time.  The notification rate applies to the sum
of all notifications in the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB and
GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB modules applied across the whole of the
reporting device.

mplsTunnelOperStatus, mplsTunnelAdminStatus, mplsTunnelDown,
mplsTunnelNotificationEnable, and mplsTunnelNotificationMaxRate
objects are found in MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.""",
            "reference" :
                """1. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering
(TE) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3812.""",
        }, # notification
    }, # notifications

    "groups" : {
        "gmplsTunnelGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "gmplsTunnelDirection" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelReversePerfPackets" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCPackets" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelReversePerfErrors" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelReversePerfBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelReversePerfHCBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorLastErrorType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorLastTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporterType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporter" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorCode" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorSubcode" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorTLVs" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelErrorHelpString" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelUnnumIf" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """Necessary, but not sufficient, set of objects to implement
tunnels.  In addition, depending on the type of the tunnels
supported (for example, manually configured or signaled,
persistent or non-persistent, etc.), the
gmplsTunnelSignaledGroup group is mandatory.""",
        }, # group
        "gmplsTunnelSignaledGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "gmplsTunnelAttributes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSwitchingType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelLinkProtection" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelGPid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSecondary" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelPathComp" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelHopLabelStatuses" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """Objects needed to implement signaled tunnels.""",
        }, # group
        "gmplsTunnelScalarGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "gmplsTunnelsConfigured" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelsActive" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """Scalar objects needed to implement MPLS tunnels.""",
        }, # group
        "gmplsTunnelOptionalGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "gmplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopLabelStatuses" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelARHopProtection" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelCHopLabelStatuses" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelCHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """The objects in this group are optional.""",
        }, # group
        "gmplsTeNotificationGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "gmplsTunnelDown" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """Set of notifications implemented in this module.  None is
        }, # group
    }, # groups

    "compliances" : {
        "gmplsTeModuleFullCompliance" : {
            "nodetype" : "compliance",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Compliance statement for agents that provide full support for
GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  Such devices can then be monitored and also
be configured using this MIB module.

The mandatory group has to be implemented by all LSRs that
originate, terminate, or act as transit for TE-LSPs/tunnels.
In addition, depending on the type of tunnels supported, other

groups become mandatory as explained below.""",
            "requires" : {
                "mplsTunnelGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "mplsTunnelScalarGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelScalarGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSignaledGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """This group is mandatory for devices that support signaled
tunnel set up, in addition to gmplsTunnelGroup.  The following
constraints apply:
    mplsTunnelSignallingProto should be at least read-only
    returning a value of ldp(2) or rsvp(3).""",
                "gmplsTunnelOptionalGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """Objects in this group are optional.""",
                "gmplsTeNotificationGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """This group is mandatory for those implementations that can
implement the notifications contained in this group.""",
            }, # requires
        }, # compliance
        "gmplsTeModuleReadOnlyCompliance" : {
            "nodetype" : "compliance",
            "moduleName" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Compliance requirement for implementations that only provide
read-only support for GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB.  Such devices can then be
monitored but cannot be configured using this MIB module.""",
            "requires" : {
                "gmplsTunnelGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelScalarGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB"
                "gmplsTunnelSignaledGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """This group is mandatory for devices that support signaled
tunnel set up, in addition to gmplsTunnelGroup.  The following
constraints apply:
    mplsTunnelSignallingProto should be at least read-only
    returning a value of ldp(2) or rsvp(3).""",
                "gmplsTunnelOptionalGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """Objects in this group are optional.""",
                "gmplsTeNotificationGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """This group is mandatory for those implementations that can
implement the notifications contained in this group.""",
            }, # requires
            "refinements" : {
                "gmplsTunnelUnnumIf" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelAttributes" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelLSPEncoding" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSwitchingType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelLinkProtection" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelGPid" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSecondary" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelDirection" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only forward(0) is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelPathComp" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only explicit(2) is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddressType",
                            "unknown" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "0"
                            "ipv4" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "1"
                            "ipv6" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "2"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) support
is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelUpstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "OctetString",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddress",
                            "ranges" : [
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "0"
                                "min" : "4",
                                "max" : "4"
                                "min" : "16",
                                "max" : "16"
                            "range" : {
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "16"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is only required to support
unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) sizes.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddressType",
                            "unknown" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "0"
                            "ipv4" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "1"
                            "ipv6" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "2"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) support
is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSendResvNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "OctetString",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddress",
                            "ranges" : [
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "0"
                                "min" : "4",
                                "max" : "4"
                                "min" : "16",
                                "max" : "16"
                            "range" : {
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "16"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is only required to support
unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) sizes.""",
                "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddressType",
                            "unknown" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "0"
                            "ipv4" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "1"
                            "ipv6" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "2"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) support
is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelDownstreamNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "OctetString",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddress",
                            "ranges" : [
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "0"
                                "min" : "4",
                                "max" : "4"
                                "min" : "16",
                                "max" : "16"
                            "range" : {
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "16"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is only required to support
unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) sizes.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipientType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddressType",
                            "unknown" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "0"
                            "ipv4" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "1"
                            "ipv6" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "2"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) support
is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelSendPathNotifyRecipient" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "OctetString",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddress",
                            "ranges" : [
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "0"
                                "min" : "4",
                                "max" : "4"
                                "min" : "16",
                                "max" : "16"
                            "range" : {
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "16"
                    }, # syntax
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is only required to support
unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) sizes.""",
                "gmplsTunnelAdminStatusFlags" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelExtraParamsPtr" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabel" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitForwardLabelPtr" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabel" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelHopExplicitReverseLabelPtr" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """Write access is not required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporterType" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddressType",
                            "unknown" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "0"
                            "ipv4" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "1"
                            "ipv6" : {
                                "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                                "number" : "2"
                    }, # syntax
                    "description" :
                        """Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2) support
is required.""",
                "gmplsTunnelErrorReporter" : {
                    "module" : "GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB",
                    "syntax" : {
                        "type" :                         {
                            "basetype" : "OctetString",
                            "parent module" : {
                                "name" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB",
                                "type" : "InetAddress",
                            "ranges" : [
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "0"
                                "min" : "4",
                                "max" : "4"
                                "min" : "16",
                                "max" : "16"
                            "range" : {
                                "min" : "0",
                                "max" : "16"
                    }, # syntax
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is only required to support
unknown(0), ipv4(1), and ipv6(2).""",
            }, # refinements

        }, # compliance
    }, # compliances
