module Paperclip module Validators class AttachmentFileNameValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def initialize(options) options[:allow_nil] = true unless options.has_key?(:allow_nil) super end def self.helper_method_name :validates_attachment_file_name end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) base_attribute = attribute.to_sym attribute = "#{attribute}_file_name".to_sym value = record.send :read_attribute_for_validation, attribute return if (value.nil? && options[:allow_nil]) || (value.blank? && options[:allow_blank]) validate_whitelist(record, attribute, value) validate_blacklist(record, attribute, value) if record.errors.include? attribute record.errors[attribute].each do |error| record.errors.add base_attribute, error end end end def validate_whitelist(record, attribute, value) if allowed.present? && allowed.none? { |type| type === value } mark_invalid record, attribute, allowed end end def validate_blacklist(record, attribute, value) if forbidden.present? && forbidden.any? { |type| type === value } mark_invalid record, attribute, forbidden end end def mark_invalid(record, attribute, patterns) record.errors.add attribute, :invalid, options.merge(:names => patterns.join(', ')) end def allowed [options[:matches]].flatten.compact end def forbidden [options[:not]].flatten.compact end def check_validity! unless options.has_key?(:matches) || options.has_key?(:not) raise ArgumentError, "You must pass in either :matches or :not to the validator" end end end module HelperMethods # Places ActiveModel validations on the name of the file # assigned. The possible options are: # * +matches+: Allowed filename patterns as Regexps. Can be a single one # or an array. # * +not+: Forbidden file name patterns, specified the same was as +matches+. # * +message+: The message to display when the uploaded file has an invalid # name. # * +if+: A lambda or name of an instance method. Validation will only # be run is this lambda or method returns true. # * +unless+: Same as +if+ but validates if lambda or method returns false. def validates_attachment_file_name(*attr_names) options = _merge_attributes(attr_names) validates_with AttachmentFileNameValidator, options.dup validate_before_processing AttachmentFileNameValidator, options.dup end end end end