Site for sharing and archiving links. * looks up url titles * adds thumbnails for and jGrowls embedded versions of Flickr, Imageshack, Vimeo and YouTube urls * converts Twitter status urls to their full text and adds user thumbnail * generates Atom and RSS feeds * regex search * embeds Flash mp3 player for mp3 urls * looks good on iPhone * PubSubHubbub notification * plug-in interface * rack interface * Gravatar support !! !! See "": for example. h1. Installation h2. Phusion Passenger

gem sources -a
gem install murlsh

In the web directory:

edit config.yaml
rake init

h1. PubSubHubbub Murlsh can notify "PubSubHubbub": hubs when a new url is added by adding them to config.yaml. The pubsubhubbub_hubs key is a list of hashes in the following format:

- publish_url:

publish_url is where the notifications get sent subscribe_url is what gets put in the feed as link rel="hub" Questions and comments: ""