.columns.large-12 = field_set_tag do legend Patient Demographics = f.input :nhs_number, wrapper: :horizontal_small - Renalware.config.patient_hospital_identifiers.each do |key, field| = f.input field, as: :string, label: "#{key} No", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :external_patient_id, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :title, wrapper: :horizontal_tiny = f.input :family_name, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :given_name, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :suffix, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :email, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :telephone1, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :telephone2, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :sex, selected: patient.sex.code, placeholder: "Please select gender", collection: Renalware::Gender.all, label_method: :name, value_method: :code, include_blank: "Please select gender", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.association :ethnicity, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, include_blank: "Please select", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.association :country_of_birth, include_blank: "Please select", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.association :religion, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, include_blank: "Please select", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.association :language, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, include_blank: "Please select main language", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :marital_status, include_blank: "Please select marital status", wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :born_on, as: :date_picker, label: "DoB", wrapper: :horizontal_datepicker = f.input :paediatric_patient_indicator, as: :inline_radio_buttons, label: "If under 18 years, is the recipient being treated in a paediatric unit?", wrapper: :horizontal_small - if patient.persisted? .row .section-underliner .row .large-12.columns | To enter date of death please set 'Death' modality: | = link_to "Change Modal", new_patient_modality_path(patient), title: "Patient Modality", class: "death-update" .columns.large-12 = field_set_tag do legend Letter Preferences = f.input :cc_on_all_letters, as: :inline_radio_buttons, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :cc_decision_on, as: :date_picker, wrapper: :horizontal_datepicker .columns.large-12 = field_set_tag do legend UKRDC Preferences = f.input :send_to_renalreg, as: :inline_radio_buttons, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :renalreg_decision_on, as: :date_picker, wrapper: :horizontal_datepicker = f.input :renalreg_recorded_by, wrapper: :horizontal_medium = f.input :send_to_rpv, as: :inline_radio_buttons, wrapper: :horizontal_small = f.input :rpv_decision_on, as: :date_picker, wrapper: :horizontal_datepicker = f.input :rpv_recorded_by, wrapper: :horizontal_medium .columns.large-12 = field_set_tag do legend Notes = f.simple_fields_for :document, patient.document do |patient_doc| = patient_doc.input :interpreter_notes, as: :text, wrapper: :horizontal_large, input_html: { rows: 3 } = patient_doc.input :admin_notes, as: :text, wrapper: :horizontal_large, input_html: { rows: 3 } = patient_doc.input :special_needs_notes, as: :text, wrapper: :horizontal_large, input_html: { rows: 3 } .columns.large-12 = f.simple_fields_for :current_address_attributes, patient.current_address do |a| fieldset id="current_address" legend Current Address = a.input :id, as: :hidden = render "renalware/addresses/form", a: a .columns.large-12 = field_set_tag do legend Referral Info = f.simple_fields_for :document, patient.document do |patient_doc| = patient_doc.simple_fields_for :referral, patient.document.referral do |referral_doc| = referral_doc.input :referring_physician_name, wrapper: :horizontal_medium = referral_doc.input :referral_date, as: :date_picker, wrapper: :horizontal_datepicker = referral_doc.input :referral_type, wrapper: :horizontal_medium = referral_doc.input :referral_notes, as: :text, wrapper: :horizontal_large, input_html: { rows: 3 }