shared_examples_for :common do let(:test_class_name) { described_class.to_s.underscore.split('/').last.to_sym } let(:test_instance) { create(test_class_name) } describe "as public ActivityNotification methods with described class" do describe ".resolve_value" do before do allow(ActivityNotification).to receive(:get_controller).and_return('StubController') end context "with value" do it "returns specified value" do expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, 1)).to eq(1) end end context "with Symbol" do it "returns specified symbol without arguments" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method 1 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, :custom_method)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified symbol with controller arguments" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method(controller) controller == 'StubController' ? 1 : 0 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, :custom_method)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified symbol with controller and additional arguments" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method(controller, key) controller == 'StubController' and key == 'test1.key' ? 1 : 0 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, :custom_method, 'test1.key')).to eq(1) expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, :custom_method, 'test2.key')).to eq(0) end end context "with Proc" do it "returns specified lambda without argument" do test_proc = ->{ 1 } expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_proc)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified lambda with context(model) arguments" do test_proc = ->(model){ model == test_instance ? 1 : 0 } expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_proc)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified lambda with controller and context(model) arguments" do test_proc = ->(controller, model){ controller == 'StubController' and model == test_instance ? 1 : 0 } expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_proc)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified lambda with controller, context(model) and additional arguments" do test_proc = ->(controller, model, key){ controller == 'StubController' and model == test_instance and key == 'test1.key' ? 1 : 0 } expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_proc, 'test1.key')).to eq(1) expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_proc, 'test2.key')).to eq(0) end end context "with Hash" do it "returns resolve_value for each entry of hash" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method(controller) controller == 'StubController' ? 2 : 0 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) test_hash = { key1: 1, key2: :custom_method, key3: ->(controller, model){ 3 } } expect(ActivityNotification.resolve_value(test_instance, test_hash)).to eq({ key1: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3 }) end end end end describe "as public instance methods" do describe "#resolve_value" do context "with value" do it "returns specified value" do expect(test_instance.resolve_value(1)).to eq(1) end end context "with Symbol" do it "returns specified symbol without arguments" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method 1 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) expect(test_instance.resolve_value(:custom_method)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified symbol with additional arguments" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method(key) key == 'test1.key' ? 1 : 0 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) expect(test_instance.resolve_value(:custom_method, 'test1.key')).to eq(1) expect(test_instance.resolve_value(:custom_method, 'test2.key')).to eq(0) end end context "with Proc" do it "returns specified lambda with context(model) argument" do test_proc = ->(model){ model == test_instance ? 1 : 0 } expect(test_instance.resolve_value(test_proc)).to eq(1) end it "returns specified lambda with context(model) and additional arguments" do test_proc = ->(model, key){ model == test_instance and key == 'test1.key' ? 1 : 0 } expect(test_instance.resolve_value(test_proc, 'test1.key')).to eq(1) expect(test_instance.resolve_value(test_proc, 'test2.key')).to eq(0) end end context "with Hash" do it "returns resolve_value for each entry of hash" do module AdditionalMethods def custom_method 2 end end test_instance.extend(AdditionalMethods) test_hash = { key1: 1, key2: :custom_method, key3: ->(model){ model == test_instance ? 3 : 0 } } expect(test_instance.resolve_value(test_hash)).to eq({ key1: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3 }) end end end describe "#to_class_name" do it "returns resource name" do expect(create(:user).to_class_name).to eq 'User' expect(test_instance.to_class_name).to eq end end describe "#to_resource_name" do it "returns singularized model name (resource name)" do expect(create(:user).to_resource_name).to eq 'user' expect(test_instance.to_resource_name).to eq end end describe "#to_resources_name" do it "returns pluralized model name (resources name)" do expect(create(:user).to_resources_name).to eq 'users' expect(test_instance.to_resources_name).to eq end end describe "#printable_type" do it "returns printable model type name to be humanized" do expect(create(:user).printable_type).to eq 'User' expect(test_instance.printable_type).to eq end end describe "#printable_name" do it "returns printable model name to show in view or email" do user = create(:user) expect(user.printable_name).to eq "User (#{})" expect(test_instance.printable_name).to eq "#{test_instance.printable_type} (#{})" end end end end