tilte: 'Web Under Maintance' # name of the site author: Farid Nizam # name of site's author email: # email of site's author url: yuimatcha.github.io # root address of the site baseurl: '/web-under-construction' # subpath of the site, e.g. "/blog" (leave it blank "" if you're site shouldn't use a subpath) description: > # description of the site (multiple lines allowed) Website Under Construction, Jekyll theme under construction # Contents contents_tilte: Website Under Construction contents_sub: Until Releasing Soon # Countdown show_countdown: true # The will be displayed as the countdown in landing page. "true/false" countdown_date: Aug 1, 2022 00:00:00 # Format date {Month Date, Year Clock} example (Aug 18, 2021 00:00:00) # CSS page_color: '#043564' # Meta Robots show_robots: false robots: 'noindex, nofollow' # You can sett meta robots for carwl bot # Config Build plugins: - jekyll-seo-tag exclude: ['Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', 'README.md', 'web-under-construction.gemspec']