module Sorcery module Controller module Submodules # This submodule helps you login users from external auth providers such as Twitter. # This is the controller part which handles the http requests and tokens passed between the app and the @provider. module External def self.included(base) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) require 'sorcery/providers/base' require 'sorcery/providers/facebook' require 'sorcery/providers/twitter' require 'sorcery/providers/vk' require 'sorcery/providers/linkedin' require 'sorcery/providers/liveid' require 'sorcery/providers/xing' require 'sorcery/providers/github' require 'sorcery/providers/heroku' require 'sorcery/providers/google' require 'sorcery/providers/jira' require 'sorcery/providers/salesforce' require 'sorcery/providers/paypal' require 'sorcery/providers/slack' require 'sorcery/providers/wechat' require 'sorcery/providers/microsoft' require 'sorcery/providers/instagram' require 'sorcery/providers/auth0' require 'sorcery/providers/line' require 'sorcery/providers/discord' Config.module_eval do class << self attr_reader :external_providers attr_accessor :ca_file def external_providers=(providers) @external_providers = providers providers.each do |name| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.#{name} @#{name} ||= Sorcery::Providers.const_get('#{name}'.to_s.classify).new end RUBY end end def merge_external_defaults! @defaults.merge!(:@external_providers => [], :@ca_file => File.join(__dir__, '../../protocols/certs/ca-bundle.crt')) end end merge_external_defaults! end end module InstanceMethods protected # save the singleton ProviderClient instance into @provider def sorcery_get_provider(provider_name) return unless Config.external_providers.include?(provider_name.to_sym) Config.send(provider_name.to_sym) end # get the login URL from the provider, if applicable. Returns nil if the provider # does not provide a login URL. (as of v0.8.1 all providers provide a login URL) def sorcery_login_url(provider_name, args = {}) @provider = sorcery_get_provider provider_name sorcery_fixup_callback_url @provider return nil unless @provider.respond_to?(:login_url) && @provider.has_callback? @provider.state = args[:state] @provider.login_url(params, session) end # get the user hash from a provider using information from the params and session. def sorcery_fetch_user_hash(provider_name) # the application should never ask for user hashes from two different providers # on the same request. But if they do, we should be ready: on the second request, # clear out the instance variables if the provider is different provider = sorcery_get_provider provider_name if @provider.nil? || @provider != provider @provider = provider @access_token = nil @user_hash = nil end # delegate to the provider for the access token and the user hash. # cache them in instance variables. @access_token ||= @provider.process_callback(params, session) # sends request to oauth agent to get the token @user_hash ||= @provider.get_user_hash(@access_token) # uses the token to send another request to the oauth agent requesting user info nil end # for backwards compatibility def access_token(*_args) @access_token end # this method should be somewhere else. It only does something once per application per provider. def sorcery_fixup_callback_url(provider) provider.original_callback_url ||= provider.callback_url return unless provider.original_callback_url.present? && provider.original_callback_url[0] == '/' uri = URI.parse(request.url.gsub(/\?.*$/, '')) uri.path = '' uri.query = nil uri.scheme = 'https' if request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' host = uri.to_s provider.callback_url = "#{host}#{@provider.original_callback_url}" end # sends user to authenticate at the provider's website. # after authentication the user is redirected to the callback defined in the provider config def login_at(provider_name, args = {}) redirect_to sorcery_login_url(provider_name, args) end # tries to login the user from provider's callback def login_from(provider_name, should_remember = false) sorcery_fetch_user_hash provider_name return unless (user = user_class.load_from_provider(provider_name, @user_hash[:uid].to_s)) # we found the user. # clear the session return_to_url = session[:return_to_url] reset_sorcery_session session[:return_to_url] = return_to_url # sign in the user auto_login(user, should_remember) after_login!(user) # return the user user end # If user is logged, he can add all available providers into his account def add_provider_to_user(provider_name) sorcery_fetch_user_hash provider_name # config = user_class.sorcery_config # TODO: Unused, remove? current_user.add_provider_to_user(provider_name.to_s, @user_hash[:uid].to_s) end # Initialize new user from provider informations. # If a provider doesn't give required informations or username/email is already taken, # we store provider/user infos into a session and can be rendered into registration form def create_and_validate_from(provider_name) sorcery_fetch_user_hash provider_name config = user_class.sorcery_config attrs = user_attrs(@provider.user_info_mapping, @user_hash) user, saved = user_class.create_and_validate_from_provider(provider_name, @user_hash[:uid], attrs) unless saved session[:incomplete_user] = { provider: { config.provider_uid_attribute_name => @user_hash[:uid], config.provider_attribute_name => provider_name }, user_hash: attrs } end user end # this method automatically creates a new user from the data in the external user hash. # The mappings from user hash fields to user db fields are set at controller config. # If the hash field you would like to map is nested, use slashes. For example, Given a hash like: # # "user" => {"name"=>"moishe"} # # You will set the mapping: # # {:username => "user/name"} # # And this will cause 'moishe' to be set as the value of :username field. # Note: Be careful. This method skips validations model. # Instead you can pass a block, if the block returns false the user will not be created # # create_from(provider) {|user| user.some_check } # def create_from(provider_name, &block) sorcery_fetch_user_hash provider_name # config = user_class.sorcery_config # TODO: Unused, remove? attrs = user_attrs(@provider.user_info_mapping, @user_hash) @user = user_class.create_from_provider(provider_name, @user_hash[:uid], attrs, &block) end # follows the same patterns as create_from, but builds the user instead of creating def build_from(provider_name, &block) sorcery_fetch_user_hash provider_name # config = user_class.sorcery_config # TODO: Unused, remove? attrs = user_attrs(@provider.user_info_mapping, @user_hash) @user = user_class.build_from_provider(attrs, &block) end def user_attrs(user_info_mapping, user_hash) attrs = {} user_info_mapping.each do |k, v| if (varr = v.split('/')).size > 1 attribute_value = begin varr.inject(user_hash[:user_info]) { |hash, value| hash[value] } rescue StandardError nil end attribute_value.nil? ? attrs : attrs.merge!(k => attribute_value) else attrs.merge!(k => user_hash[:user_info][v]) end end attrs end end end end end end