Feature: Merging two branches together Scenario: Merging a branch into trunk When I checkout a local repository And I create a wc directory named "trunk,branches,branches/version1,branches/version2" And I create a wc file named "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" And I add "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" to the index And I commit my changes with message "Initial commit" Given I will open "trunk" branch as a new project When I open a directory And I merge the "version1" branch Then I should see "b.txt" in "trunk" branch Scenario: Merging two branches together When I checkout a local repository And I create a wc directory named "trunk,branches,branches/version1,branches/version2" And I create a wc file named "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" And I add "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" to the index And I commit my changes with message "Initial commit" Given I will open "version1" branch as a new project When I open a directory And I merge the "version2" branch Then I should see "c.txt" in "version1" branch Scenario: Merging trunk into a branch When I checkout a local repository And I create a wc directory named "trunk,branches,branches/version1,branches/version2" And I create a wc file named "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" And I add "trunk/a.txt,branches/version1/b.txt,branches/version2/c.txt" to the index And I commit my changes with message "Initial commit" Given I will open "version2" branch as a new project When I open a directory And I merge the "trunk" branch Then I should see "a.txt" in "version2" branch