%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'table')
%p Styles a table
table element.
%p p
and #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'inline_form', true)} components are styled differently than in the global context.
%p Apply a class value of table__prices
or table__quantity
to control alignment within the cell. Header cells may be column headers or row headers.
%p Used within #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'product_list', true)}. Refer to that component for additional examples.
%p Account dashboard:
%span Email
%td bclams@workarea.com
%span Name
%td Bobby Clams
%span Password
%td ********
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'table__totals')
%p Displays a formatted #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'table', true)} responsible for showcasing total order price calculations.
%p Cart:
%span Subtotal
%td= number_to_currency(100.00)
%span Order Level Discount
%strong.table__price-discount= number_to_currency(-10.00)
%span An Order Level Discount With a Longer Name Than the Last
%strong.table__price-discount= number_to_currency(-10.00)
%span Shipping
= form_tag do
.value= text_field_tag 'wl_table_cart_totals_zip', nil, class: 'text-box text-box--small', minlength: 5, maxlength: 5, required: true, placeholder: 'ZIP Code', title: 'ZIP Code'
%p.inline-form__cell= button_tag 'Estimate', value: 'estimate_shipping', class: 'button'
%p= select_tag 'wl_table_cart_totals_shipping_service', options_for_select(['USPS First Class', 'UPS Ground', 'UPS 2 Day Air']), title: 'Shipping Services', data: { form_submitting_control: '' }
%span Tax
%td Calculated at Checkout
%span Total
%td= number_to_currency(80.00)
%p Order / checkout aside:
%span Subtotal
%td= number_to_currency(100.00)
%span Order Level Discount
%strong.table__price-discount= number_to_currency(-10.00)
%span An Order Level Discount With a Longer Name Than the Last
%strong.table__price-discount= number_to_currency(-10.00)
%span Store Credit
%strong.table__price-discount −#{number_to_currency(10.00)}
%span Gift Card
%strong.table__price-discount −#{number_to_currency(10.00)}
%span Shipping
%td TBD
%span Tax
%td TBD
%span Total
%td= number_to_currency(60.00)