FLAG_ON FLAG_OFF FLAG_UNCHANGED VIOLATION_EVASION_DETECTED VIOLATION_VIRUS_DETECTED VIOLATION_REQUEST_TOO_LONG VIOLATION_ILLEGAL_INGRESS_OBJECT VIOLATION_PARSER_EXPIRED_INGRESS_OBJECT VIOLATION_RESPONSE_SCRUBBING VIOLATION_ILLEGAL_SOAP_ATTACHMENT VIOLATION_MISSING_MANDATORY_HEADER VIOLATION_ILLEGAL_GEOLOCATION VIOLATION_HTTP_SANITY_CHECK_FAILED VIOLATION_CHAR_CONV VIOLATION_CSRF VIOLATION_MALFORMED_XML VIOLATION_XML_WSDL VIOLATION_XML_FORMAT_SETTING VIOLATION_PARSER_FAILED_SOAP_SECURITY VIOLATION_SOAP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED VIOLATION_BRUTE_FORCE_ATTACK_DETECTED VIOLATION_WEB_SCRAPING_DETECTED VIOLATION_CSRF_EXPIRED VIOLATION_OBJ_LEN VIOLATION_COOKIE_LEN VIOLATION_REQ_LEN VIOLATION_QS_LEN VIOLATION_POST_DATA_LEN VIOLATION_MULTI_PART_PARAM_VAL VIOLATION_HEADER_LEN VIOLATION_JSON_FORMAT_SETTING VIOLATION_REPEATED_PARAMETER_NAME VIOLATION_METACHAR_IN_OBJ VIOLATION_METACHAR_IN_PARAM_NAME VIOLATION_METACHAR_IN_DEF_PARAM VIOLATION_OBJ_TYPE VIOLATION_OBJ_DOESNT_EXIST VIOLATION_FLOW_TO_OBJ VIOLATION_ILLEGAL_METHOD VIOLATION_SESSSION_ID_IN_URL VIOLATION_QS_OR_POST_DATA VIOLATION_PARAM VIOLATION_EMPTY_PARAM_VALUE VIOLATION_STATIC_PARAM_VALUE VIOLATION_DYN_PARAM_VALUE VIOLATION_PARAM_VALUE_LEN VIOLATION_PARAM_DATA_TYPE VIOLATION_PARAM_NUMERIC_VALUE VIOLATION_NUM_OF_MANDATORY_PARAMS VIOLATION_PARAM_VALUE_NOT_MATCHING_REGEX VIOLATION_MOD_ASM_COOKIE VIOLATION_MOD_DOMAIN_COOKIE VIOLATION_NOT_RFC_COOKIE VIOLATION_MALFORMED_JSON VIOLATION_ENTRY_POINT VIOLATION_SESSION_AWARENESS VIOLATION_MSG_KEY VIOLATION_EXPIRED_TIMESTAMP VIOLATION_DISALLOWED_FILE_UPLOAD_CONTENT VIOLATION_METACHAR_IN_HEADER VIOLATION_ILLEGAL_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE VIOLATION_HTTP_STATUS_IN_RESPONSE VIOLATION_PARSER_ACCESS_FROM_MALICIOUS_IP_ADDRESS VIOLATION_GWT_FORMAT_SETTING VIOLATION_MALFORMED_GWT VIOLATION_BASE64_PARAM_VALUE DOS_OPERATION_OFF DOS_OPERATION_TRANSPARENT DOS_OPERATION_BLOCKING DOS_DETECTION_TPS_BASED DOS_DETECTION_LATENCY_BASED FILE_UNDEFINED FILE_FIRST FILE_MIDDLE FILE_UNUSED FILE_LAST FILE_FIRST_AND_LAST DYNAMIC_SESSIONS_DISABLED DYNAMIC_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_PATTERN DYNAMIC_SESSIONS_CUSTOM_PATTERN LANGUAGE_UNDEFINED UNICODE_UTF_8 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_1 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_WINDOWS_1252 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_15 CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_2 CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_WINDOWS_1250 SOUTH_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_3 GREEK_ISO_8859_7 GREEK_WINDOWS_1253 NORDIC_ISO_8859_10 CYRILLIC_WINDOWS_1251 CYRILLIC_KOI8_R CYRILLIC_ISO_8859_5 ROMANIAN_ISO_8859_16 BALTIC_ISO_8859_4 BALTIC_ISO_8859_13 BALTIC_WINDOWS_1257 HEBREW_WINDOWS_1255 HEBREW_ISO_8859_8 JAPANESE_SHIFT_JIS JAPANESE_EUC_JP KOREAN_EUC_KR CHINESE_BIG5 CHINESE_GB2312 THAI_CP874 ARABIC_ISO_8859_6 CHINESE_GBK CHINESE_GB18030 TURKISH_ISO_8859_9 POLICY_TEMPLATE_EMPTY POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2007_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2007_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_APPLICATIONS_11I_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_APPLICATIONS_11I_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_LOTUSDOMINO_6_5_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_LOTUSDOMINO_6_5_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SAP_NETWEAVER_7_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SAP_NETWEAVER_7_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_PEOPLESOFT_PORTAL_9_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_PEOPLESOFT_PORTAL_9_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_10G_PORTAL_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_10G_PORTAL_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2003_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2003_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ACTIVESYNC_V1_0_V2_0_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ACTIVESYNC_V1_0_V2_0_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_WHITEHAT_SENTINEL_BASELINE POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2010_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2010_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2010_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2010_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_PB Get the list of policies. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.0.0, there is separate Web Acceleration profile, which is assigned to VS, so WA is not associated with ASM directly, like it was in v10.x.x. Detaches the WA web applications from the ASM policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.0.0, there is separate Web Acceleration profile, which is assigned to VS, so WA is not associated with ASM directly, like it was in v10.x.x. Associates the WA web applications to the ASM policy. Associates the ASM policy to the specified virtual servers. Detaches the ASM policy from the specified virtual servers. Create inactive policies. Create case insensitive or sensitive inactive policies. Create inactive policies from template. Create inactive policies from template names. Create inactive policies from template with specified language encoding. Create inactive policies from template names with specified language encoding. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.4.0, the ASM policy name is immutable. Rename policies. Deletes a policy. Updates the active flag for the specified policies. Get the active flag for the specified policies. Applies the specified active policy to the enforcer. Reconfigures the ASM policies. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Updates policy description. Get policy description. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language encoding. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Get language encoding. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language and template. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language and template name. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Updates logging profile. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Get logging profile. Updates max cookie length. Get the max cookie length. Updates max http header length. Get max http header length. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS operation mode. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS detection mode. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS latency increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS maximum latency. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS minimum latency. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based Client Side Integrity Defense flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based Rate Limiting flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based Client Side Integrity Defense flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based Rate Limiting flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based TPS increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based maximum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based minimum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based TPS increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based maximum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based minimum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS maximum prevention duration. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Adds DoS white IPs to the specified policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Removes DoS white IPs from the specified policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Get DoS settings. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Resets DoS settings to defaults. Updates blocking flag. Updates prerequisite expiration period flag. Get blocking flag. Updates violation blocking flag. Gets violation blocking flag. Import Policy as inactive. Before calling import_policy, upload_policy should be done. Once the policy is completely uploaded, you can import it. Export Policy The export_policy method exports the policy specified in parameter policy_name and writes the file to the device's local disk. The policy is saved in a binary format. This method is typically followed by a call to download_policy which gets this full path filename as a parameter. Export Human Readable Policy The export_policy_xml method exports the policy specified in parameter policy_name and writes the file to the device's local disk. The policy is saved in an XML format. This method is typically followed by a call to download_policy which gets this full path filename as a parameter. Downloads the policy from the device. The download_policy is typically called after having called to export_policy. The parameter policy_name must be the same as used during export_policy. The file is downloaded in chunks. Each chunk should be concatenated to the previous one on the client side. The return value has two fields: - file_data: The relevant part of the content of the file - chunk_type: Indicates the current chunk whether it is the first, middle, last chunk or the current call includes the entire file. Uploads the policy to the device. In order to import a policy two things have to be done in this order - call upload_policy - call import_policy upload_policy uploads the policy to the device to /var/tmp/ directory. The filename is the name of the policy given in policy_name. If the policy is big, it should be uploaded in chunks using a loop on the client side. Gets the version information for this interface. Set the "dynamic sessions in URL" for the specified policies. Get the "dynamic sessions in URL" for the specified policies. Uploads the the wsdl and attaches it to a specific xml profile of a policy. This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure predictable resource location. Add predictable resource location This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure path traversal. Set path traversal This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure response splitting. Set HTTP response splitting Get the list of policies. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.0.0, there is separate Web Acceleration profile, which is assigned to VS, so WA is not associated with ASM directly, like it was in v10.x.x. Detaches the WA web applications from the ASM policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.0.0, there is separate Web Acceleration profile, which is assigned to VS, so WA is not associated with ASM directly, like it was in v10.x.x. Associates the WA web applications to the ASM policy. Associates the ASM policy to the specified virtual servers. Detaches the ASM policy from the specified virtual servers. Create inactive policies. Create case insensitive or sensitive inactive policies. Create inactive policies from template. Create inactive policies from template names. Create inactive policies from template with specified language encoding. Create inactive policies from template names with specified language encoding. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.4.0, the ASM policy name is immutable. Rename policies. Deletes a policy. Updates the active flag for the specified policies. Get the active flag for the specified policies. Applies the specified active policy to the enforcer. Reconfigures the ASM policies. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Updates policy description. Get policy description. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language encoding. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Get language encoding. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language and template. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. Reconfigures the ASM policies with specified language and template name. This resets all properties and statistics of the policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Updates logging profile. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Get logging profile. Updates max cookie length. Get the max cookie length. Updates max http header length. Get max http header length. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS operation mode. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS detection mode. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS latency increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS maximum latency. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS minimum latency. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based Client Side Integrity Defense flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based Rate Limiting flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based Client Side Integrity Defense flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based Rate Limiting flag. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based TPS increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based maximum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS Source IP-Based minimum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based TPS increase rate. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based maximum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS URL-Based minimum TPS. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Updates DoS maximum prevention duration. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Adds DoS white IPs to the specified policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Removes DoS white IPs from the specified policy. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Get DoS settings. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate DoS profile, which is assigned to VS, so DoS settings are not associated with ASM directly. Resets DoS settings to defaults. Updates blocking flag. Updates prerequisite expiration period flag. Get blocking flag. Updates violation blocking flag. Gets violation blocking flag. Import Policy as inactive. Before calling import_policy, upload_policy should be done. Once the policy is completely uploaded, you can import it. Export Policy The export_policy method exports the policy specified in parameter policy_name and writes the file to the device's local disk. The policy is saved in a binary format. This method is typically followed by a call to download_policy which gets this full path filename as a parameter. Export Human Readable Policy The export_policy_xml method exports the policy specified in parameter policy_name and writes the file to the device's local disk. The policy is saved in an XML format. This method is typically followed by a call to download_policy which gets this full path filename as a parameter. Downloads the policy from the device. The download_policy is typically called after having called to export_policy. The parameter policy_name must be the same as used during export_policy. The file is downloaded in chunks. Each chunk should be concatenated to the previous one on the client side. The return value has two fields: - file_data: The relevant part of the content of the file - chunk_type: Indicates the current chunk whether it is the first, middle, last chunk or the current call includes the entire file. Uploads the policy to the device. In order to import a policy two things have to be done in this order - call upload_policy - call import_policy upload_policy uploads the policy to the device to /var/tmp/ directory. The filename is the name of the policy given in policy_name. If the policy is big, it should be uploaded in chunks using a loop on the client side. Gets the version information for this interface. Set the "dynamic sessions in URL" for the specified policies. Get the "dynamic sessions in URL" for the specified policies. Uploads the the wsdl and attaches it to a specific xml profile of a policy. This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure predictable resource location. Add predictable resource location This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure path traversal. Set path traversal This method is deprecated, please use WhiteHat Sentinel Vulnerabilities page in ASM GUI to configure response splitting. Set HTTP response splitting The Policy interface enables you to manipulate a policy. This interface does not support transactions.