# puppet-lint manifest whitespace check Adds a new puppet-lint check to verify a number of whitespace issues (newlines etc.) These checks are very opinionated. **--fix support: Yes** ## Installation To use this plugin, add the following line to the Gemfile in your Puppet code base and run `bundle install`. ```ruby gem 'puppet-lint-manifest_whitespace-check' ``` ## Usage This plugin provides a number of new checks to `puppet-lint`. ### manifest_whitespace_opening_bracket_after > There should be a single space or single newline after an opening curly brace Exceptions: other brackets or comma's ### manifest_whitespace_opening_bracket_before > There should be a single space before an opening bracket Exceptions: other brackets Good examples: ```puppet class myclass ( # the parameters ) { # the body } class myclass { # the body } class myclass { $value = [{ 'key' => 'value' }] if somecondition { class { 'someclass': } } } ``` Bad examples: ```puppet class myclass ( # the parameters ) { # the body } class myclass ( # the parameters ){ # the body } class myclass { # the body } class myclass { if somecondition{ class{ 'someclass': } } } ``` ### manifest_whitespace_missing_newline_end_of_file > There should be a single newline at the end of a manifest. Not zero, not two or more. Be advised: this single newline is implicit at the end of your last line of code. This check does not add a single empty line! ### manifest_whitespace_double_newline_end_of_file > There should be a single newline at the end of a manifest. Not zero, not two or more. Be advised: this single newline is implicit at the end of your last line of code. This check does not add a single empty line! ### manifest_whitespace_arrows_single_space_after > There should be a single space after an arrow. When you list resource parameters or build a hash, you usually use arrow operators (`=>`). There are checks that make sure your arrows are aligned, but this check will ensure the number of spaces after your arrows is consistently 1. ### manifest_whitespace_newline_beginning_of_file > There should not be a newline at the beginning of a manifest. There should not be empty lines at the beginning of your file. ### manifest_whitespace_class_name_single_space_before > There should be a single space between the class or defined resource statement and the name. Good examples: ```puppet class myclass ( # the parameters ) { # the body } class myclass { # the body } ``` Bad example: ```puppet class myclass ( # the parameters ) { # the body } ``` ### manifest_whitespace_class_name_single_space_after > There should be a single space between the class or resource name and the first brace. Good examples: ```puppet class myclass ( # the parameters ) { # the body } class myclass { # the body } ``` Bad example: ```puppet class myclass( # the parameters ){ # the body } class myclass ( # the parameters ){ # the body } class myclass ( # the parameters ){ # the body } ```