module Dreamy::Command class Ps < Base def list servers = if servers.empty? display "No private servers for this account" else servers_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Name', 'Type', 'Memory (MB)', 'Start Date' servers.each { |ps| t << [,ps.type,ps.memory,ps.start_date] } end display servers_table end end alias :index :list def settings if args.length == 1 settings = @account.ps_settings(args[0]) settings_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Setting', 'Value' settings.each { |k,v| t << [k,v] } end display settings_table else display "Usage: dh ps:settings [ps name]" end end def set if args.length == 3 name, setting, value = args[0], args[1], args[2] @account.ps_set(name,setting,value) display "Successfully set #{setting} to #{value} for #{name}" else display "Usage: dh ps:set [ps name] [setting] [value]" end end def size case args.length when 1 sizes = @account.ps_size_history(args[0]) sizes_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Time', 'Memory (MB)', 'Duration (Seconds)', 'Cost (Period)', 'Cost (Monthly)' sizes.each { |s| t << [s["stamp"],s["memory_mb"],s["period_seconds"],s["period_cost"],s["monthy_cost"]] } end display sizes_table when 2 name, new_size = args[0], args[1] @account.ps_size_set(name,new_size) display "Successfully set memory size to #{new_size} for #{name}" else display "Usage: dh ps:size [ps name] [new size (optional)]" end end def reboots if args.length == 1 reboots = @account.ps_reboot_history(args[0]) reboots_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Count', 'Reboot Time' reboots.each_with_index { |r,i| t << [i + 1,r] } end display reboots_table else display "Usage: dh ps:reboots [ps name]" end end def reboot if args.length == 2 if args[1] == "now!" @account.ps_reboot!(args[0]) display "Successfully sent reboot command for #{args[0]}" else display "Are you sure?? If yes, finish the command with 'now!'" end else display "Usage: dh ps:reboot [ps name] now! (WARNING: this will reboot your server)" end end def usage if args.length == 1 usages = @account.ps_usage(args[0]) usage_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Time', 'Memory (MB)', 'CPU Load' usages.each { |u| t << [u["stamp"], u["memory_mb"],u["load"]] } end display usage_table else display "Usage: dh ps:usage [ps name]" end end def add case args.length when 1 if args[0] == "web" display "you must specify 'yes' or 'no' for whether or not to move data to new server" else @account.ps_add(args[0]) display "Successfully requested new private mysql server" end when 2 type, move = args[0], args[1] @account.ps_add(type,move) display "Successfully requested new private server" else display "Usage: dh ps:add " end end def remove @account.ps_remove display "Successfully removed all pending private server requests" end def pending pendings = @account.ps_pending if pendings.empty? display "You have no pending server creations" else pending_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Account', 'IP Address', 'Type', 'Time' pendings.each { |p| t << [p["account_id"],p["ip"],p["type"],p["stamp"]]} end display pending_table end end end end