require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper') class VMTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do @mock_vm = mock("vm") @persisted_vm = mock("persisted_vm") @env = mock_environment @env.stubs(:vm).returns(@persisted_vm) Net::SSH.stubs(:start) end context "being an action runner" do should "be an action runner" do vm = => @env) assert vm.is_a?(Vagrant::Actions::Runner) end end context "finding a VM" do should "return return an uncreated VM object if the VM is not found" do VirtualBox::VM.expects(:find).returns(nil) result = Vagrant::VM.find("foo") assert result.is_a?(Vagrant::VM) assert !result.created? end should "return a Vagrant::VM object for that VM if found" do VirtualBox::VM.expects(:find).with("foo").returns("bar") result = Vagrant::VM.find("foo", mock_environment) assert result.is_a?(Vagrant::VM) assert_equal "bar", result.vm end end context "vagrant VM instance" do setup do @vm_name = "foo" @vm = => @env, :vm => @mock_vm, :vm_name => @vm_name) @mock_vm.stubs(:uuid).returns("foo") end context "checking if created" do should "return true if the VM object is not nil" do @vm.stubs(:vm).returns(:foo) assert @vm.created? end should "return false if the VM object is nil" do @vm.stubs(:vm).returns(nil) assert !@vm.created? end end context "accessing the SSH object" do setup do # Reset this to nil to force the reload @vm.instance_variable_set(:@ssh, nil) @ssh = mock("ssh") Vagrant::SSH.stubs(:new).returns(@ssh) end should "load it the first time" do Vagrant::SSH.expects(:new).with(@vm.env).once.returns(@ssh) @vm.ssh @vm.ssh @vm.ssh end should "use the same value once its loaded" do result = @vm.ssh assert_equal result, @vm.ssh end end context "loading associated system" do should "error and exit if system is not specified" do @vm.env.config.vm.system = nil @vm.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:system_unspecified).once @vm.load_system! end context "with a class" do class FakeSystemClass def initialize(vm); end end should "initialize class if given" do @vm.env.config.vm.system = Vagrant::Systems::Linux @vm.expects(:error_and_exit).never @vm.load_system! assert @vm.system.is_a?(Vagrant::Systems::Linux) end should "error and exit if class has invalid parent" do @vm.env.config.vm.system = FakeSystemClass @vm.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:system_invalid_class, :system => @vm.env.config.vm.system.to_s).once @vm.load_system! end end context "with a symbol" do should "initialize proper symbols" do valid = { :linux => Vagrant::Systems::Linux } valid.each do |symbol, klass| @vm.env.config.vm.system = symbol @vm.expects(:error_and_exit).never @vm.load_system! assert @vm.system.is_a?(klass) assert_equal @vm, @vm.system.vm end end should "error and exit with invalid symbol" do @vm.env.config.vm.system = :shall_never_exist @vm.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:system_unknown_type, :system => @vm.env.config.vm.system.to_s).once @vm.load_system! end end end context "uuid" do should "call UUID on VM object" do uuid = mock("uuid") @mock_vm.expects(:uuid).once.returns(uuid) assert_equal uuid, @vm.uuid end should "return nil if vm is nil" do @vm.expects(:vm).returns(nil) assert @vm.uuid.nil? end end context "reloading" do should "load the same VM and set it" do new_vm = mock("vm") VirtualBox::VM.expects(:find).with(@mock_vm.uuid).returns(new_vm) @vm.reload! assert_equal new_vm, @vm.vm end end context "packaging" do should "queue up the actions and execute" do action_seq = sequence("action_seq") @vm.expects(:add_action).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Export, nil).once.in_sequence(action_seq) @vm.expects(:add_action).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Package, nil).once.in_sequence(action_seq) @vm.expects(:execute!).in_sequence(action_seq) @vm.package end end context "upping" do should "execute the up action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Up, nil).once @vm.up end end context "halting" do should "execute the halt action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Halt, nil).once @vm.halt end should "force if specified" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Halt, {:foo => :bar}).once @vm.halt({:foo => :bar}) end end context "reloading action" do should "execute the reload action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Reload).once @vm.reload end end context "provisioning" do should "execute the provision action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Provision).once @vm.provision end end context "destroying" do should "execute the down action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Down).once @vm.destroy end end context "suspending" do should "execute the suspend action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Suspend).once @vm.suspend end end context "resuming" do should "execute the resume action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Resume).once @vm.resume end end context "starting" do setup do @mock_vm.stubs(:running?).returns(false) end should "not do anything if the VM is already running" do @mock_vm.stubs(:running?).returns(true) @vm.expects(:execute!).never @vm.start end should "execute the start action" do @vm.expects(:execute!).once.with(Vagrant::Actions::VM::Start) @vm.start end end end end