# frozen_string_literal: true shared_examples "comments" do let!(:organization) { create(:organization) } let!(:user) { create(:user, :confirmed, organization: organization) } let!(:comments) { create_list(:comment, 3, commentable: commentable) } before do switch_to_host(organization.host) end it "shows the list of comments for the resorce" do visit resource_path expect(page).to have_selector("#comments") expect(page).to have_selector("article.comment", count: comments.length) within "#comments" do comments.each do |comment| expect(page).to have_content comment.author.name expect(page).to have_content comment.body end end end it "allows user to sort the comments" do comment = create(:comment, commentable: commentable, body: "Most Rated Comment") create(:comment_vote, comment: comment, author: user, weight: 1) visit resource_path within ".order-by" do page.find(".dropdown.menu .is-dropdown-submenu-parent").hover end click_link "Best rated" within "#comments" do expect(page.find(".comment", match: :first)).to have_content "Most Rated Comment" end end context "when not authenticated" do it "does not show form to add comments to user" do visit resource_path expect(page).to have_no_selector(".add-comment form") end end context "when authenticated" do before do login_as user, scope: :user visit resource_path end it "shows form to add comments to user" do expect(page).to have_selector(".add-comment form") end context "when user adds a new comment" do before do within ".add-comment form" do fill_in "add-comment-#{commentable.commentable_type}-#{commentable.id}", with: "This is a new comment" click_button "Send" end end it "shows comment to the user" do expect(page).to have_comment_from(user, "This is a new comment") end end context "when the user has verified organizations" do let(:user_group) { create(:user_group, :verified) } before do create(:user_group_membership, user: user, user_group: user_group) end it "adds new comment as a user group" do visit resource_path expect(page).to have_selector(".add-comment form") within ".add-comment form" do fill_in "add-comment-#{commentable.commentable_type}-#{commentable.id}", with: "This is a new comment" select user_group.name, from: "Comment as" click_button "Send" end expect(page).to have_comment_from(user_group, "This is a new comment") end end context "when a user replies to a comment" do let!(:comment_author) { create(:user, :confirmed, organization: organization) } let!(:comment) { create(:comment, commentable: commentable, author: comment_author) } before do visit resource_path expect(page).to have_selector(".comment__reply") within "#comments #comment_#{comment.id}" do click_button "Reply" fill_in "add-comment-Decidim::Comments::Comment-#{comment.id}", with: "This is a reply" click_button "Send" end end it "shows reply to the user" do expect(page).to have_reply_to(comment, "This is a reply") end end describe "arguable option" do context "commenting with alignment" do before do visit resource_path expect(page).to have_selector(".add-comment form") end it "works according to the setting in the commentable" do if commentable.comments_have_alignment? page.find(".opinion-toggle--ok").click within ".add-comment form" do fill_in "add-comment-#{commentable.commentable_type}-#{commentable.id}", with: "I am in favor about this!" click_button "Send" end within "#comments" do expect(page).to have_selector "span.success.label", text: "In favor" end else expect(page).to have_no_selector(".opinion-toggle--ok") end end end end describe "votable option" do before do visit resource_path end context "upvoting a comment" do it "works according to the setting in the commentable" do within "#comment_#{comments[0].id}" do if commentable.comments_have_votes? expect(page).to have_selector(".comment__votes--up", text: /0/) page.find(".comment__votes--up").click expect(page).to have_selector(".comment__votes--up", text: /1/) else expect(page).to have_no_selector(".comment__votes--up", text: /0/) end end end end context "downvoting a comment" do it "works according to the setting in the commentable" do within "#comment_#{comments[0].id}" do if commentable.comments_have_votes? expect(page).to have_selector(".comment__votes--down", text: /0/) page.find(".comment__votes--down").click expect(page).to have_selector(".comment__votes--down", text: /1/) else expect(page).to have_no_selector(".comment__votes--down", text: /0/) end end end end end end end