# Liste - Helpful reminders in the comfort of your terminal ## What's this? Liste is for those who have short-term memory and those who need constant reminders. It provides a simple interface for your own system of notes and reminders. ## Installation It doesn't get that much easier than this: + `sudo gem install liste` Download & install via RubyGems + `printf "\nliste login" >> ~/.bashrc` If you want the custom login messages option + `liste` Do this on first run to initialize the list file ## Usage Liste is not hard to use either, running `liste` by itself will display your todo list. ### Add to your todo list `liste "Any content goes here"` Pretty simple huh? That will add "Any content goes here" to your todo list. Important: *Be sure to have some sort of whitespace in the content, or it will not be added correctly.* ### Have custom login messages Add to your terminal login messages list with: `liste .login "My login reminder"` As soon as you login (open a new terminal window), you will see this : ``` Your tasks... • My login reminder you@host:~$ ``` ### Create and add to any other list If you think that a 'login' and 'todo' list isn't enough, you can make a new list: `liste .anylistname "Content to add to your custom list"` To view this new list (this is sort of important), you can use `disp` like so: `liste .anylistname disp` Note: Although it's possible to have spaces in your list name (`liste ".spaces in this list name" "This list has spaces"`), you would have to put quotes around the name, so it's clumsy and not recommended. ### Other usage help Run `liste help` for more complete usage instructions. ## Contribute The feature you want isn't going to come out of nowhere 1. [Fork the project](https://github.com/wlib/liste/fork) 2. Create your feature branch `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 3. Commit your changes `git commit -am 'I added an awesome feature'` 4. Push to the branch `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Create a new Pull Request on github + [Daniel Ethridge](https://wlib.github.io) - author + [You](https://yourwebsite.com) - helped add...