#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../ruby_lib/ebb' require 'optparse' require 'rubygems' require 'rack' module Rack module Adapter autoload :Rails, Ebb::LIBDIR + '/rack/adapter/rails' end end options = { :root => Dir.pwd, :env => 'development', :hort => '', :port => 3000, :timeout => 60, :log_file => 'log/ebb.log', :pid_file => 'tmp/pids/ebb.pid' } opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: ebb_rails [options] start|stop" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Server options:" opts.on("-s", "--socket SOCKET", "listen on socket") { |socket| options[:socket] = socket } opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", "use PORT (default: 3000)") { |port| options[:port] = port } opts.on("-e", "--env ENV", "Rails environment (default: development)") { |env| options[:env] = env } opts.on("-c", "--chdir PATH", "Rails root dir (default: current dir)") { |dir| options[:root] = dir } opts.on("-d", "--daemonize", "Daemonize") { options[:daemonize] = true } opts.on("-l", "--log-file FILE", "File to redirect output", "(default: #{options[:log_file]})") { |file| options[:log_file] = file } opts.on("-P", "--pid-file FILE", "File to store PID", "(default: #{options[:pid_file]})") { |file| options[:pid_file] = file } opts.on("-t", "--timeout SEC", "Request or command timeout in sec", "(default: #{options[:timeout]})") { |sec| options[:timeout] = sec; raise NotImplementedError } # TODO: fix me opts.on("-u", "--user NAME", "User to run daemon as (use with -g)") { |user| options[:user] = user } opts.on("-g", "--group NAME", "Group to run daemon as (use with -u)") { |group| options[:group] = group } opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', "Show version") do puts "Ebb #{Ebb::VERSION}" exit end opts.parse! ARGV end case ARGV[0] when 'start' app = Rack::Adapter::Rails.new(options) server = Ebb::Server.new(app, options) server.pid_file = options[:pid_file] server.log_file = options[:log_file] # server.timeout = options[:timeout] if options[:daemonize] server.change_privilege options[:user], options[:group] if options[:user] && options[:group] server.daemonize end server.start when 'stop' Ebb::Server.kill options[:pid_file], options[:timeout] when nil puts "Command required" puts opts exit 1 else abort "Invalid command : #{ARGV[0]}" end