en: activerecord: attributes: renalware/transplants/recipient_operation: cold_ischaemic_time: Cold Ischaemic Time (seconds) cold_ischaemic_time_formatted: Cold Ischaemic Time donor_kidney_removed_from_ice_at: Donor Kidney Removed From Ice At kidney_perfused_with_blood_at: Kidney Perfused With Blood At hospital_centre: Transplant Site hospital_id: Transplant Site notes: Notes operation_type: Operation Type performed_on: Operation Date theatre_case_start_time: Theatre Case Start Time warm_ischaemic_time: Warm Ischaemic Time (seconds) warm_ischaemic_time_formatted: Warm Ischaemic Time recipient_age_at_operation: Age activemodel: attributes: renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/recipient: blood_group: Blood Group cmv_status: CMV Status last_dialysis_on: Last Dialysis Date operation_number: Transplant Operation No renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/donor: age: Age asystolic: Asystolic blood_group: Blood Group blood_group_rhesus: Blood Group Rhesus cmv_status: CMV Status ethnic_category: Ethnic Category gender: Gender hla: HLA hla_mismatch: HLA Mismatch kidney_side: Kidney Side kidney_weight: Kidney Weight (g) organ_donor_register_checked: Organ Donor Register Checked type: Donor Type ukt_donor_number: UKT Donor Number ukt_notified_at: Date/time notified to UKT renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/cadaveric_donor: cadaveric_donor_type: Cadaveric Donor Type death_certified_at: Date and Time of Certification of Death ukt_cause_of_death: UKT Donor's Cause of Death ukt_cause_of_death_other: UKT Donor's Cause of Death (other) renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/donor_specific_antibodies: notes: Notes results: Results tested_on: Test Date renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/bk_virus: notes: Notes results: Results tested_on: Test Date renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/outcome: failed_on: Failure Date failure_cause: Failure Cause failure_description: Failure Description stent_removed_on: Stent Removal Date transplant_failed: Transplant failed? enumerize: renalware/transplants/recipient_operation: operation_type: kidney: Kidney only kidney_dual: Kidney only - dual kidney_pancreas: Kidney and pancreas pancreas: Pancreas only kidney_liver: Kidney and liver liver: Liver only renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/donor: type: live_related: Live related cadaver: Cadaver non_heart_beating: NHB live_unrelated: Live unrelated relationship: sibling: Sibling father: Father mother: Mother child: Child other: Other ethnic_category: white: "White" black_caribbean: "Black Caribbean" black_african: "Black African" black_other_non_mixed_origin: "Black / other / non-mixed origin" black_british: "Black British" black_north_african: "Black North African" black_other_african_country: "Black – other African country" black_east_african_asian: "Black East African Asian" black_indian_sub_continent: "Black Indian sub-continent" black_other_asian: "Black – other Asian" black_black_other: "Black Black - other" black_other_mixed: "Black – other / mixed" other_black_black_white_orig: "Other Black - Black/White orig" other_black_black_asian_orig: "Other Black - Black/Asian orig" indian: "Indian" pakistani: "Pakistani" bangladeshi: "Bangladeshi" chinese: "Chinese" other_ethnic_non_mixed: "Other ethnic non-mixed (NMO)" brit_ethnic_minor_spec: "Brit. ethnic minor. spec.(NMO)" caribbean_island: "Caribbean Island (NMO)" north_african_arab: "North African Arab (NMO)" other_african_countries: "Other African countries (NMO)" east_african_asian: "East African Asian (NMO)" indian_sub_continent: "Indian sub-continent (NMO)" other_asian: "Other Asian (NMO)" irish: "Irish (NMO)" greek_cypriot: "Greek Cypriot (NMO)" turkish_cypriot: "Turkish Cypriot (NMO)" other_european: "Other European (NMO)" other_ethnic_nec: "Other ethnic NEC (NMO)" other_ethnic_mixed_origin: "Other ethnic / mixed origin" other_ethnic_black_white_orig: "Other ethnic / Black/White orig" other_ethnic_asian_white_orig: "Other ethnic / Asian/White orig" other_ethnic_mixed_white_orig: "Other ethnic / mixed white orig" other_ethnic_other_mixed_orig: "Other ethnic / other mixed orig" renalware/transplants/recipient_operation_document/cadaveric_donor: cadaveric_donor_type: heart_beating: Heart Beating non_heart_beating: Non-Heart Beating domino: Domino ukt_cause_of_death: acute_blood_loss: "Acute blood loss/hypovolaemia" alcohol_poisoning: "Alcohol poisoning" aneurysm: "Aneurysm" asthma: "Asthma" brain_tumour: "Brain tumour" cancer: "Cancer (other than brain tumour)" carbon_monoxide_poisoning: "Carbon monoxide poisoning" cardiac_arret: "Cardiac arrest" cardiovascular_unclassified: "Cardiovascular - type unclassified" chronic_pulmonary_disease: "Chronic pulmonary disease" congestive_heart_failure: "Congestive heart failure" hypoxic_brain_damage: "Hypoxic brain damage - all causes" infections_unclassified: "Infections - type unclassified" intracranial_haemorrhage: "Intracranial haemorrhage" intracranial_thrombosis: "Intracranial thrombosis" intracranial_unclassidied: "Intracranial - type unclassified (CVA)" ischaemic_heart_disease: "Ischaemic heart disease" liver_failure: "Liver failure (not self-poisoning)" meningitis: "Meningitis" multi_organ_failure: "Multi-organ failure" myocardial_infarction: "Myocardial infarction" other: "Other, please specify" other_drug_overdose: "Other drug overdose, please specify" other_trauma_accident: "Other trauma - accident" other_trauma_suicide: "Other trauma - known or suspected suicide" other_trauma_unknown: "Other trauma - unknown cause" paracetamol_overdose: "Paracetamol overdose" pneumonia: "Pneumonia" pulmonary_embolism: "Pulmonary embolism" renal_failure: "Renal failure" respiratory_failure: "Respiratory failure" respiratory_unclassified: "Respiratory - type unclassified (inc smoke inhalation)" self_poisoning_unclassified: "Self-poisoning - type unclassified" septicaemia: "Septicaemia" sudden_infant_death_syndrome: "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)" trauma_rta_car: "Trauma RTA - car" trauma_rta_motorbike: "Trauma RTA - motorbike" trauma_rta_pedestrian: "Trauma RTA - pedestrian" trauma_rta_pushbike: "Trauma RTA - pushbike" trauma_rta_unknown: "Trauma RTA - unknown type" unknown: "Unknown" simple_form: hints: transplants_recipient_operation: cold_ischaemic_time_formatted: hh:mm warm_ischaemic_time_formatted: minutes