 * RangeUtils.js
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
 * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
 * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing

 * This class contains a few utility methods for ranges.
 * @class tinymce.dom.RangeUtils
define("tinymce/dom/RangeUtils", [
], function(Tools, TreeWalker, NodeType, CaretContainer) {
	var each = Tools.each,
		isContentEditableFalse = NodeType.isContentEditableFalse,
		isCaretContainer = CaretContainer.isCaretContainer;

	function getEndChild(container, index) {
		var childNodes = container.childNodes;


		if (index > childNodes.length - 1) {
			index = childNodes.length - 1;
		} else if (index < 0) {
			index = 0;

		return childNodes[index] || container;

	function RangeUtils(dom) {
		 * Walks the specified range like object and executes the callback for each sibling collection it finds.
		 * @private
		 * @method walk
		 * @param {Object} rng Range like object.
		 * @param {function} callback Callback function to execute for each sibling collection.
		this.walk = function(rng, callback) {
			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
				endOffset = rng.endOffset,
				ancestor, startPoint,
				endPoint, node, parent, siblings, nodes;

			// Handle table cell selection the table plugin enables
			// you to fake select table cells and perform formatting actions on them
			nodes = dom.select('td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]');
			if (nodes.length > 0) {
				each(nodes, function(node) {


			 * Excludes start/end text node if they are out side the range
			 * @private
			 * @param {Array} nodes Nodes to exclude items from.
			 * @return {Array} Array with nodes excluding the start/end container if needed.
			function exclude(nodes) {
				var node;

				// First node is excluded
				node = nodes[0];
				if (node.nodeType === 3 && node === startContainer && startOffset >= node.nodeValue.length) {
					nodes.splice(0, 1);

				// Last node is excluded
				node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
				if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && node === endContainer && node.nodeType === 3) {
					nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);

				return nodes;

			 * Collects siblings
			 * @private
			 * @param {Node} node Node to collect siblings from.
			 * @param {String} name Name of the sibling to check for.
			 * @param {Node} end_node
			 * @return {Array} Array of collected siblings.
			function collectSiblings(node, name, end_node) {
				var siblings = [];

				for (; node && node != end_node; node = node[name]) {

				return siblings;

			 * Find an end point this is the node just before the common ancestor root.
			 * @private
			 * @param {Node} node Node to start at.
			 * @param {Node} root Root/ancestor element to stop just before.
			 * @return {Node} Node just before the root element.
			function findEndPoint(node, root) {
				do {
					if (node.parentNode == root) {
						return node;

					node = node.parentNode;
				} while (node);

			function walkBoundary(start_node, end_node, next) {
				var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';

				for (node = start_node, parent = node.parentNode; node && node != end_node; node = parent) {
					parent = node.parentNode;
					siblings = collectSiblings(node == start_node ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);

					if (siblings.length) {
						if (!next) {


			// If index based start position then resolve it
			if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
				startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];

			// If index based end position then resolve it
			if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
				endContainer = getEndChild(endContainer, endOffset);

			// Same container
			if (startContainer == endContainer) {
				return callback(exclude([startContainer]));

			// Find common ancestor and end points
			ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);

			// Process left side
			for (node = startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
				if (node === endContainer) {
					return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);

				if (node === ancestor) {

			// Process right side
			for (node = endContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) {
				if (node === startContainer) {
					return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);

				if (node === ancestor) {

			// Find start/end point
			startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
			endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;

			// Walk left leaf
			walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);

			// Walk the middle from start to end point
			siblings = collectSiblings(
				startPoint == startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling,
				endPoint == endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint

			if (siblings.length) {

			// Walk right leaf
			walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);

		 * Splits the specified range at it's start/end points.
		 * @private
		 * @param {Range/RangeObject} rng Range to split.
		 * @return {Object} Range position object.
		this.split = function(rng) {
			var startContainer = rng.startContainer,
				startOffset = rng.startOffset,
				endContainer = rng.endContainer,
				endOffset = rng.endOffset;

			function splitText(node, offset) {
				return node.splitText(offset);

			// Handle single text node
			if (startContainer == endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
				if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
					endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
					startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;

					if (endOffset > startOffset) {
						endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
						startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
						endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
						startOffset = 0;
					} else {
						endOffset = 0;
			} else {
				// Split startContainer text node if needed
				if (startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
					startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
					startOffset = 0;

				// Split endContainer text node if needed
				if (endContainer.nodeType == 3 && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
					endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
					endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;

			return {
				startContainer: startContainer,
				startOffset: startOffset,
				endContainer: endContainer,
				endOffset: endOffset

		 * Normalizes the specified range by finding the closest best suitable caret location.
		 * @private
		 * @param {Range} rng Range to normalize.
		 * @return {Boolean} True/false if the specified range was normalized or not.
		this.normalize = function(rng) {
			var normalized, collapsed;

			function normalizeEndPoint(start) {
				var container, offset, walker, body = dom.getRoot(), node, nonEmptyElementsMap;
				var directionLeft, isAfterNode;

				function isTableCell(node) {
					return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName);

				function hasBrBeforeAfter(node, left) {
					var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body);

					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
						if (node.nodeName === "BR") {
							return true;

				function hasContentEditableFalseParent(node) {
					while (node && node != body) {
						if (isContentEditableFalse(node)) {
							return true;

						node = node.parentNode;

					return false;

				function isPrevNode(node, name) {
					return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName == name;

				// Walks the dom left/right to find a suitable text node to move the endpoint into
				// It will only walk within the current parent block or body and will stop if it hits a block or a BR/IMG
				function findTextNodeRelative(left, startNode) {
					var walker, lastInlineElement, parentBlockContainer;

					startNode = startNode || container;
					parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;

					// Lean left before the BR element if it's the only BR within a block element. Gecko bug: #6680
					// This: <p><br>|</p> becomes <p>|<br></p>
					if (left && startNode.nodeName == 'BR' && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
						container = startNode.parentNode;
						offset = dom.nodeIndex(startNode);
						normalized = true;

					// Walk left until we hit a text node we can move to or a block/br/img
					walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
					while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) {
						// Break if we hit a non content editable node
						if (dom.getContentEditableParent(node) === "false" || isCaretContainer(node)) {

						// Found text node that has a length
						if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
							container = node;
							offset = left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0;
							normalized = true;

						// Break if we find a block or a BR/IMG/INPUT etc
						if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {

						lastInlineElement = node;

					// Only fetch the last inline element when in caret mode for now
					if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
						container = lastInlineElement;
						normalized = true;
						offset = 0;

				container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
				offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
				isAfterNode = container.nodeType == 1 && offset === container.childNodes.length;
				nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
				directionLeft = start;

				if (isCaretContainer(container)) {

				if (container.nodeType == 1 && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
					directionLeft = false;

				// If the container is a document move it to the body element
				if (container.nodeType === 9) {
					container = dom.getRoot();
					offset = 0;

				// If the container is body try move it into the closest text node or position
				if (container === body) {
					// If start is before/after a image, table etc
					if (directionLeft) {
						node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
						if (node) {
							if (isCaretContainer(node)) {

							if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || node.nodeName == "TABLE") {

					// Resolve the index
					if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
						offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
						container = container.childNodes[offset];
						offset = 0;

						if (hasContentEditableFalseParent(container) || isCaretContainer(container)) {

						// Don't walk into elements that doesn't have any child nodes like a IMG
						if (container.hasChildNodes() && !/TABLE/.test(container.nodeName)) {
							// Walk the DOM to find a text node to place the caret at or a BR
							node = container;
							walker = new TreeWalker(container, body);

							do {
								if (isContentEditableFalse(node) || isCaretContainer(node)) {
									normalized = false;

								// Found a text node use that position
								if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
									offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length;
									container = node;
									normalized = true;

								// Found a BR/IMG element that we can place the caret before
								if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && !isTableCell(node)) {
									offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
									container = node.parentNode;

									// Put caret after image when moving the end point
									if (node.nodeName == "IMG" && !directionLeft) {

									normalized = true;
							} while ((node = (directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev())));

				// Lean the caret to the left if possible
				if (collapsed) {
					// So this: <b>x</b><i>|x</i>
					// Becomes: <b>x|</b><i>x</i>
					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this
					if (container.nodeType === 3 && offset === 0) {

					// Lean left into empty inline elements when the caret is before a BR
					// So this: <i><b></b><i>|<br></i>
					// Becomes: <i><b>|</b><i><br></i>
					// Seems that only gecko has issues with this.
					// Special edge case for <p><a>x</a>|<br></p> since we don't want <p><a>x|</a><br></p>
					if (container.nodeType === 1) {
						node = container.childNodes[offset];

						// Offset is after the containers last child
						// then use the previous child for normalization
						if (!node) {
							node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];

						if (node && node.nodeName === 'BR' && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') &&
							!hasBrBeforeAfter(node) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(node, true)) {
							findTextNodeRelative(true, node);

				// Lean the start of the selection right if possible
				// So this: x[<b>x]</b>
				// Becomes: x<b>[x]</b>
				if (directionLeft && !collapsed && container.nodeType === 3 && offset === container.nodeValue.length) {

				// Set endpoint if it was normalized
				if (normalized) {
					rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);

			collapsed = rng.collapsed;


			if (!collapsed) {

			// If it was collapsed then make sure it still is
			if (normalized && collapsed) {

			return normalized;

	 * Compares two ranges and checks if they are equal.
	 * @static
	 * @method compareRanges
	 * @param {DOMRange} rng1 First range to compare.
	 * @param {DOMRange} rng2 First range to compare.
	 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the ranges are equal.
	RangeUtils.compareRanges = function(rng1, rng2) {
		if (rng1 && rng2) {
			// Compare native IE ranges
			if (rng1.item || rng1.duplicate) {
				// Both are control ranges and the selected element matches
				if (rng1.item && rng2.item && rng1.item(0) === rng2.item(0)) {
					return true;

				// Both are text ranges and the range matches
				if (rng1.isEqual && rng2.isEqual && rng2.isEqual(rng1)) {
					return true;
			} else {
				// Compare w3c ranges
				return rng1.startContainer == rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset == rng2.startOffset;

		return false;

	 * Finds the closest selection rect tries to get the range from that.
	function findClosestIeRange(clientX, clientY, doc) {
		var element, rng, rects;

		element = doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
		rng = doc.body.createTextRange();

		if (element.tagName == 'HTML') {
			element = doc.body;

		rects = Tools.toArray(rng.getClientRects());

		rects = rects.sort(function(a, b) {
			a = Math.abs(Math.max(a.top - clientY, a.bottom - clientY));
			b = Math.abs(Math.max(b.top - clientY, b.bottom - clientY));

			return a - b;

		if (rects.length > 0) {
			clientY = (rects[0].bottom + rects[0].top) / 2;

			try {
				rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY);

				return rng;
			} catch (ex) {
				// At least we tried

		return null;

	 * Gets the caret range for the given x/y location.
	 * @static
	 * @method getCaretRangeFromPoint
	 * @param {Number} clientX X coordinate for range
	 * @param {Number} clientY Y coordinate for range
	 * @param {Document} doc Document that x/y are relative to
	 * @returns {Range} caret range
	RangeUtils.getCaretRangeFromPoint = function(clientX, clientY, doc) {
		var rng, point;

		if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) {
			point = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
			rng = doc.createRange();
			rng.setStart(point.offsetNode, point.offset);
		} else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
			rng = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
		} else if (doc.body.createTextRange) {
			rng = doc.body.createTextRange();

			try {
				rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY);
			} catch (ex) {
				rng = findClosestIeRange(clientX, clientY, doc);

		return rng;

	RangeUtils.getSelectedNode = function(range) {
		var startContainer = range.startContainer,
			startOffset = range.startOffset;

		if (startContainer.hasChildNodes() && range.endOffset == startOffset + 1) {
			return startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];

		return null;

	RangeUtils.getNode = function(container, offset) {
		if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
			if (offset >= container.childNodes.length) {
				offset = container.childNodes.length - 1;

			container = container.childNodes[offset];

		return container;

	return RangeUtils;