define("dojox/mobile/ValuePickerTimePicker", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-class", "./_TimePickerMixin", "./ToolBarButton", "./ValuePicker", "./ValuePickerSlot" ], function(declare, domClass, TimePickerMixin, ToolBarButton, ValuePicker, ValuePickerSlot){ // module: // dojox/mobile/ValuePickerTimePicker // summary: // A ValuePicker-based time picker widget. return declare("", [ValuePicker, TimePickerMixin], { // summary: // A ValuePicker-based time picker widget. // description: // ValuePickerTimePicker is a time picker widget. It is a subclass of // It has two slots: hour and minute. // readOnly: Boolean // If true, slot input fields are read-only. Only the plus and // minus buttons can be used to change the values. readOnly: false, // is24h: Boolean // If true, the time is displayed in 24h format. // Otherwise, displayed in AM/PM mode. is24h: false, // values: Array // The time value, as an array in 24h format: [hour24, minute] (ex. ["22","06"]). // Warning: Do not use this property directly, make sure to call set() or get() methods. /*===== values: null, =====*/ // values12: Array // The time value, as an array in 12h format: [hour12, minute, ampm] (ex. ["10","06","PM"]). // Warning: Do not use this property directly, make sure to call set() or get() methods. /*===== values12: null, =====*/ slotClasses: [ ValuePickerSlot, ValuePickerSlot ], slotProps: [ {labelFrom:0, labelTo:23, style:{width:"72px"}}, {labelFrom:0, labelTo:59, zeroPad:2, style:{width:"72px"}} ], buildRendering: function(){ var p = this.slotProps; p[0].readOnly = p[1].readOnly = this.readOnly; this.inherited(arguments); var items = this.slots[0].items; this._zero = items.slice(0, 1); this._pm = items.slice(13); domClass.add(this.domNode, "mblValuePickerTimePicker"); domClass.add(this.slots[0].domNode, "mblValuePickerTimePickerHourSlot"); domClass.add(this.slots[1].domNode, "mblValuePickerTimePickerMinuteSlot"); this.ampmButton = new ToolBarButton(); this.addChild(this.ampmButton); this._conn = [ this.connect(this.ampmButton, "onClick", "onBtnClick") ]; this.set("is24h", this.is24h); }, to12h: function(a){ // summary: // Converts a 24h time to a 12h time. // a: Array // [hour24, minute] (ex. ["22","06"]) // returns: Array // [hour12, minute, ampm] (ex. ["10","06","PM"]) // tags: // private var h = a[0] - 0; var ampm = h < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; if(h == 0){ h = 12; }else if(h > 12){ h = h - 12; } return [h + "", a[1], ampm]; // [hour12, minute, ampm] }, to24h: function(a){ // summary: // Converts a 12h time to a 24h time. // a: Array // [hour12, minute, ampm] (ex. ["10","06","PM"]) // returns: Array // [hour24, minute] (ex. ["22","06"]) // tags: // private var h = a[0] - 0; if(a[2] == "AM"){ h = h == 12 ? 0 : h; // 12AM is 0h }else{ h = h == 12 ? h : h + 12; // 12PM is 12h } return [h + "", a[1]]; // [hour24, minute] }, onBtnClick: function(e){ // summary: // The handler for the AM/PM button. var ampm = this.ampmButton.get("label") == "AM" ? "PM" : "AM"; var v = this.get("values12"); v[2] = ampm; this.set("values12", v); }, _setIs24hAttr: function(/*Boolean*/is24h){ // summary: // Changes the time display mode, 24h or 12h. var items = this.slots[0].items; if(is24h && items.length != 24){ // 24h: 0 - 23 this.slots[0].items = this._zero.concat(items).concat(this._pm); }else if(!is24h && items.length != 12){ // 12h: 1 - 12 items.splice(0, 1); items.splice(12); } var v = this.get("values"); this._set("is24h", is24h); = is24h ? "none" : ""; this.set("values", v); }, _getValuesAttr: function(){ // summary: // Returns an array of hour and minute in 24h format. var v = this.inherited(arguments); // [hour, minute] return this.is24h ? v : this.to24h([v[0], v[1], this.ampmButton.get("label")]); }, _setValuesAttr: function(/*Array*/values){ // summary: // Sets an array of hour and minute in 24h format. // values: // [hour24, minute] (ex. ["22","06"]) if(this.is24h){ this.inherited(arguments); }else{ values = this.to12h(values); this.ampmButton.set("label", values[2]); this.inherited(arguments); } }, _getValues12Attr: function(){ // summary: // Returns an array of hour and minute in 12h format. return this.to12h(this._getValuesAttr()); }, _setValues12Attr: function(/*Array*/values){ // summary: // Sets an array of hour and minute in 12h format. // values: // [hour12, minute, ampm] (ex. ["10","06","PM"]) this.set("values", this.to24h(values)); } }); });