shared_examples 'it has linked contributors' do describe "nested contributors" do describe "without any creator" do it "should have an error" do subject.should_not be_valid subject.errors[:contributors].should == ["Your #{subject.human_readable_type.downcase} must have #{subject.indefinite_article} #{subject.contributor_label.downcase}."] end end describe "when nested attributes are set" do it "should create a new person" do expect {subject.contributors_attributes = [{name: 'Gaius Marius', id: ''}, {name: 'Marcus Junius Brutus', id: ''}, {name: '', id: ''}]}.to change{Person.count}.by(2) expect(subject.contributors.size).to eq 2 expect( eq 'Gaius Marius' expect( eq 'Marcus Junius Brutus' end describe "when an exising person is specified" do let(:person1) { Person.create} let(:person2) { Person.create} before { subject.contributors = [person1] } after do person1.destroy person2.destroy end it "should attach that person" do subject.contributors_attributes = [{id: }] subject.contributors.should == [person1, person2] end end end describe "when the object has a couple of contributors" do let(:person1) { FactoryGirl.create(:person) } let(:person2) { FactoryGirl.create(:person) } before { subject.contributors << person1 << person2 } after do person1.destroy person2.destroy end describe "setting the destroy bit in the contributors_attributes" do it "should remove an existing person" do subject.contributors_attributes = [{id:, _destroy: true }] subject.contributors.should == [person2] Person.find( be_nil end end describe "the solr document" do let(:solr_doc) { subject.to_solr } it "should include the contributors names" do solr_doc['desc_metadata__contributor_tesim'].should == [,] end end end end end