# frozen_string_literal: true require "action_policy/behaviours/policy_for" require "action_policy/policy/execution_result" require "action_policy/utils/suggest_message" require "action_policy/utils/pretty_print" unless "".respond_to?(:underscore) require "action_policy/ext/string_underscore" using ActionPolicy::Ext::StringUnderscore end module ActionPolicy using RubyNext # Raised when `resolve_rule` failed to find an approriate # policy rule method for the activity class UnknownRule < Error include ActionPolicy::SuggestMessage attr_reader :policy, :rule, :message def initialize(policy, rule) @policy = policy.class @rule = rule @message = "Couldn't find rule '#{@rule}' for #{@policy}" \ "#{suggest(@rule, @policy.instance_methods - Object.instance_methods)}" end end class NonPredicateRule < UnknownRule def initialize(policy, rule) @policy = policy.class @rule = rule @message = "The rule '#{@rule}' of '#{@policy}' must ends with ? (question mark)\nDid you mean? #{@rule}?" end end module Policy # Core policy API module Core class << self def included(base) base.extend ClassMethods # Generate a new class for each _policy chain_ # in order to extend it independently base.module_eval do @result_class = Class.new(ExecutionResult) # we need to make this class _named_, # 'cause anonymous classes couldn't be marshalled base.const_set(:APR, @result_class) end end end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: attr_writer :identifier def result_class return @result_class if instance_variable_defined?(:@result_class) @result_class = superclass.result_class end def identifier return @identifier if instance_variable_defined?(:@identifier) @identifier = name.sub(/Policy$/, "").underscore.to_sym end end include ActionPolicy::Behaviours::PolicyFor attr_reader :record, :result # NEXT_RELEASE: deprecate `record` arg, migrate to `record: nil` def initialize(record = nil, *__rest__) @record = record end # Returns a result of applying the specified rule (true of false). # Unlike simply calling a predicate rule (`policy.manage?`), # `apply` also calls pre-checks. def apply(rule) @result = self.class.result_class.new(self.class, rule) catch :policy_fulfilled do result.load __apply__(resolve_rule(rule)) end result.value end def deny! result&.load false throw :policy_fulfilled end def allow! result&.load true throw :policy_fulfilled end # This method performs the rule call. # Override or extend it to provide custom functionality # (such as caching, pre checks, etc.) def __apply__(rule) = public_send(rule) # Wrap code that could modify result # to prevent the current result modification def with_clean_result # :nodoc: was_result = @result yield @result ensure @result = was_result end # Returns a result of applying the specified rule to the specified record. # Under the hood a policy class for record is resolved # (unless it's explicitly set through `with` option). # # If record is `nil` then we uses the current policy. def allowed_to?(rule, record = :__undef__, **options) if (record == :__undef__ || record == self.record) && options.empty? __apply__(resolve_rule(rule)) else policy_for(record: record, **options).then do |policy| policy.apply(policy.resolve_rule(rule)) end end end # An alias for readability purposes def check?(*args, **hargs) = allowed_to?(*args, **hargs) # Returns a rule name (policy method name) for activity. # # By default, rule name is equal to activity name. # # Raises ActionPolicy::UnknownRule when rule is not found in policy. def resolve_rule(activity) raise UnknownRule.new(self, activity) unless respond_to?(activity) activity end # Return annotated source code for the rule # NOTE: require "method_source" and "unparser" gems to be installed. # Otherwise returns empty string. def inspect_rule(rule) = PrettyPrint.print_method(self, rule) # Helper for printing the annotated rule source. # Useful for debugging: type `pp :show?` within the context of the policy # to preview the rule. def pp(rule) with_clean_result do # We need result to exist for `allowed_to?` to work correctly @result = self.class.result_class.new(self.class, rule) header = "#{self.class.name}##{rule}" source = inspect_rule(rule) $stdout.puts "#{header}\n#{source}" end end end end end