class IFMWriter EXIT_TEXT = [ '', 'up', 'down', 'in', 'out' ] def link(c) return if @links.include?(c) # already spit out return if c.stub? a = c.roomA return if not a b = c.roomB roomA = @elem[a] roomB = @elem[b] @f.puts @f.print "link #{roomA} to #{roomB}" directions(c, a, b) @f.print ";\n" end def directions(c, a, b) return if c.stub? @links << c if c.gpts.empty? # self connection if a == b idx = c.dirs[0] else # simple connection idx = a.next_to?(b) end dir = ' ' + Room::DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH[idx] else # complex path dir = '' pts = c.gpts.dup x = a.x y = a.y if c.roomA != a pts.reverse! end pts.each { |p| dx, dy = [ p[0] - x, p[1] - y ] idx = Room::vector_to_dir(dx, dy) dir += " #{Room::DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH[idx]}" x = p[0] y = p[1] } dx, dy = [ b.x - x, b.y - y ] idx = Room::vector_to_dir(dx, dy) dir += " #{Room::DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH[idx]}" end @f.print " dir#{dir}" end def get_tag(e, t) return @elem[e] if @elem.has_key?(e) tag = t.dup if RUBY_VERSION < 1.9 utf = 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-8' ) tag = utf.iconv( tag ) else tag = tag.encode( 'utf-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '' ) end tag.gsub!(/[\-\(\s,\.!'&"#$@\/\\\-\)]+/, '_') tag.gsub!(/__/, '') # remove reduntant __ repetitions tag.sub!(/^([\d]+)_?(.*)/, '\2\1') # No numbers allowed at start of tag tagname = tag idx = 2 while @tags.include?(tagname) or tagname.empty? or tagname.size == 1 tagname = tag + '_' + idx.to_s idx += 1 end @tags << tagname @elem[e] = tagname return tagname end # hook up two rooms that are not linked def nolink(a, b) x = a.x y = a.y # find free room exit in a exit = 0 a.exits.each_with_index { |e, idx| next if e exit = idx break } dir = Room::DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH[exit] dx, dy = Room::DIR_TO_VECTOR[exit] x += dx y += dy while x != b.x or y != b.y dx = dy = 0 if b.x > x dx = 1 elsif b.x < x dx = -1 end if b.y > y dy = 1 elsif b.y < y dy = -1 end idx = Room::vector_to_dir(dx, dy) dir += " #{Room::DIRECTIONS[idx]}" x += dx y += dy end @f.print " dir #{dir} nolink" end def room(r) return if @rooms.include?(r) or r == nil @rooms << r tag = get_tag(r, @f.puts @f.print "room \"#{}\" tag #{tag}" if not @link.empty? if @link[3] nolink(@last_room, r) else directions(@link[0], @link[1], @link[2]) if @last_room and @link[1] != @last_room tag = get_tag(@link[1], @link[1].name) @f.print " from #{tag}" end if @link[0].exitAtext != 0 dir = EXIT_TEXT[@link[0].exitAtext] @f.print " go #{dir}" end if @link[0].dir == Connection::AtoB @f.print " oneway" end if @link[0].type == Connection::SPECIAL @f.print " style special" end end end @f.print ";\n" @last_room = r objs = r.objects.split("\n") objs.each { |obj| tag = get_tag(obj, obj) @f.puts "\titem \"#{obj}\" tag #{tag};" } tasks = r.tasks.split("\n") tasks.each { |task| tag = get_tag(task, task) @f.puts "\ttask \"#{task}\" tag #{tag};" } r.exits.each { |c| next if not c or @links.include?(c) if c.roomA == c.roomB # self-link link(c) next end if r == c.roomA @link = [c, c.roomA, c.roomB] room(c.roomB) # Recurse along this branch... else @link = [c, c.roomB, c.roomA] room(c.roomA) # Recurse along this branch... end } end def sections old_section = @map.section @map.sections.each_with_index { |section, idx| @f.puts @f.puts '#' * 79 @f.puts if == '' if @map.sections.size > 1 @f.puts "map \"Section #{idx+1}\";" end else @f.puts "map \"#{}\";" end @map.section = idx @link = [] section.rooms.each { |r| room(r) @link << 'nolink' } section.connections.each { |c| link(c) } } @map.section = old_section end def header @f.puts <<-"HEADER" # # IFM map for #{} # Created by #{@map.creator} # #{} # # Map created using the Interactive Fiction Mapper # (C) 2005 - Gonzalo Garramuno # HEADER if != '' @f.puts "title \"#{}\";\n" end end def export(file) @f =, 'w') header sections @f.close end def initialize(map, file) @link = nil @links = [] @rooms = [] @last_room = nil @tags = [] @elem = {} @map = map export(file) end end